Home - Day 15 - Reset | 30 Days of Yoga

Published 2020-01-15
We are at the halfway mark! We did not say that it would not be challenging to show up for the full 30. But darling, yes, we are here! We celebrate Day 15 with a strong, rejuvenating flow designed to guide you to your comfortable edge, promote healthy blood flow, and guide you towards a connected RESET.

I cannot describe the true power of knowing when and how to hit the reset button.
I practice this on the mat and then I find this power with me off the mat,
Showing up when I need it most.

A connected RESET isn’t always comfortable.

But trust it. Try to find something new today!

The breath is your number one tool for RESET.

Make use of it. You are doing great!

#ywahome #30DaysofYoga #freeyoga

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❤️ HOME - Downloadable Collection ❤️
Based on requests from the community, we are excited to announce a downloadable version of HOME. It is offered on a donation basis, so just pay what feels good!

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.

All Comments (21)
  • @yogawithadriene
    Hello dear friends! Give yourself a high five and a hug today, you've reached the halfway mark! And it's here that we reset. Did you find something new in your practice today?
  • @hereisabeer
    Who by now mastered the arsana of moving their phones with each pose gracefully? 😁
  • Something shifted today, it was so different!
    No anger, no upset, no tears, no bad self talk... In fact at the end I caught myself thinking 'I'm doing this, it's awesome and I can do this'
    I am eternally greatful to you Adriene, for providing us all with such powerful tools ❤️ I was not expecting anything more than a little bit more physical fitness when I started this, what I actually got was the chance to work through some negative thought patterns that have plagued me my whole life. I'm not saying they are gone, but I can definately deal with them in a MUCH better way now!
    Thankyou for everyone in the comments that have kept me going also, you are all wonderful and I have so much love for the YWA community. I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday xxxxx
  • Can we take a moment to appreciate how beautiful of a flow this was. Adriene really outdid herself, this was so lovely

    I did real side planks today! This has been a goal for me for some time. Something shifted and it just happened. I didn’t even realize what was happening until I realized I actually did it. Amazing
  • anyone else here doing this while were on quarantine!! this series is giving me structure and peace in a chaotic situation were in :) thanks adriene!
  • Hi there, I am not one for commenting on each class but just felt like reaching out today. I have been with Adriene's classes for 3 months now. First the 30 Days Yoga, then the 30 day Challenge, and now I find myself half way HOME . I must say that these classes and Adriene's easy breezy style makes this the best way to ground and get empowered and energized for the day. It is the very most impt. part of my day. I am 71 yrs old and have been doing yoga off and on for many years. There were times in the past when I did little or no Yoga at all, but this year I decided I needed to develop a home practice and this lead me to Adriene. I am so grateful for this and I would say to any one who thinks that Yoga is too hard or to challenging, JUST KEEP IT UP. There are some classes where I say Adriene, like NO I cant do that pose, BUT instead of giving up, I modify the pose to the best of my flexibility and hold with the idea that in time more strength and flexibility comes. I am so grateful for these 3 courses and would invite all who read this to KEEP IT UP. Make that COMMITMENT, that we are all so afraid of , or that seems useless in these crazy times. But believe me you will see a real difference in every aspects of your lives. I love you all, Adriene, YOU ARE THE BEST! Keep challenging us and making us LAUGH , and give Bengi a HUG for me. THANKS a Million , May PEace, Love, Wellbeing and Abundance be yours Allways. Peace OUT my FRIENDS< Suzen
  • @dr_amalia
    There should be a 30 day yoga program almost every month.
    This is amazing
  • @RebekahFinley
    I’ve been doing these 30 day journeys every day since February and today I FINALLY did a side plank! Unmodified! Hips up! On my feet, not my knees, feeling balanced! Not collapsed in my shoulders! I was laughing to myself in joy the whole time. I can’t believe I did it!
  • @shelliwsmith
    Today reaffirmed one of the reasons that I love doing yoga with Adriene: her silliness as well as her humanness and of course her acceptance of us all wherever we are. I loved the suggestions for different options of how to hold our feet or pant legs or leg hair (the height of fun silliness right there!) during happy baby. I feel accepted as she always says " your version" and reminds me that it's ok if my body can't fold completely in half yet. True namaste right there!
  • @alorange5697
    Today is my YWA anniversary! A year ago today I took my first tentative steps with the 20 minute Yoga for Beginners video, and I've been practicing almost every day since. And what a transformation. I am stronger, happier, healthier and I can do all sorts of things I couldn't do a year ago. I still have a fair ways to go, but I am slowly reclaiming my body from injury, and returning to who I used to be. I'm coming home. Adriene, I can't thank you enough for all you've given me. Here's to many more years on the mat.
  • @nighteyesfool
    I am noticing now how this 30 days is infiltrating into my daily life, it’s the small things like engaging my core when doing the dishes so as not to hurt my lower back, or squatting down to load the washing machine instead of just bending over and hurting my back.. so cool. Namaste.
  • @Agent-Clank
    When you asked, "Notice how you feel," I realized that I felt good, the best I have all day. You somehow always know what I need to hear. Thank you Adriene!
  • I was excited to start BREATH at the beginning of January as it came out, my first 30 day series in real time with Adriene. I kept up for two days until I fell off. Over two months later, I joined again. This time I was doing it, I was building real momentum and showing up day after day. For the last few videos of the series, I felt the real strength and ease that I had dreamed of through months of trembling, sweating, resting during core work, taking extended breaks, showing up again. I was excited and inspired to immediately jump in to this HOME journey.

    But as soon as I started HOME, the ease was gone. I, fully expecting to coast through the first few days when things were supposed to be easy, trembled and sweated and strained again. I was very disappointed. In one of the early videos Adriene was talking about discipline, and most of me was thinking about the pint of icecream I ate the other day, the few pounds I gained, the lack of a break I took between the two series, wondering if any of those could explain the "reset" in strength I'd experienced. But a tiny part of me said something different: "what if discipline means continuing to show up, even though I'm not progressing the way I thought I would? What if discipline means trusting that my strength will return, as long as I show up?"

    I was putting off doing this video all day because it sounded hard. I've been showing up every day, getting some benefits, but mostly working through my frustration at feeling weaker than I was a month ago. But this video was EASY. I broke a sweat, I worked hard, but I wasn't waiting for it to end. I didn't feel like there was anything here that I couldn't handle. I feel I'm developing the most important muscle, the muscle that helps me show up.

    "just notice how you feel"
    I feel GOOD.

    (Thanks for reading, I just felt really inspired to say these things! And thank you, Adriene, your videos have been one of my all-time best discoveries! :-)
  • @yaelmor3606
    If we all got here we can go all the way through together!!
    We should be really proud of ourselves 😊
  • @elisha_kl
    At the end of this practice, I spent some time laying on the mat, hands placed my chest and feeling love and kindness radiate throughout me. Thank you for helping us all cleanse the stress, grief, anger and all other negative thoughts and energy out of our bodies ❤️
  • @atram7341
    At the end of every practice I always find myself reading the comment section. How amazing is this community. I love it. Namaste ❤
  • Day 105 for me!!! Definitely found something new with that leg work! Phew! My plan for the day got derailed twice. Normally that would make me super frustrated and weepy, but I rolled with it and went to see my mom for a bit. It was a good time, and I knew I had my practice there waiting for me at home. :) Thanks, Adriene. Love ya bunches!
  • @grohr2323
    Heading into "second semester" in our challenge, I have some observations: first, I practice yoga first thing in the morning and of course in my pj's. I am having major shirt cave happening in down dog and the lions breath was quite pungent for me. Also, during happy baby, Adriene, how did you know I use my leg hair to hold on to? Just kidding! But not about lions breath... :-O
  • @elleb9618
    Happy Valentine's Day to my February 2021 friends! What a nice little self-love practice. If you're cooped up and alone like me today, this is such a cozy little gift to give ourselves. Big hugs from -17 degrees F, Midwest, USA!
  • @MiaMippa
    I cant believe I could do everything in that class! It’s because of you Adriene! And me, for showing up! 🙏❤️