Which Slugcat is the Best? | Rain World Downpour

Published 2023-05-02

All Comments (21)
  • @Falkflip
    Scavengers start manufacturing their lamps differently during the ice age. If you show one to Moon, she will notice a powder inside it that produces heat. So, there is a lore reason for that mechanic.
  • @Sigma_10000
    I can't believe it was confirmed that rubicon is literally just slugcat hell.
  • @kgblagden
    You haven't gotten the full Arti experience until you've had to engage in trench warfare. A killsquad of scavs have decided to all hunker down in a choke point where if you rush them they will just obliterate you. Quarters are just to tight to get around them, looking at you, Pipeyards. You have to hunker down in a safe spot and take shots at them every so often and wait for a few to rush your position to take out individually. I find having the low ground usually give you an advantage in fighting them. I actually really like the challenge to the point I've gotten all the pearls as her and ascended although it is a massive test of patience and I've had my fair share of ragequits. I don't think anyone will disagree that Ruffles is the most fun scug to play.
  • @d00mnoodle24
    I like rivulet the most then spearmaster but saint's lore and story literally gave me goosebumps and he's cute AF so he's the bestest boy
  • Only just got to the Arti section and lemme tell you I agree 100%. I'm one of the few crazy people who enjoy scavs and getting chieftain, especially because I'm really bad at combat. So an entire campaign of just fighting scavs is hell. I love Arti on paper! She's so cool and awesome! I'd play her in a heartbeat if the entire point of her campaign wasn't committing mass genocide against scavengers.
  • @maltoc2673
    15:25 Actually if you give it to Moon on Saint she says it was mixed with 'fire powder' (presumably from a gunpowder plant) for warmth by the scavengers.
  • Fun fact with the lanterns in saint, if you bring one to moon she says the same thing as every other character but says it also mixed with something called fire powder to give off warmth too! Plot hole solved.
  • @finkle4434
    The experience of going to Five Pebbles' city topped all of the other annoying parts of Artificer's campaign, I didn't experience like half of the annoyances that were listed, like I enjoyed the difficulty and even if I got my ass kicked there was still the novelty that I was in 5P's mfing city which kept me hooked and wanting to explore as much as I could. I enjoy exploring all the little details and environmental storytelling in rw more than the gameplay + I only had to pass like one or two annoying scav karma gates to get to the exterior and to 5P himself. The fact that this campaign had no greater lore significance and was it's own adventure made it refreshing compared to some of the other DLC slugcats; apart from that it literally contained everything I had hoped for and was such a nice first character to play. Maybe I'm objectively wrong idgaf but I enjoyed Arti the most it had me fr fangirling the entire time through.
  • @kgblagden
    Just a small correction: Scavs do only take one shot to kill. Some do however have a small window of "bleedout time" where they'll freak out and can take one more shot at you before keeling over dead on their own. Best you stab them a few times if you're fighting one close range. The initial shot will knock it out so you can just shank it again just in case it's one of the ones that has that extra bleedout time to take one last revenge shot. Most of the time it's not big issue if you're a little ways away. You can tell if a scav is really dead if it drops everything it's carrying.
  • @vynaius6479
    ngl artificer is my fav anyway. I do agree that it's quite annoying to drag scav's body to the gate but you need to do that only once in the whole playthrough. And I had so many good memories about exploring as artificer.
  • @TrueWolves
    It's worth noting that the lantern has custom dialog with Moon on Saint's campaign as they DON'T just use slime mold anymore. Also, all pearl dialog, including blank pearl dialog, is different for Spearmaster and Artificer because Moon has a different perspective before her fall and Pebbles is... Pebbles.
  • @jcdenton6427
    I absolutely hate Spearmaster's campaign but I love this cat and his new lore unlocks all over the world made me appreciate him even more. Its fun to run around every region looking for that one lore satellite without looking at map on wiki.
  • @WizzyWizWizzy
    tbh, I liked rubicon, it did feel like the game itself was trying to stop me. But that was kinda the idea, to me rain world is a game where it doesn’t want you to win, and when you win that’s the true fun of the game. So when I kept dying in rubicon, I felt motivated, not frustrated. I can see where you’re coming from though.
  • @incongruity
    solid tier list I definitely agree with the top 2 picks just because of how much fun I had with the lore and region changes/additions they had on my play-through of their campaigns (although rubicon was a crime against humanity)
  • I love artificer because it's really combat focused and doesn't really punish you that hard for dying, so it gives me more room to do sick plays, but I can understand perfectly why a lot of people really dislike her Edit: Mauling is god-tier
  • @walker9192
    Holy fuck, bro just permanently murdered arty.
  • @Dani751PL
    I guess the only saving grace for monk is that In downpour they gave him a sub-quest to give Moon DAT DRIP.
  • Spearmaster might be a multistage fetchquest, but I love the story behind it`s campaign - seeing another Iterator indirectly intervening the events and trying to connect with Pebbles is extremely sad. Spearmaster gets to listen to Iterator logs, to learn of their worries and thoughts, and the messages SRS sends about feeling attached to their messenger is very bittersweet. This campaign lays the groundwork for the Saint to give the game a proper emotinoal ending, and is the second most emotional story of the slugcats (second only to Saint, of course). Also the anatomy of Spearmaster is a little...disturbing. Why did SRS had the wonderful idea of transporting a pearl inside animal`s Chest Cavity I have absolutely no clue.