The human cost of social care fees

Krishnan Guru-Murthy: ‘The Conservatives have pledged once again to introduce a cap on adult social care costs if they hold onto power.


The party's commitment to reforming a system 80% of us will rely on at some point in our lives took up two short paragraphs in today's manifesto.

That's despite the NHS being on its knees and councils across the country buckling under the cost of providing care for an ageing population.’

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コメント (21)
  • The country is aging, yet people are having fewer children, so older people must accept that they're not going to receive the social care they need from the NHS, or accept that these jobs will be done by immigrants. The attitude of the older generation in the UK is the problem. They want the government to care for them, but don't want to pay for it and are against allowing immigrants to provide it.
  • @Mazonfleek
    I work as a support worker. The problem with lack of staff is the pay doesn’t reflect the lengthy job description. It’s just not worth it. Should be £15 minimum.
  • 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Gregory Clark, the Conservative Cambridge graduate whose net worth is around £15 million, was their chosen candidate for the last general election, winning by 55.1%. 😂 So, what do you expect—better public care from a rich aristocrat?? 😂😂😂😂
  • There isn't enough staff in social care, because the rate at which social care workers are paid is beyond ridiculous. These are minimum wage jobs, and they absolutely should not be minimum wage jobs.
  • @Ianmundo
    It’s because 14 years of the Tories means Britain is wide open for any overseas Private Equity firm to buy up care homes, then the local authorities who are legally obligated to pay, they are price-gouged until they are bankrupt.
  • @zaytex5000
    I worked as a care worker and the pay just doesn't reflect the responsibilities of the job. Why would I go back to care work for minimum wage?
  • 😢 I work in the industry its frightening times for us all. I worry for people with learning disabilities and the older generations. So much procrastination and a massive lack of investment.
  • Think about social care whenever the tories or reform spew their nonesense about slashing immigration & not allowing workers to bring their dependents
  • @shan6938
    Thank you for the austerity invented by Tories!
  • I’m sure Sunak winning in order to cut tax will be a huge help! 😢
  • @Nellia.20x
    I work as a care assistant and some of their children don’t care about them it breaks me😢♥️
  • Too few young people cannot support themselves and tons of elderly ar the same time. Youth by definition has future and potential, old ones had their time and now are due expiry date. Also dont feel too sorry for old boomers. They had the best time to live in and they took most of it, leaving little for next cohorts
  • @M.Sid9.3
    Birth rate all time low. Future is bleak.
  • Adult social care also includes disabled adults. How many pensioner parents are still caring and supporting their handicapped children because there is no provision for them in adulthood? It's just another private profit generator for greedy money grabbers.
  • social care in UK?! hahahha this is third world country this is not social care
  • This lack of social care is NEVER ending..........I,ve been looking after my mum for 11 years I,m 57 now and its 24/7 and there are those worse off than me LOTS.........when chit chat with people they ALL say the same thing/S about social care............not enough staff..they don,t get paid enough and NEVER stay the "aloted" time etc..........2 hrs one woman should have and they only there for 20mins tops............and those receiving "Carers allowance" for caring 24/7 £81.90p a "week"...........and u get NO training.......your a jack of all trades and master of none etc.........what woiud this country be like for ALL those caring for someone in these circumstances???????????????.........would those working for the NHS work for that money...NO WAY.........................
  • Please note: You do NOT have to sell your home if your spouse, partner or relative over 65 is still living in it. The Local Authority will not take the value of it into account should this be the case.
  • If children live with their elderly parents it will be easier for childcare and parents are looked after their own children. Too much loneliness 😪 and no family support. Very sad.