A Medical Professional Speaks: Ppl are Going "No Contact" with their Parents

Published 2023-06-08
A TT user stitched one of my videos to flesh out what she has seen from the perspective of a medical professional. The shift is here. People are guarding their peace.

All Comments (21)
  • I hate it when people tell me that I owe my toxic verbally abusive mother forgiveness because she “took care of me.” That was her job, & I didn’t ask to be brought her. She was nice to everyone except me.
  • I've been working in the medical field since I was 17 years old, as I started as a CNA. One thing I will always remember: The RN that trained us said," Do not be surprised if no one comes when a resident dies. The person we know is not the person the family members know."😌
  • It irks me that people say to children who were abused: “…you only have one mother, one father….yadda yadda yadda…” When my parents were abusing me, they should have known there is only one ME. They chose to abuse, neglect and gaslight me. FCK them. They better call the children (my siblings) that they poured into, cause sure was not me. I spent the first 33 years of my life dazed and confused because of the severe abuse. I am in therapy and finally getting my life back. I moved to another state and I am never going back. Finally I am living my best life without these soul sucking leeches. Prayers to those abused by their parents, such a deep wound to heal.
  • @Bloombaby99
    We really need to have an open and honest conversation about toxic parents in the black community as they are far too common.
  • "I clothed you, fed you, and housed you!" Yeah, the states is obligated to do that for prisoners as well.
  • @tatianaa6833
    "i see more fathers die alone than mothers" ops, weren't we childfree and single women supposed to die alone? Nope, having kids is not a guarantee that you won't be alone in your old age. Also that's extremely selfish. If you treat your kids like s**t, don't expect them to come and take care of you. A great relationship is formed when there is compassion, understanding of one another, empathy and loving each other. They think they did a huge favour by ejaculating and that's all they think that they had to do, their kids will love them regardless, because he is their father... No, you're just a sperm donor. The narcissism and entitlement are insane.
  • @NubiaBlake
    I worked in Healthcare for 15 years and I have lots of tea on this subject, one of my former clients was a "high value" doctor who DIED ALONE in a nursing home, his wife and children wanted nothing to do with him because he was an abusive a**hole.
  • @reexg98
    I’ll say this and be done with it: a child will never ignore or avoid their parents/guardian for NO REASON. Something happened, whether you’re aware of it or not, acknowledge that there’s a reason the child did what they did.
  • I opted out of having contact with my 90 year-old gaslighting, narcissistic father as of June, 2022. Chances are very, very high that my father will die alone. In the three years when I stayed with my father, he never missed an opportunity to mentally, emotionally and verbally abuse me! I offered my dad 3 choices: A part-time HHA, a nursing home or stay at his place and die. My dad chose Option 3. My dad gets no sympathy from me as he nears the end of his life. My dad knew exactly what he was doing when he did it. My dad is alone today because my sisters and I want nothing to do with him!!! GOOD RIDDANCE TO VERY BAD RUBBISH!!! To those who say, "Well, your father brought you into this world. And he does love you", MY FATHER STOPPED LOVING ME AND MY SISTERS WHEN HE ABUSED MY MOTHER!!!!! Don't you ever pass judgment on me and other daughter/caregivers if you haven't walked a mile in our shoes!! AND THAT'S THE NAME OF THAT TUNE!!!!
  • @ascott4502
    My father abused me SO BAD. And even still, I was conditioned to try to reconcile. He would not take any accountability for the pain. So now, I live my life like I have no father. Blessings to those working through the hurt and pain. ❤
  • @RaqueLauren
    We're in an era of forcing accountability and I'm SO HERE FOR IT. Karma's a B!
  • @amarillo856
    I'm 24, my mom is 45 now and like this. I read somewhere that once parents health starts declining, they often try to make amends with their kids so that someone will take care of them. I will not forget all of the things my mother did to me and my brother-- throwing us out on the street at 15 in Ohio winter so her husband would be happy. I have forgiven her, but will never go out of my way to support her with my time, energy, or money.
  • @VogonPoetry
    You don't owe shit to an abusive parent. That's it, That's all.
  • Someone told me I needed 2 work it out w/ my mom cuz "ain't nobody like mama." A few days ago I was shopping 4 groceries, and I realized there hasn't been anyone 2 hurt me like my mom. Not even a man, and men do terrible things 2 women. But I haven't always dated, and fortunately, an unknown man never harmed me. But mama was always here, condemning me 2 hell, using me, making excuses 4 putting me in danger as a child. I'm agnostic, but I pray there is no one like my mother ever in my life again. I pray no one has anyone like that in their lives.
  • Sis bought her oneway ticket to shady pines when I was a small child. Same thing for the sperm donor.
  • My dad , He was abusive, rageful, treated us horrible as kids. We felt like inferior second class citizens living in his prison of a home. Me and my siblings are no contact, they've also moved far away. He is now getting mad that I am moving to another city. In his mind he's afraid who's going to take care of him when he's old!! Selfish to the end!
  • @ladosis5596
    My family had a lot of childless aunties and uncles that were WONDERFUL and had all kinds of support from siblings, niblings and cousins because they were lovely supportive people all the time. They had a family because they nurtured it all their lives. I've had patients with no children have an outpouring of support from former pupils, coworkers, neighbors, etc. Good people will find other good people and support one another.
  • @Sweetpea2977
    God states that children are gifts. He also says not to anger your children. A lot of these parents have TRAMPLED, ABUSED, NEGLECTED, AND VIOLATED their very own, custom made GIFTS. These type of parents deserve NOTHING GOOD from their children. Their children are exhausted and broken and need healing due to their mess. Dying alone and without support? Sounds like an appropriate punishment indeed. Get someone else to do it sums it up accurately.
  • People that have children just for them to take care of them when they get old should not have children because it's going to cause their children so much anxiety and resentment towards their parents.
  • These horrible parents are reaping what they have sown. I don’t feel sorry any of these horrible parents being left to die alone without any visits from their children or friends. Children should not be brought into this world to be hospice care adult children and a retirement plan for abusive, toxic and evil parents. No child has ever asked to be born.