Rimworld - RNG moment

Publicado 2022-05-10

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @WolfOfMassDeath
    An accurate depiction of the classic rimworld moment, "pls just hit something, the Battle Janitor is on the way"
  • @toaster9922
    I appreciate the revolver guy snapping out of his disbelief and remembering that his friend is dying, it’s so realistic.
  • @liama5223
    The melee character should be in every episode, even if he's just looming in the background on top of a mountain or something. The Doom Slayer of RimWorld.
  • @doggone12ify
    Man gets arm shot off "He's had enough." Melee Man runs in "OR NOT ENOUGH!"
  • @emilyhockers1086
    Again, extremely good production And I see that melee guy is now a recurring character
  • @Goddessllias
    Shooting 3 is like: "Is this how guns work? I guess it is..." Shooting 10 is like: "This is not how guns work, what the fuck???" Shooting 20 is like: "I have found the blessed gun. This revolver shall be put on display and celebrated for generations to come"
  • @zswords
    Okay, in particular I love you use varying amounts of framerates to draw focus, emphasis, tension, and snappiness to various moments, it does a great job emulating how we actually mentally kinda process our lives and events, and provides some fun contrast in moments. Going from the smoothly animated pump to the much choppier but very oppressive walk is gorgeous, after his arm is blown to bits from the hit, he only has low frame rate as he's struggling to keep it together and escape, while Brawler Bloodlust man comes REELING around the corner at max FPS, and they keep the contrast for the whole thing, it's really good.
  • @swinfough
    It’s all fun until you forget to toggle your uranium slug turret off, which leads to one of your better colonists getting their head sheared off instantly while running over to put out a small fire.
  • @PBSpiralGamer
    Holy... animated Rimworld? And I thought I would have to sell my soul to see this. Thank you for doing this sort of work!
  • @andrastuba3085
    Fire at point blank range with shotgun -> miss Certified Rimworld moment, 10/10 would play again
  • @NationalDevin
    Reminds me of when I first started playing. To learn the basics I ran several single Survivor games at the start and most of them would last just about as long as you would think before they get killed or kidnapped but it reminds me of a guy I had who didn't have any levels of shooting, I had designed him to be a pacifist with the intent of running away from any land if they could destroy the sentry guns. He could still pick up a gun but it wasn't my intention but one day he lost the dog and he felt spicy so I picked up the gun and had him shoot the guy for beating up the dog and it had shot him so we had this John Wick moment where he has never held a gun outside of moving it into the building for storage but he just walked in the house grabs the pistol and flawlessly shoots this guy in the head. I know the game is RNG based and I knew it then and I just remember being absolutely shocked. Best roll ever
  • @steampunkerton
    On god this looks like a great animation, the Background has the right amount of realism and RimWorld style, I love the characters, You sir have done good, I'd love to see you do something like Imperials vs Mechanoids or something
  • RNG works against you when it's your own turrets. They injure and kill my colonists more often than enemies :D
  • @sugarkane1571
    Absolutely amazing animation work here! The cell shaded look has me convinced this is what Rimworld looks like on the survivor’s side. The animation is the perfect amount of choppy but fluid, realistic feeling but still got that simplistic game feeling. The motion the characters go through are so fluid and detailed, it’s amazing. Keep up the good work!
  • @widget3672
    I never played Rimworld, but I would absolutely watch a full series like this. No pressure for full episodes or arching stories, it's got a Battle Field Freinds vibe to it and I love the animation style
  • @tink5488
    These are superb. As someone with over 3k hours (and counting) of Rimworld, I can say that this series will go on for a looong time.