How To Worship With A Hole In Your Heart // Worship On The Word (Part 1) // Michael Todd

Publicado 2023-05-14
Worship is our love expressed to God as a response to His grace towards us. In the first week of our Worship on the Word series, Pastor Mike helps us understand that worship is more than a slow song; it’s about our hearts and how we live our life. As we worship, we may recognize that there are some holes in our hearts that have caused us to leak out the love that God has given us. Yet in His presence, He gives us a new heart so that we can operate out of the overflow of His love. This message helps us to understand why we worship, how it starts with love, and why we can run to worship in our vulnerability.

Scripture References
Proverbs 4:7 NKJV
Matthew 22:37-38 NLT
John 3:16 NIV
Deuteronomy 30:6 NLT
2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT
Philippians 1:9 NLT
Ephesians 6:16 NLT
2 Thessalonians 3: 3 NLT
Psalm 91:1-2 NLT
1 Corinthians 13:6-8 NIV
Psalms 119:9 NIV

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00:00 - Intro
06:39 - Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 NKJV
07:10 - Knowledge definition
07:30 - Understanding definition
07:46 - Wisdom definition
08:26 - Knowledge + understanding = wisdom
10:42 - I will have the wisdom to worship
13:44 - Our worship is the only gift we can give God
22:26 - Worship is not just a song
24:17 - Worship is our love expressed to God as a response to His grace towards us
24:48 - Matthew chapter 22 verses 37 & 38
25:47 - Worship starts with God’s love for us, not our love for God
29:22 - John chapter 3 verse 16 NIV
31:03 - We don’t worship FOR love, we worship FROM love
32:28 - Worship starts with love
35:13 - There will be times you will have to worship when you are weary
36:40 - 1. Love is given
36:41 - Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 6 NLT
39:12 - 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 NLT

41:45 - 2. Love grows
43:19 - Philippians chapter 1 verse 9 NLT
46:44 - 3. Love leaks
46:54 - Ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 NLT
49:22 - 4. Love needs protections
50:11 - 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 NLT
52:47 - Worship supernaturally changes your present because of His presence
56:00 - Psalm chapter 91 verses 1 & 2 NLT
56:41 - 5. Love never fails because God is love
57:17 - 2 Corinthians chapter 17 verses 6 through 8 NIV
57:35 - How do you worship with a hole in your heart? Hide yourself in Him.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • No one is going to read this but this is the start of my healing process and reconciliation with God! I’m ready to restore my faith.😘🙏🥀
  • @HankMoodyyy7
    I started listening to 1 sermon during a workout, last week. Now I’m listening all day. The smiling is back in my life and the overwhelming feeling of love, a hug is covered me. I Thank You ALL 🙏🏾
  • Major Key🔑: Anything that feels too hard to do, it’s because I am not supposed to do it alone or without God.
  • im a 14 year old girl and my parents are going through a divorce and i have multiple holes in my heart and after listening to this worship my heart has been changed thank you pas
  • My husband left me in December. I need prayer. I am angry, full of holes and have a numb heart. But I'll worship Him anyway. I will NOT be silent.
  • @shunda1979
    I pray that my heart is healed. I’m tired of feeling angry, anxious, depressed, lonely, unloveable, used, overwhelmed, unseen, uncared for. I just want all of this to be over.
  • @kalemothHD
    I am a 24 years old male from Canada and last month by the grace of God I celebrated my 5 YEARS SOBER from drugs and alcohol! I gave my life to God and the opportunity he has placed in my life to give back in amazing! I pray for all of you and for His blessing to wash over you❤
  • Dear god I needed this I needed you to renew me,I’m a 17 year old girl who’s been hurt, who’s been keeping her feelings hidden and not asking for help but hearing your words through him was a hat I needed and I want to continue to worship you through my pain, through my laughter, through my heart and understanding, through my knowledge and wisdom that you have given me, I now know what it is to love you, no lord I don’t know it full yet but I will learn to love you as I continue to seek you lord thank you lord foreveyrhting I feel renewed and feel happy that you are my father the one I seek the one I know and love ❤Jesus name
  • @LABZY
    i don’t care about what people say about mike todd, i see so many videos about him saying “why you should stop following mike todd” and other pastors putting hate on his name, i still choose to follow him because the message he sends has helped me open my eyes and spoken on things that have hit home for me. he is human and still learning just like all of us MIKE TODD love your services showing love from melbourne australia
  • "The reason why most people cannot worship is because their love is LEAKING!" Give me a new heart oh lord🙏📿
  • @ntokozosishi
    Been Unemployed from November 2019, but I am and will still continue to worship him, through my season of drought.
  • Y’all can say what y’all want about my boy…cause guess what GOD TRUST HIM🤣🤣🤣 this world so judgmental is painfully hilarious!!! I love you MT❤
  • I am worshipping in the hospital right now. The most uncomfortable and scariest place. My water broke at 21 weeks, and I will be in here until baby girls is born. This wednesday will make 24 weeks......I thank God for what he has done and continue to do. Please continue to pray for me and bby girl. This journey tough but with God on our side... we will have the victory!!!
  • When your feeling anxious, angry, lonely..Start by doing something for some else and worship God and be Thankful.. Just do opposite of your feelings..God watches over us As we watch and pray over others!!!Amen
  • @TheonlyJaraBee
    I have been unemployed since January of this year! I have faith God will put me right where I need to be. I will still worship and thank God for my daily life ❤️
  • I need healing from a broken heart and being mad at God for dealing with sickness. Thank you for your prayers.🙏
  • @iamandyrosas
    Man. I don’t care what criticism falls upon TC. The Holy Spirit speaks to me every time through TC. Love ❤️ it!! Are they perfect? nope. Nobody is. But God gives me the discernment on TC, and I feel such peace and strength. God is great! Always.
  • @blm5181
    Change me oh GOD , make me more like YOU - create in me a new heart - so that I can worship you ❤️
  • @thanaM20
    I'm taking a gap year and ive been full of shame and embarrassment. I felt angry,hurt and small. But God has shown me love, patience and gratitude. God is real and He is full of love ❤. I chose Him through this storm and He has shown me mercy 🎉