Postcard From Perth

Made by The National Film Board 1954. Directed by Shan Benson. The State Capital of Western Australia, Perth is often the traveller's first glimpse of the Commonwealth and a very happy and sunny glimpse it is. The Swan river and King's Park are outstanding beauty spots in a growing, modern city.

コメント (21)
  • @7299055
    I am 82 and can remember so much and oh boy I miss it and totally hate this modern way
  • Seeing London Court being the same as it is today is very nice and has not been bulldozed for some stupid bullshit office tower
  • @niftytwo
    I remember every building, ,, trams. Trolley buses, king’s Park without a Brewery building in sight. Perth is still home to me. What a fantastic video to see and reminisce about what we had and what we have become. A humongous City with new suburbs that have grown out of nowhere. No pine plantation left. No easy pace of life. High rise buildings are the norm. I’m too bloody old to like what is happening. But Perth is, and will be home forever.
  • Wow so beautiful. I will always love Perth, my birth home and favourite place on earth 🖤💛
  • Pre-1950's Perth (CBD) had so many wonderful old buildings it was amazing. But business wanted a 'new' modern-looking city and money talks the loudest, so the victorian-era buildings were demolished so hideous office towers and ugly commercial buildings could move in. It's ironic how most of those ugly 1950's-60's buildings in the CBD have now been demolished and replaced with newer ugly buildings. You can't stop progress but we still need to limit how destructive it is on historical sites.
  • This is like a time machine, it's one thing to see photos and videos from that era. But to see it coming from your home town, showing streets my grandparents much have travelled down is fascinating.
  • @veilside33
    Our city really has come a long way. We've even learned how to pronounce Mundaring properly.
  • I'm from New Zealand and first visited Perth with my family in May 1981 as a 14 years old.I immediately had a strong connection with Perth's beauty and revisited in 1987 , living there for 8 months on Monash Ave in Nedlands behind Kings Park. A great location being close to the beautifully designed University and Swan River along beautiful suburbs such as Dalkeith and Cottesloe.The Indian ocean and it's beaches were simply wonderful playgrounds. Revisited 18 months later in 1989 for a week on my way to England and then again with my wife in 1993. Perth has grown rapidly since then and I hope that hasn't had a negative effect on what I classed as Australia's gem city.
  • @H3rBz92
    Everybody in WA needs to watch this.
  • It was a great place once. Small, yes but with the POTENTIAL to grow and modernise while keeping much of its history and charm. What has wrecked the place is idiot political fools believing that motor cars were more important than lifestyles and secondly as someone else has said, the flooding in of all kinds of losers who do not understand the meaning of respect. JC, you are so so right with your comment.
  • I wish we still had all these beautiful old facades in Perth city... it looks so ugly and bland now. There's not much left of our old heritage.
  • The good old days when people were honest,caring, helpful, helped one another, genuine, humble, and NOT selfish and worked hard and were happy with what they had..
  • @OrgKgTV
    Lovely Perth... the music...completes the ambience...🥰
  • @dingo7055
    I guess York and Northam could be considered southwest of the rest of Australia, but they're definitely northeast of Perth.
  • @andyrawn
    From a singer in West L.A. ~ I see your Perth of WA from almost 60 years ago is FILLED with charming buildings and beautiful countryside ~ Bravo ~ hope to see it in person one fine day! ANDY
  • I would love to re-do this film shot-for-shot. Oh I wish I had the time. And money...