Has China Won? | Kishore Mahbubani | John Mearsheimer | Tom Switzer

CIS Executive Director, Tom Switzer interviews John Mearsheimer and Kishore Mahubani to ask Has China Won?

At a time when tensions are running high, CIS Executive Director Tom Switzer asked Has China Won? Our debate between John Mearsheimer and Kishore Mahbubani, two of the world’s leading foreign policy intellectuals. Covid-19 has greatly raised tensions between China and the West. Washington and its allies express outrage at the Communist regime’s opacity concerning the outbreak of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, fears are growing that a pandemic that began in the Chinese city of Wuhan may end by increasing Beijing’s international influence and power.

Kishore Mahbubani is author of Has China Won? The Chinese Challenge to American Primacy (just out, PublicAffairs) A former Singaporean ambassador to the United Nations (twice), he was the founding dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. He was a guest of CIS in September 2018.

John Mearsheimer is author of The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities (Yale University Press, 2019) and The Tragedy of Great Power Politics (Norton, 2014.) He is professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He was a guest of CIS in August 2019.

Tom Switzer, has written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, The Spectator, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, The National Interest, The American Interest and The American Conservative. He has also appeared on CNN, CNBC, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, Sky News, SBS, Seven, Nine, Ten and ABC radio and television. He hosts Between the Lines on the ABC's Radio National.

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コメント (21)
  • The question is not if China will rise peacefully, the question is if US will go down peacefully.
  • The question is not if China will rise peacefully. The question is if China would be allowed to rise peacefully.
  • @zh3216
    I may be wrong but 8min in, John & Kishore have already demonstrated the key differences between western and eastern thinking. Kishore put this very succinctly - back when China was the absolute dominating force in the world, it had no motivation to control/colonize other regions the way the western nations did. It is simply not the dominating thought in the Chinese mindset to control others unless it feels threatened and do so out of self defense. John on the other hand, "China would be crazy to not dominate Asia the way U.S. has dominated the western hemisphere..." case in point. Please don't project your bias/inclinations onto the eastern mind.
  • @pfmk8051
    John Mearsheimer's argument for why the US are going to win: we always won before, we will win again. I think that is the point at which all great empires collapsed...
  • Well it was supposed to be my last comment, but in the last 60 years China has worked hard while the West have been running their mouth.
  • Basically John says: No one can dominating Asia and no one can dominating euro but only US can. That is the rule.
  • @joey3291
    Mearsheimer's words showed us the US's last, desperate struggle to keep its USA exceptionalism, which translates into wars, killings, and subversions.
  • Loved Kishore's dig at Mearsheimer about having to wear Asian glasses; if this was a debate, Kishore clearly won it because he's Asian and has those glasses on whereas the other one is too America-centric to grasp the complexities of what is really going on in Asia!
  • I watch this because of Kishore. Without him, it is a waste of my time. I am from south east Asia but we are not afraid of China. Please get this right.
  • John and Kishore are both realists and great strategic thinkers. Kishore has a clearer view as a 3rd party observer of the US and China competition. US has fallen into the hegemon trap, which resulted in "endless wars". The US can do much better by 1) facilitating technology innovation and excellence, and 2) embarking on a pan-am initiative or hemisphere initiative. Based on immigrant tradition, US can do a lot in the western hemisphere and both North and South Americas.
  • What we Chinese want: 1. Get rich (Everyone on the planet deserves to live a better life.) 2. Keep the money we earned (No one dares rob us again.) I totally agree with Mr. Mearsheimer on the century of humiliation. This is one of the reasons holds us together nowadays.
  • Hey Australian, you are not crippled, walk with your own feet. You don't need British and American to hold you to walk your own destiny.
  • There is no point debating Western people or peole aligned to the western world as they will never have an objective view on the non white world.....The Yellow Peril will always be there!! Respect to Mahbubani...trying make the world a peaceful place!!
  • Why does John think they need to become a regional hegemony? His view of things is so tainted by hawkish American biases. China has played its game the same for 30 years. Use their huge labor base to outsource all if America's productive capacity to them, use that to fuel GDP growth, which they then turn around and use to build infrastructure for their own people, thereby raising a generation of incredibly smart people who bolster their enormous tech and engineering sector. Because of that, they now are not reliant on US capital to pursue projects, allowing them to use surplus' they have to give money to other nations disillusioned with America. Now they have built ports, rail, roads, and all this crucial economic infrastructure while America privatized every social security net they had, resulting in a generation of Americans disenfranchised from their own nation, and because of a lack of investment in public education, the people of America are pretty dumb to be honest. Now the board is set as China has many positive relations with foreign countries, as well as the infrastructure and currency to defeat the USA without firing a shot. They need only get more than half the world to switch to their currency, isolate America financially, and squeeze the west with in fighting as western nations decide whether to stay with American dollars and trade routes, or side with China. America put all of its cards into conventional weapons of war EVEN AFTER THEY INVENTED the device that made conventional war impossible between any nation that has it. The US isn't going to lose. They already have and now we are just waiting here to see if they proverbially flip the table and kill us all if they can't have their manifest destiny.
  • The difference in cultures between the US and China is the following metaphor: The US takes an orange, cuts it in half, and uses both sides to juice it until it is dry discarding afterwards. The Chinese takes an orange and study to try find solutions to grow an orange grove to become a partner. In both situations people are the oranges.
  • That's the western thinking 😂 you HAVE to dominate the world ! His saying that the Chinese crazy not to ! NO YOU ARE CRAZY THINKING THAT WAY !
  • I really like Kishore's rationale and pragmatic solutions to potential conflicts. No wonder he was a top diplomat in UN security council. Need more peacemakers like him. My salute to you good sir!
  • OMG Kishore Mahbubani . You have earned new fan from me. Though you are indian , Indian news is completely different regarding virus
  • @Andy-P
    This is one of the best debates I have heard on this subject