Voltaire's Amazingly Accurate Words about Women and Life | Quotes, aphorisms, wise thoughts

Published 2021-11-12
quotes by Voltaire

All Comments (21)
  • @hotlucky5622
    Voltaire is one of the few who achieved "amused mastery". love his wit
  • "Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats". I like that: sounds like something Bukowski could have written
  • @Shaylok
    My favorite: “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” ~ Voltaire Here and now, we are not allowed to question political correctness.
  • What a gifted man. I have read most of his work. My friends never stop reading because it is a pathway to knowledge that allows us to understand the human experience without doing it.
  • These are profound, emulative and thought provoking to search for the intriguing meaning -very precious quotes
  • @joecaner
    If a lady says no, countless clues have already gone unnoticed or unheeded.
  • "A state can be no better than the citizens of which it is composed" Remember this when you claim that all politicians are corrupt, because politicians come from the people, and if the politicians are corrupt then so are the people.
  • @mjnyc8655
    There's a man who holds a record for hitting the nail on the head with the fewest misses.
  • @monadamus42
    Oh man, I laughed hard at a couple of these. What wit, sick burns, and wisdom. Thank you
  • @phil-sv1on
    You can add this quote by Voltaire: We will leave the world as foolish as we found it
    "That is well said, but we must cultivate our garden." -Candide
  • I like "A mirror is a useless invention. The only way to truely see yourself is in the reflection of someone else's eyes."
  • @Ti5GR
    Keeps me engaged and amused at the same time. Seems the wisdom becomes more and more relevant each day.
  • @GasButin
    Voltaire incredibly insightful this was really good for me to hear.
  • @sophdog1678
    I like the image used of Voltaire - he's looking at us as if to say "Yeah, I said those things - how do you like that huh?"
  • @commoncense838
    "A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire. Ironic how he's still the wittiest sayer of the lot.
  • @mixter7x7
    “ it’s impossible to free men from the chains they revere “