DIY Last gen ICU:

DO NOT TRY THIS ONE!! you will need a very rare skillset to try this, anyone can learn, but there is not time regarding the current situation, I should have done this for the the relatively mild SWINE flu it would have made the whole "did I just get hit by a truck?" experience much more bearable. My new camera? lol delayed in wuhan 4 months. If you want instructions go download the MIT ventilator plans, if you kill yourself with stupidity they are far better equipped to deal with any resultant law cases than I am. And when I compare it to a nasty flu Think Spanish flu...

コメント (3)
  • So the warnings: INTUBATION, plenty of easily researched studies show certain intubation errors have as high a percentage chance of occurring with trainees as with highly seasoned operators... Take a pause let that sink in then continue reading. Or not. Furthermore This occasionally goes wrong in the most advanced hospitals in the world with entire medical teams on emergency standby. Still not put off. Studies show the decline in attempts to sue hospitals over this are only decreasing by a tiny amount over time: There will be good news eventually if you can be bothered to keep reading. My 14 year old is unusually medically aware cannot hold a conversation with most doctors on genetic engineering due to the doctor being lost at sentence 2. He has always wanted to get the paramedic qualification before age 16 minus the driving licence, not that he wants to be a paramedic he just wants to enter medical study with relevant knowledge. My ventilator which also does non-invasive (much less risky than intubation ventilation obviously) I believe is still to hard for him despite him pretty much mastering the theory online in his own time. So HIS ARGUMENT: if in the VERY unlikely event I reach the state where intubation is an absolute requirement to have a chance of surviving whats to lose, I am dead anyway. MY ARGUMENT: grief is not logical and my last gift to him should not be crippling guilt and depression for the rest of his life. Be aware of what you asking the person running the machine to do. My full ventilation system is in a military pelican and for him to open this without damaging the delicate stuff inside is beyond him so its NOT an option for him. The big white thing is an 02 concentrator - you will have seen COPD sufferers and older people with them, they are user managed and require effectively no skill to operate. This will give VERY small increase in your chance of not dying in the unlikely worse case scenario, this is not my intent with this device it simply means someone who would go on standard ventilation and have a much higher chance of survival in normal circumstances but would probably survive anyway but now no longer has that option due to prioritisation of resources has a much more pleasant ride. The bonus chance to save your life is real but minimal. this modified device is a little different but not that much so. MIT were 2 weeks behind me on the ventilation idea, but their version is current generation, mine is last generation PEEP, THE MIT VERSION IS CONSIDERABLY BETTER THAN MINE: so if you actually want to make one and have a spare fully trained ventilation operator,and reversed engineered supportive pharmaceuticals or internet bought or whatever. GO DOWNLOAD THE MIT one or some of the other ones that are springing up, because they are all much better equipped to deal with death via stupidity law cases than me. The skills set to build an operate medical ventilators are rare but not that rare, their is 1 guy in my local village of around 2000-3000 who might have the full package, an ex ambulance guy and paramedic with a hardcore passion for messing with the guts of motorbikes. This is the kind of person this thing is really aimed at, but let me say once more MIT VERSION. It will work without supportive drugs (non invasive mode) but thats your choice. . . COMBINE ALL OF THESE: High 02 hyperbaric, not ventilation ,Trumps wonder drug does not work the way people think but it does disrupt other factors centred around iron disassociation thumbs up to the OOmpah Loompah, throw in any of the generic retrovirals that seem to have some effect. the safer ones obviously the better, transfusions every know and again to remove viral load. None of this is dangerous but the transfusion, I already have most of this stuff, antiviral I would use is Ivermectin. Anyone with med knowledge reading this can follow the logic with some brief reading and see it beats the NHS COV2 strategy by a LONG WAY. At some point some medical professional will see this and complain, so far all encountered so far think given the outlier circumstances and skill sets involved its a good idea. So before we have a repeat of police at my door and social work, (my son thinks this is all hysterical, I am single parent and find it an utter pain in the ass) NO I am not creating an army of genetically enhanced Scottish super niggaz to reinvade England. NO I am not churning out cheap insulin by ignoring patents and selling it online. If I did, and yes as you know I can, It would be free and if you wanna ever pick a fight on that one I feel public opinion would end your career, but lets not even go there. So keep your shit out of my business. Some clever people choose to live working class life full on from childhood, and they do not feel it necessary to hide behind a wall of 150 IQ retards deep within industrial and research institutions cos the poor smelly stupid people use sweary words and its scary. Your test is a joke and does more harm than good, 2 dimensions to asses healthy shoe size, so lets quantify the most complex thing in the known universe with a single number, and dont even try arguing but its comparative,,etc blah blah, at least you have the sense to admit it fails in extremes so duh wheres the point. Perhaps the COV2 fukups will enlighten science in general to the fact that EXPERTS (and they are experts) in one field lacking the hubris to realise advice that interacts with other large scale complex systems means SHUT THE FUCK UP and go find a multi disciplinary team then open mouth, or you just increase the overall aggregate of worldwide suffering a little. Rant over.