My Top 5 Fantasy Books of All far (2024)

My Top 5 Fantasy Books of All time...that I am sure is going to change

If you are over here from Booktok hellloooo, let's have fun with this.

If you are stumbling on this from youtube itself follow my booktok @Vinopapi23

Also my first booktube video be gentleeeee but also feedback is welcome.

Leave in the comments what your top fantasy books are!

#fantasybooks #booktube #topbooks

Time Stamps
0:00 Intro- Me Yapping really
1:04 Housekeeping - More Yapping
1:41 Why Fantasy is my favorite genre - A lot more Yapping
2:41 5 - The Rage of Dragons
5:19 4 - The Sword of Kaigen
8:22 3 - The Hero of Ages
11:36 2 - The Prisoner of Azkaban
13:43 1 - Words of Radiance
17:06 Ending - More Yapping

コメント (21)
  • @ayys1340
    I love seeing men reading and enjoying books
  • Yeeeeeah! More blacc people on BookTube. It’s just dope to see more on YouTube. Hope it inspires more people to read and talk about it
  • @tuber7081
    Always nice to see a fellow black man who’s into fantasy ✊🏾
  • I’ve never had a TikTok, probably never will! So I’m glad you’re here, or I never would have found you. I’m halfway through my first read of Words of Radiance now! See you in the next video, I’m looking forward to it
  • I love how you placed an HP book in your top 5 ❤❤❤
  • Hero of ages absolutely killed me... I still think about the ending and I got so attached to all the characters. Brandon really did us dirty.
  • Words of Radiance really is one of the GOATs, i read it during Covid and just balled my eyes out during the arena scene lol. Not even emotional, just pure appreciation for how much i loved it
  • @polo6530
    I don't know if you did it intentionally but sitting down on the floor really added to the cozy feeling for me! It gave me a vibe of being at a friends place as kids sitting on the floor talking about our favorite things.
  • YouTube keeps bringing this video up so finally decided to watch it.
  • Welcome to the BookTube community! So glad to see more brothers here.
  • i said i wanted to get more into reading fantasy and then this video shows up 😂😂😂 the algorithm doesn’t mess around haha welcome to booktube!!
  • Ayyyy so excited to have you on BookTube!! You nailed the debut video by being you. 100% genuine and real. Looking forward to more — can’t wait for you to find Malazan
  • Happy YouTube debut! Love your “prop books” and cozy fireplace 😊 very excited for more content on this platform. You’re going great friend.
  • I could listen to you talk about anything, but I'm especially happy that it's about books! As a kid, HP & TPoA is also what captured my imagination and turned me into the person I am today. Welcome to YouTube and I can't wait to see more!
  • My top 5 (personally) Fantasy books: 5: The Hobbit 4. The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian 3. Ill Met in Lankhmar 2. Elric of Melniboné 1. The Broken Sword
  • A handsome man who loves to read and talks about books? Sign me up! Welcome to youtube! Loved your very first video on here! 🎉
  • @mrmarty.
    I’m so glad you started a YouTube channel man! Keep at it
  • So glad you are posting. I was telling my best friend that I wanted to start posting booktube videos to be a part of the community but am nervous about. This inspires me. Keep it up young man.
  • Dude when you said Sword of Kaigen I just had to give an exhale. What an incredible, crushing story.