Complete History of the Sumerians | Sun People: Earth's Oldest Civilization | African-Indo-Euro-Asia

Published 2024-07-18
The Sumerians "Black-headed people" or Ethiopians are the most ancient civilization of humanity on record, these humans are from the 12 Tribes of Israel, specifically the tribe of Dan & Gad. They flourished in the southern part of Mesopotamia, which is modern-day southern Iraq located on the continent of Africa, around 4500 to 1900 BCE. They are credited with many pioneering achievements, including the development of one of the world's earliest writing systems, cuneiform, as well as advances in mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and governance.

Overview of Sumerian Civilization:

Geography and Cities:
Location: The Sumerians inhabited the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, an area often referred to as the "Cradle of Civilization."

Cities: Major city-states included Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Eridu, and Nippur. These cities were centers of political, religious, and economic activity.
Society and Culture:

Religion: The Sumerians were polytheistic, worshipping a pantheon of gods associated with natural forces and city-states. Temples, known as ziggurats, were the focal points of worship.

Social Structure: Sumerian society was hierarchical, with a king (known as a lugal) at the top, followed by priests, merchants, artisans, and farmers. Slaves were at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

Achievements: They made significant contributions to writing, with the invention of cuneiform script, and to law, with the creation of some of the earliest legal codes.

Economy and Trade:
Agriculture: The economy was primarily agrarian, relying on irrigation systems to cultivate crops like barley, wheat, and dates.
Trade: The Sumerians engaged in extensive trade with neighboring regions, including the Indus Valley and areas in modern-day Iran and Turkey, exchanging goods such as textiles, grains, and metals.
Trade Routes: Trade routes could have extended through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa. These routes facilitated the exchange of goods like ivory, gold, and exotic animals.

Zecharia Sitchin was a controversial author who proposed alternative theories about the Sumerians and their interactions with extraterrestrial beings. He claimed that Sumerian texts, particularly their mythologies and writings, contain evidence of ancient astronauts visiting Earth from a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin's interpretations suggest that these visitors genetically engineered humans to serve as a labor force.

While Sitchin's ideas gained a following among some enthusiasts and alternative historians, they have been widely criticized by mainstream scholars.

References & Research:

Earth Chronicles:

The Lost Book Of Enki:

Twelfth Planet:

- CIA Reading Room - UFO Documents
CIA UFO Archives

-NASA - Archaeology, Anthropology, and Interstellar Communication
NASA Report

-Robert Morning Sky - Terra Papers

-Compendium of Emerald Tablets - Billy Carson

-Alex Collier - Defending Sacred Ground (1997)

- D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets (1930)

Additional Sources and Influences:

-UFOs, Ancient Texts Such as Egyptian Book of the Dead, and Ancient Civilizations' Communities
Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Elena Danaan Bob Lazar, Z.Sitchin, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Ancient Aliens, Akashic Records, and Much More.

00:00 Introduction
2:11 Early History of Sumer
2:52 Cuneiform Writing/ Ancient Clay Tablets
3:55 City of Ur
5:09 Archeologist Findings of Ancient Sumerians
6:30 Multi-cultures of Sumer & City Structures /
9:30 Annunaki-Mesopotamian Gods / International Trade
13:41 Middle History of Sumer
16:40 Invention of Astrology, Calendar, & Astronomy
19:40 The Regions Of Sumer / Agriculture, Economics / Legal Systems
24:27 Physical features of Early humans/Sumerians/Vedic Texts
27:30 The third region of Sumer invasions
32:00 Late period of Sumer
35:45 Sargon of Akkad
36:44 Poem By Enheduanna

For Researchers:
For those seeking further references and scientific resources, the following databases are recommended:

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL): Link
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI): Link
Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD): Link

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Astral Legends Film and TV Company retains all rights to its copyrighted materials. Please give credit to Astral legends on any reposts, Any unauthorized use with no credit of Astral Legends or reproduction is subject to copyright action. For more information, please refer to our copyright disclaimer.

All Comments (21)
  • I am Ethiopian and still we belive on this and still we are on this system. Most of it is not new for me since our day to day life like u saying. Nice workπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™. Our calander still same and new year just as you said at Vergo, now is our spring time. Most of your story in our Bible. Tks to GodπŸ™
  • only 14 hours to go. Oh can’t wait for this episode ❀
  • This channel puts together everything I have been grasping for the last 5 years. So grateful for this team that is bringing back knowledge lost to us and kept hidden from us. ❀
  • @astrallegends
    May the creator bless all humanity and our cosmic kin πŸ’™
  • Sumer stretched from modern day West Africa (particularly Nigeria) all the way to the Sahara - before it was destroyed. Africans know this. They moved to Middle East after the floods & Pyramid Wars
  • I had to take a moment after watching to digest all this information. This was brilliantly produced and explained. Thank you
  • @daniellynn8751
    Love this channel it makes so much sense. It put everything into context. Everything I've been learning this channel confirms the truth.
  • @jonbaker5990
    I’m not saying this is true but we have to start looking at other explanations because what the MSM feed us is so full of shit !
  • @sonyabowman7100
    This absolutely breathtaking and notice the SUVs driving in background in one of the frames...thank you....interesting and beautiful work
  • @aishab9403
    Oh I’m too pumped for this one!❀❀❀
  • @36liline
    I have been asking for answer about life; the gods bring me here and i feel every words here make so much sense. Thank you
  • WOW another amazing video on the history of our origins as a species on this planet I can’t wait for the videos of the planet of Maldek(Tiamat),Pharaoh Akenanten and his reign and the Yakub story of eugenics
  • So much to say and comment! But the first thing I want to say is gratitude! What a time to be alive ! πŸ€—πŸ˜‚πŸ’―
  • I love the narration and your episodes my brother! Please continue to do us the favour of providing us with the knowledge?
  • I'm always waiting with excitement for new uploads. You never disappoint. What a great episode.