What IF General Grievous Lived

Published 2024-01-10
In this thought-provoking video, we delve into an alternate Star Wars universe where General Grievous survives beyond the events of "Revenge of the Sith." Imagine a galaxy where Grievous, the fearsome cyborg commander, is secretly rebuilt by the Empire, his mechanical body enhanced and his will reprogrammed to serve their dark agenda. But what happens when fragments of his past start to break through the mental barriers?

Join us as we explore this gripping narrative, where Grievous battles with internal conflict, torn between his programming and the remnants of his past life as a Kaleesh warrior. Watch as he becomes a rogue element, unpredictable and dangerous, leading to an epic confrontation with Darth Vader. Grievous's journey is one of identity, chaos, and self-discovery, culminating in a war that he believes will either give him the answers he seeks or the vengeance he craves.

Get ready for a story of transformation, conflict, and the blurred lines between machine and man. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more unique explorations into the "What If?" scenarios of the Star Wars universe!

All Comments (21)
  • @Mr-b-ryce
    “I don’t know who I am..I don’t know where I came from.. all I know is that this will make a fine addition to my collection……wherever that is”
  • Sidious did show some gratitude for grievous. While he deeply respects him and sees him as his true master because the one thing they haven’t common is they don’t care about anyone but themselves . But I hope the next Star Wars movie this should be based on his revival.
  • @ziephel-6780
    Grievous here seems to have a worse fate than even Vader. While Vader chose to discard his past, the memories are still there. But Grievous's mind is fragmented, he might as well be a separate character from who he had been during the Clone Wars. A blank slate. I actually kinda want this story to continue, I prefer this timeline over what Disney had created. Grievous is more interesting than Rey, that's for sure. Unlike the Jedi or the Sith, Grievous is no force user, he is purely mechanical and he uses his intellect to get what he wants. This Grievous alongside his Jedi counterpart from OtherWorlds are my favorite two versions of the character.
  • @ImmortalAbsol
    I always thought him surviving wouldn't effect much, but I guess if they turned him into a Dark Trooper Inquisitor hybrid he would be quite the force.
  • Could you do one for dooku it would be cool to see him in rebels interacting with the crew being the great grandfather of sorts and wise person in the crew. Also seeing Dooku interact with Ashoka would be interesting along with Ezra and kannan seeing him telling sorties about Windu with his adventures.
    I was expecting a "Obi-wan instead of killing Grievous captured him, and in the chaos of order 66 Grievous managed to escape" type of story. Because in legend there IS a droid based on Grievous who was made to face Vader. After what was left of Grievous flesh burned in his cybernetic chassi it was the only way to somehow "bring him back"
  • @leader_nich7998
    doing side missions in order to unlock the main campaign also annoys me i can feel Grievous's anger.
  • @viper7606
    Part 2! I need to seen this fascinating story continue! And of course, I wanna see General Grievous have his own droid rebellion!
  • @TeaXleb
    Благо ютубу, что я могу вклбчить перевод. По край не мере, мне нравится то, что ты рассказыаешь, потому могу сказать, что это отличная работа. Наверное, единственный момент, который меня смутил, так это то, что про эту "Легенлу" забыли, особенно забыл Палпатин. Вероятно, про действия полпатина ещё что-нибудь будет сказано в будущем, но, так как Гривуса я люблю так же, как Палпатина, то просто не мог на этом не заострить своё внимание. И да, большое спасибо
  • @b1gbreezzzy718
    I dont know why but when I imagine him getting sucked out of the ship I'm imagining him flipping off Vader
  • @Lag_EO
    brother, IT WAS WONDERFUL, I LOVED THIS! I don't know how the second part goes but I hope that Sheelal returns with the Kaleesh being held by the empire to free them, Zakar the last Izvohrzra who had survived helping him remember his memories, the sadness and the pain of the loss of ronderu. May the Kaleesh return their old weapons and their sniper, now leading not only droids, but also their Kaleesh brothers (who are basically the deadliest soldiers in Star Wars) into the battle for freedom. I don't think it will happen but God, I want Sheelal to finally open her eyes, for her spirit of freedom and justice to return to help those who have been condemned and forgotten, so that if there is a confrontation with the Jedi, she will understand that what happened years ago It wasn't their fault 100%. I can only describe what I think about this: "In a dark galaxy that only knows war, an ancient hero rises again to illuminate it and give hope"
  • @toainsully
    This is how to introduce N-K Necrosis to Star Wars Canon