ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [Or Making It Worse?]

Published 2018-11-25
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If you use your joints too much, you'll wear them out, right? This is a very common belief, even amongst doctors, and others who should know better. There is no evidence showing that using your joints causes them to wear out quicker.

Your joints, if fed the proper diet, can renew, rebuild, and rejuvenate the tissues that lead to optimal function for your age. To say otherwise, especially if you're an orthopedic surgeon, is to be disingenuous. Joints don't have to wear out, or be chronically inflamed if you treat them right.

Which diet, and which nutrients, decrease the inflammation in your joints and lead to healthier, happier joints? Check out this video and feel free to share it with someone who's achy joints prevent them from living their life.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • My doctor told me in my 40's that if I continued with my line of work I'd be in a wheelchair before I reached retirement, 2 blown knees, a ruptured disc and osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. I was on Prednisone and Methotrexate in recent years. I began Keto, then switched to carnivore and have now been off all meds for over a year, no symptoms or flares! I'm 66 now and have taken up hiking our local mountains and loving it.
  • @roughout
    This worked for me! Lost weight, lost my joint pain, increased energy. I could hardly walk but now I can run.
  • @TINTIN7070
    I am 70 years old and I suffered from chronic back pain at the lumbar level. Recently, an MRI showed several very severe narrowings of the spinal canal at the level of the lumbar vertebrae. The doctors even wondered how I was still standing... and told me that the only solution would be surgery to free the passage. My daughter Charlotte overcame multiple sclerosis just by changing her diet. She hasn't had any treatment for 4 years! And no more new plates! She first yelled at me, then she advised me to switch to a purely carnivorous diet. In a few days the pain disappeared!! And my general condition is improving every day! She was the one who advised me to follow your channel. I would like to encourage all viewers who suffer from osteoarthritis to try the "Low Carb" or "Carnivore" experience, because it is the way to go to repair your body, your joints and get rid of your osteoarthritis.
  • I am 73 years old and have suffered my whole life with rheumatoid arthritis. Last year I went on line to see what to do to try and stop the pain. I was on medication and wanted to get off. March 2019 I started eating low carb. It was hard following the keto diet but I did the best I could. Within 2 months I stopped taking the strongest pill for arthritis and was feeling good. I also stayed away from night veggies and beans and grains. My doctor said it wasn’t true about staying away from foods. I was feeling good and continued eating this way. It is now May 2020 and I am off all medications. I also had trouble with my knee and needed a knee replacement. I have lost over 50lbs. And still losing. My knee gives me no trouble at all. I am so happy I found this. I am very happy with the food and am not deprived of desserts, goodies and all that I like. This is easy to do for the rest of my life. The recipes are easy and quick. Wish I could get off of other pills that I take. But at my age I am happy at least I stopped 4 pills. Might be hard to stop any other pills because of my age. But I am very happy
  • @KenDBerryMD
    Your joints will get better, if you stop inflaming them and feed them what they need!
  • @MMimi-mg4qt
    True! Cured husband in 1999 with change in the diet: no sugar, no white flower - carbs, no alcohol, no frying...
  • @robertp9297
    Thank you for this valuable information. I really appreciate your straight-forward approach. I"m 62 yrs-old, have have been ketotic for the past 7 years... I've lost 121 lbs (54 kG), and I feel better than I did in my 40s! Please keep up your good work.
  • Good information Dr. Berry, and absolutely true! I will add a couple of scenarios of my personal experience with your presentation here. I had two split molar teeth, both in the bottom quadrants, left and right sides. One of them had been split for around 10 years, the other for about 4 months, before I started Keto. After about 9 months of strict Keto, I realized one day, my teeth had mended themselves! WOW! Today, I can chew my food up, without any pain, my gums are much healthier and my blood sugar levels are consistently in the 85-95 range. I will also give another testimonial here... My wife and I are older, 65 and 70, she robbed the cradle! Lol. Anyway, last year in June, she had finally gotten to the point of having major dementia issues. Confusion, repeating things multiple times in a few minutes, etc... typical symptoms. I took her off all carbs and sugars, increased her dietary fats, put her on 3,000 mg of high quality omega 3 daily, and had her drink bullet coffee each morning. Within 10 days, you could not tell she had ever had any dementia symptoms! NONE! This led me to addressing my Sons severe ADD. He was 22 and just starting his second year of college. He has always struggled with school. I took him off carbs, same regimen with him. Within 2-3 weeks, he started coming home and saying, "...made an 87, 93, 97, 100... on my test today, Dad". That has never been a part of his vocabulary with his parents. In addition, He started saying,... "Dad, I can't go do that, I have a deadline in one of my classes as of Thursday at midnight. I have a lot of work to do." We had a conversation about 6 weeks in, from changing his diet in which I asked, "What is the difference Son, when you take the Omega 3 and when you don't?" His reply was as follows, "Before, I would have to read things 4-5 times to retain enough to make a passing grade. Also, when I took an exam, I was sure I knew the information, but my thoughts would not complete themselves. When I take the Omega 3, I read the material one time, the information is there immediately!" The parents of kids who have not struggled with ADD or ADHD, do not understand how revolutionary the above statements are! Now, to surmise, I have studied a lot over the years! In fact, I have made a way of life. Because of that fact, I have garnered a fair understanding of diet, body chemistry, etc... In addition, the medical community is now starting to call "Dementia" stage 3 Diabetes. That leads me to these conclusions: (1) The high carb, high sugar, and low fat diet, as promoted by most doctors and the FDA, causes repeated insulin spikes in our bodies daily. Those spikes, over many years, cause damage to all of our body, including our brain. We literally damage our brain, with it becoming insulin resistant, and we starve the brain with the low fat diets we eat. Just look at all the low fat, zero fat products at the food store. (2) My family's collective experience supports the fact that, you can correct those issues, at least in part, by correcting and stopping the daily, multiple insulin spikes, with proper diet and supplementation.
  • @johnensey6185
    I've been doing your Keto plan for 90 + days and pain is down 90% and can even snap my fingers!!!
  • I had rheumatoid arthritis, then ditched the sugar and starches. Never cared for Margarine and such. For my retirement, I was wandering through Europe, carrying my own bags, and hiking and canoeing. Still enjoying life.
  • Another great vid, thanks Dr. Berry. You have helped my type 2 so much (lower insulin usage and blood sugars) and I'm still working at it. Also I had arthritis in different area's of my body and it's all gone since I switched to keto. I eat meat, eggs and low carb veggies. This has worked a miracle for me. I resent my doctors for not relaying this info to me years ago. Thanks again.
  • Sugar causes arthritis. I've been on Keto for three weeks and my arthritis pain is gone. It stopped in the first week. Even my bunions have improved, my big toes are more flexible. I can sleep on either side not, my hips don't hurt anymore. My problem with my bladder control is over. I don't know if it was the wheat or the sugar, as all wheat products are made with sugar, but I cut all of it out and the difference was immediate. I still eat the nightshades, beans, and legumes, but they are added to other ingredients, such as in soups or salads. They are never the main part of a meal. I have also noticed the outer half of my eyebrows growing back in and regaining color, much less hair loss when I brush or wash my hair. My upper eyelids are slightly less droopy. And the dark shadows I had under my eyes all my life is much less prominent.
  • @drogersnm
    Dr. Berry, you make a whole lot of sense and I know what you say is correct. Now, what I have to do is work on my self-discipline. Great video and thanks for posting it.
  • @maherelhelw7915
    Hi doctor, just want to tell you that your are the most honest trusted doctor I ever see and I promise you im gonna share your honest voice to everybody I know, thank you so much , God bless you
  • Just started carnivore almost 2 weeks ago and can already tell an improvement. I was diagnosed with chronic RA back in 2014 (my knees were swollen like cantelopes!) and have been on a variety of meds during that time. I’m on leuflonomide just 4 days a week now and have been in remission for years. I’m meeting with my dr next week and I just know she’ll be skeptical about a carnivore diet and will always want me to take a pill, but if this can help, I’m on board 100%!!!
  • @Mauitaoist
    Thank you Dr. Berry I've been ketogenic for almost 10 years you're speaking the truth to people you're helping lots of people thank you
  • @SloMo2723
    Great video Dr. Berry! At 61 I gave up sugar and started eating much better foods! I began a clean keto diet and after 6 weeks my arthritis went away and I lost 31 pounds! I am now back to running again and started doing the Wim Hof method ! I have never felt better! Thanks for all you great work. All the best
  • @leighm11
    I had to come back here and thank you! I think this is the first video of yours that I ever saw. I was searching for an answer to the inflammation in my hands… I didn’t even consider the inflammation elsewhere. That was just hereditary and old age. That is until I found you! This may not resound with everyone but, Dr. Berry, you will get it… for the first time in over 10 years I can sit on the floor with my legs crossed in a sitting Indian position! No pain! No sweating bullets! I’ve not lost a pound according to the scale, but I’m healing on the inside! THANK YOU!