They killed it...


コメント (21)
  • Barkskin reserving 10% mana after spending points to allocate it is confusing. No other ascendancy needs to reserve mana for their defensive nodes 🤔
  • @Sal_McCoy
    Nerfs before a league are preferable to nerfs during a league.
  • i think you misunderstood the slayer vaal pact question, what ggg meant is that leech from overkilling is instant, there is no 'regenerative' leech from overkilling if you kill with a melee hit, worms will just give you extra instant leech if you kill them
  • That Dervish is way more than just rampage, two swinging minions can apply so many things thru support gems, free chill, free bleed, free poison, free ignite, free maim , free cull (with item rarity) and so on, if it doesn't change back, it will be like the old fortify, sounds like a melee buff but instead buffing caster way more, just this time it's a minion buff that works so much better on non-minion builds.
  • If no one had said anything, they would have nerfed The Taming immediately upon people using it that way. Mid league? Yes. Yes they would have.
  • @Cezarrior
    Ralakesh still works, you scared me Ziz!
  • @IAmmlskOG
    "You're not going to keep it up all the time" -Zizaran 3:11
  • @pily8438
    tbh i feel like 10 max trades at once is completely fine, unless ull be trying to flip a lot (if ull have even gold for that)
  • @Hjutner
    I think the Hoarfrost change allows for freezes over 2 seconds, they said after adding it all up if its less than 2 seconds it sets it to 2 seconds. That implies that the minimum freeze duration is 2 seconds, but doesn't sound like it has a cap on the maximum freeze duration.
  • Im hoping that I can dump the corrupted maps that i cannot run into the automated guys
  • 7:37 how does the shield mastery "gain 1% to block attack damage per 5% chance to block on shield" work with this? does it count as the equip shields value, or does it scale off of the 50% since the ascendancy node overrides it?
  • 4:25 Jokes aside, I'm really happy they fixed that, would've hated someone breaking the economy of bosses in the first league with a 1c unique item
  • @runo949
    3:00 From what I understand, with Vaal Pact you never get leech regen even with over kill leech. Overkill leech is just another source of instant leech. Normally leech is capped at 10% of your max health i assume. So if you hit and kill a monster, max leech you get is 10% instant from hit and 10% instant from overkill damage, 20% instant leech at total. As long as whole your damage is instant. So if you are doing only melee damage, it doesn't make much sense to get Endless Hunger since you can never benefit of stun/bleed immunity and attack speed. It would probably work with for example ligtning strike i assume, assuming projectile damage does not count as melee damage.
  • Some of these questions, even though im on my 3rd year of Path of Exile, remind me of just how DENSE this game is, and how very little I know.
  • @acww52
    you can already weapon swamp for rampage with the blue axe....
  • When even GGG forgets Ascendant can also aggravate with the Gladiator perk, you know which class is really going to be bonkers this patch. Edit : seems to be only 25% in PoB now. Sad.
  • @voidroad
    barkskin sounds fair at 10% mana for these stats its arguably the best aura for its cost BUT it costs you 2 ascendancy points so it seems balanced
  • @AtlasGcx
    On a side note: is the recombination chance changed? (Yes/no/not disclosed?) I know the crazy modifiers were removed and now it’s just combine, but I wonder if the previously figured out numbers were also tweaked.