Sleep Hypnosis to reset your personality type ► EnTrance 50" hypnotherapy Session.

EnTrance Hypnosis presents:

Sleep Hypnosis to reprogram your personality - become your ideal self ► EnTrance 50" Therapy Session.

We all lose our way in life from time to time.

No matter how deep and dark you may feel inside, you are only minutes away from the light.

This youtube hypnosis to reset your personality is a spiritual personal growth meditation to dissolve stress and tension before removing anxiety whilst re framing some simple life hacks as loving and positive affirmations.

You don't need to be Carl Jung and understand the human mind to improve it - don't sweat the small stuff, just accept it can be.

Life changing power of gratitude can be harnessed from this premium quality 50 minute guided hypnosis session.

Gain subtle habits of highly effective people and learn how to win friends and influence people. You are a badass, use the power of positive thinking and the power of now to take back your power and access your inner winner.

#SelfHypnosis #EnTrance #GuidedMeditations
#Selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #selfhelp #guidedhypnosis #mindfulness #hypnotherapy #addictionrecoveryhypnosis #reprogramyourpersonality #beyouridealself


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What is EnTrance?
EnTrance Hypnosis is brand of premium quality hypnotic, guided meditation recordings to begin your self-help journey to happiness.

What we do:
Quite simply, we help you relax. Self help meditations for healing.

The secret to an enlightened life and mental euphoria is simple. Complete mental relaxation to calm the inner and outer minds.

Our audio sessions will help you heal your life, change direction and become the authentic you.

The you buried under years of conditioning built by parents, schools, work and the grind of daily life.

How we do it:
Our sessions use hypnotic scripts and aural encoding to promote a state of Trance.

A natural state of relaxation and focused awareness which can open an experiential communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.

This ancient practice (commonly known as hypnosis or meditation) allows positive change within yourself. A deeper mental harmony can be reached when we are able to listen to our deepest truth.

Ongoing personal issues and problems can be resolved, and the psyche can be developed purely by reaching this enhanced state of relaxation.

By listening along to our deeply relaxing suggestions, you allow yourself to grow your own inner potential, to reach your greatest achievements.

It really is that simple.

EnTrance isn't only about you setting yourself on the path for optimum mental, physical and spiritual health - it's about keeping you there!

EnTrance Hypnosis for YouTube uses all three of our hypnosis voice over artists. Mick Crudge, Stuart Newman and Hollie Kamel. Single voice over sessions can be purchased via our web store:

EnTrance Hypnosis sessions are produced in high end recording studios by audio professionals and are amongst the very best quality hypnotic recordings available.


50 minute Hypnotherapy Session
A collection of 100 x 50 minute therapy sessions; Includes paraliminal section.

30 minute Hypnotherapy Session
A collection of 100 x 30 minute therapy sessions; No paraliminal section.

Gym Health Hypnosis
80+ x 20 min Hypnotic therapy sessions with upbeat music for use during light exercise including housework.

Mini Meditations
24 x 15 minute (approx') short but extremely powerful guided Mini-Meditations with positive hypnotic content.

Relaxation Library
100 x colour themed (Chromotherapy) titles optimised to unleash the power of your unconscious mind.

50 unique versions of Sleep meditation in this library. Listen at bedtime to help induce deep, relaxing sleep.

Sleep Music
35 versions of our bedtime music library for you to slip, gently into a graceful nights sleep.

50 key Frequency Meditations, based on the Chakras frequencies, Solfeggio and Nogier scales, Isochronic and Binaural beats and Brain waves patterns.


Please never drive or use machinery when listening to EnTrance.

EnTrance can be listened to at home, at the work place (desk), a place of leisure, even on public transport (provided you're not the driver!).

For the best results, always use high-quality stereo headphones. ***

コメント (21)
  • today I was feeling shitty about myself mid afternoon until around 11pm. Which was when I came across your hypnosis videos. This meditation exceeded my expectations of a guided meditation. This was amazing!!! I almost had an out of body experience. I felt there were energy magnets around me pulling on my own energy while I was laying down. Insane! Definitely enjoyed it and definitely meditating to this one again!
  • @majsule
    I’ve been really stressed out for last couple months, my skeep was so bad and shallow. After this hypnosis I had the deepest sleep of my life ❤️
  • I have been kind of sad this week, so I tried this and woke Up feeling LIGHT 🙏 Thank you
  • @Toon57
    I do not know if it really worked for me or not but I did feel somewhat entranced by it and feel my ideal self for longer instead of just rare occasions thanks this really helped calm my mind to be how I want it to be
  • I'm really enjoying this meditation 🧘‍♀️ thank you so much ❤
  • It is so good.its a gift of God to me.dear God thanku so much.thanku for this devine voice,devine words,devine music.O dear God I love you.
  • I really loved it.I was sleeping on my chair.lovely voice.thanku so much.
  • @MontyRead
    a great and much needed session... thanks!
  • i fell this and even tho i was knocked out it felt wild, thanks man
  • @Dabedreon
    Being able to move position was very helpful. Thank you.
  • @naren8457
    What are some of the benefits please reply?