Stardust Crusaders dubbed moments that make me ora ora|JJBA Part 3 dub|

the best part of jjba and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. hope you all have or will watch it. Anyways lemme know what you wanna see next. Or if yall want me to do make new stuff (like gameplays) 😏
disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of these clips
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コメント (21)
  • 0:00 I love that before Jotaro gets a stand he just looks like any normal anime guy, but as soon as he gets a stand he gets FACELINES, JAWLINE, AND TRADEMARK JOJO EYES.
  • Joseph's voice actor is actually perfect for the role
  • 12:43 Polnareff really IS the kinda guy who texts his friends kicking his legs n giggling and this is proof
  • @L251125
    Jotaro: "You've got to believe me, Josuke. We saw two identical rocks in the desert, funniest thing I've ever seen in my life."
  • Man I love how Joseph stays loyal to holly’s one name but that’s the only thing Joseph has been loyal to 😏
  • Jotaro: goes through the most traumatic experience of his life Joesph realizing this is the perfect time for an epic prank: 24:41
  • 5:51 i like how avdol just looks with complete disbelief, absolutely mindfucked at what he said
  • 13:02 Polnareff's voice actor acted as if he wasn't going to eat that night is was so PERFECT
  • 20:53 "EEEEuUUuUgh! I don't deserve to be treated like a peeping tom! Polnareff's the one who should be called a dirty pervert!" I realized how underrated Avodol is 😂
  • avdol fr sounds like he’s about to cry when he says “what a perfect day for dancing outdoors” at 21:15 LMAOOOO
  • @kaleb5566
    Kakyoin had unforgivable rizz, its a shame he died so young
  • @gayu8695
    Why does this make their personalities 100x funnier lmao
  • @sho4151
    Fun fact, the hand signal from 13:48 means Pan (sound of clapping) Tsu (two with an accent lmao) Maru (circle) Mie (see) Put it together and its "pantsu maru mie", the translation being your underpants are in full view
  • 2:46 I love that at this part, Joseph’s left hand does the clicky-fingers again.
  • Holly: Worried for her son Jotaro: S̷͈̀Ḥ̵͆Ȕ̴̠T̵̰̓ ̸̢̒U̴͉͠P̷̦̄!̷̦͠