Please Watch. Reusch Management in Green Bay needs to Stop.

Published 2023-05-05
For context on the infestation, I lived here for three years with no problems and then about a year ago, Rick moved in next door, several months later I started getting bites l. I at first thought it was Scabies so I got it checked out and got the Permethrin cream. it didn't help and that's when I found the first bug in my apartment on september or October. The management company at that time (Rapid River Rentals) actually did try to help, but then management changed in January. I was informed of this and tried to tell them of the infestation and they told me they wouldn't do anything about it cause I caused it which is provably untrue. So I continued to call, email and everything to get them to do something and they tried to cite Wisconsin Statute 704.13 and gave me a compliance letter saying if you don't take measures to fix this in 5 days then we will evict you, so I was forced to get the same exterminator again and he confirmed again that the infestation wasn't being caused by my unit and we tried to send that to the management office, got no reply ever and so I have been forced to Caulk up the wall that the bugs are getting through and I couldn't go anywhere, I've been living off of dollar general for the longest while which isn't healthy and they are probably sitting up there in their penthouses trying to extort every penny they can out of us...