There is Now a Second Major Squad Bug in ONE Month

Published 2024-07-06

All Comments (21)
  • @Metro_Stalker
    I want to know how the hell they coded this game to allow this bug to be a thing. It's quite fucking amazing
    Sir a second bug has hit the servers
  • @theborg6024
    you want to know a secret? theres more fps issues than just scope sway. heli keyboard inputs are directly tied to fps. this was reported literally years ago and is still not fixed. classic owi
  • @stardekk1461
    The bug actually affected Moidawg's tournament finals. In talil the T-72s bounced side shots from Kornets they shouldnt have bounced because of it
  • @VynalDerp
    well that scope bug explains why i always struggled to use marksman roles even though i see youtubers popping heads from miles away without so much as a bipod
  • @jakob7693
    now I see why peoples perspectives on the ICO game is so divisive. ( I get roughly 30 to 50 or so frames depending on the map and whats going on.) this is so bad.
  • @epicsnake21
    The audio bug with shooting has still been in the game where you randomly hear shots sometimes but there is nothing there. I'd argue it's close to game breaking because as an experienced player, enemy weapon shots are what I am listening out for
  • They REALLY need to optimize graphics. I can count the pixels sometimes on my screen it’s insane, especially when you compare it to how it used to be
  • @GazGaz0wnik
    I made the post about the mgs. My clan mate was looking through squads sdk, and found out that the bug is fixable with one button.
  • The bug I want quashed is the sorta rare, but still happens like once a week, bug where you can’t aim…. Sometimes you can’t enter vehicles… after a while the game just lets you do it again I have had some success in getting run over by a friendly vehicle in helping fix it, but not always… I’ve also had success in recreating exactly what I was doing when the bug first happened I feel like it happens once an animation gets interrupted. So I’ve had some success in retrying the animation that was interrupted and then the game thinks it’s finally “complete” and let’s me have full control again and I can aim Example would be like, if I was crouched and was digging and got run over or killed or something, then picked up, I may run off and then realize I can’t aim…. So I’ll try going back to what I was doing, I’ll crouch and dig to “complete” the interrupted animation. It’s super annoying, and sometimes that doesn’t work either because I can’t remember what I was doing to cause the bug, or the game just decides it doesn’t want to work
  • @NightRye_
    the infantry combat overhaul and its consequences have been a disaster for squad
  • @Fakes-uh8dy
    the range of how far you can throw a grenade is also linked to your FPS, only noticeable at very, very low FPS though
  • @betterosprey
    my friend has said it so many times, “what we need are bug fixes not new factions, guns, and maps.”
  • @jan-pcro
    That armour bug must be there for a long time, since i had the questionable "non damage fights" quit some times. I was in both sides of, recieving no and dealing no damage.
  • @N0R35P3C7
    and there is a reload bug to on the BRDM, after you reload the you can't shoot and some animations bugs to. They should stop adding content for a moment and address the bugs in the game and the performance issues.
  • Squad has alot of bugs. I dont think I can even name them all and talk about them in under 4 hours. these issues that you are bringing up right now are insane, props to the players that found and proved this because these are things iv never even considered were a possibility
  • @RJBeee91
    We all enjoy the new content, but I'd be thrilled to see a community post by OWI telling us that new content is delayed while they focus on optimizing the game and fixing bugs. A Squad that runs reasonably well and is reasonably free of major bugs is something I'd take over a new faction or new vehicle any day.
  • @punishedkid
    Offworld Industries reportedly using AABB for armor simulations
  • @alleranotceh886
    These bugs are so bizarre and specific, how did it even happened lmao
  • @brandon7990
    played today and couldn't span on a FOB. A few other people said the same. thought the server was about to die but we could chat so tried spawning on a different span point and we could all spawn., super annoying