Greens launch manifesto promising to ‘mend broken Britain’

Published 2024-06-12
Today it was the Green Party's turn to launch its manifesto, with co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay pledging to "mend broken Britain". (Subscribe:

It features some very expensive pledges, like spending an extra 50 billion pounds a year on health and social care by 2030. They want to scrap tuition fees and the two-child limit for child benefit, create 150 thousand new social homes every year and introduce rent controls.

Their Green Economic Transition plan includes 29 billion pounds to insulate homes. They would stop all new fossil fuel projects and take water companies, railways and the big five energy firms into public ownership.

They would pay for all this with a carbon tax on fossil fuels, an eight percent National Insurance rate on income over the Upper Earnings limit, and a one percent wealth tax for assets over ten million pounds and two percent for more than a billion pounds.

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All Comments (21)
  • @jason_samosa
    This reporting is incredibly biased. You’ve not engaged with the detail of the manifesto and instead have just made baseless claims that the numbers don’t add up. Do the maths and present the numbers to your audience, don’t just sit there laughing like a mug.
  • If the U.K. can spend £60 billion on so called defences which by the way all goes to to being decommissioned after a certain period , why don’t there money to look after the health of the citizens who are working collectively to bring in £3Trillion each year ?
  • If you don't invest in your people and infrastructure then you won't increase productivity.
  • @cathybowden9751
    What, they launched their manifesto and didn't head to a fun fair straight after?! Not even a go on the swings? They're not taking this seriously! 😉
  • They also want to up the minimum wage to £15 ph. This is the best manifesto by far.
  • @AtheistEve
    We have more than 350,000 long term empty properties in the UK. And more than 8 million under-occupied.
  • @aderiley6592
    Biased reporting much? Vote Green for Proportional Representation. Wholesale Systemic Change is surely the best way forward now.
  • @fearghal10
    Even if their manifesto isnt properly costed it doesn't really matter - at present, the idea is to basically present everything labour should ve doing but isnt, then try pressure them to steal a few policies or risk loosing votes. They're not making a manifesto for actually governing
  • I'm going to support these guys with some MPs they may be able to pull Labour to the left a little.
  • @alanhat5252
    Not very much coverage for a whole manifesto 😢 What else is in it?
  • I like the idea of this manifesto but the rich won't like the idea of parting with that much tax and people will not like paying more for fossil fuel, Controversally I think we should reopen the coal mines, nationalise it and export it to counrtys who don't have net zero policies. And the same time "level up wales' with industry and jobs. Maybe a nessacary evil for net zero in the U.K?
  • @LyraDavis
    What’s the point non interviewing them to get answers if you interrupt and rubbish everything when they try to answer. Shoddy, biased journalism. I’ve never considered green before but I’m sick of this two horse race and was interested to see if they’re a viable option but this reporter can’t do his basic job properly!
  • To make a real dent in the environmental damage that has been done to the UK (let alone the Planet) would require sacrifices the likes of which no one in the country will support, and which the Greens avoid discussion of like the plague. It would also require some quite major fundamental changes to the world of work, industry and commerce that businesses blanche at the implications. And that is just the UK. It cannot all be done in isolation anyway, because it is not merely a local/national issue, it's a regional/continental issue and thus a Globally International one. And I cannot see the Developed World, the 'First' (as it used to be called) World doing what would be required, and the Developing World the 'Second/third' World "levelling up" under the types of conditions that would need to be set in order to combat/deal with the environment/climate damage that needs to be done.
  • @Nattiie
    Wow vote green guys finally
  • I don’t know about anybody else but I’m sick to the back teeth of a two party system, they’re both now just shades of each other. Maybe it’s time for a new colour in the mix? Nobody could be more greedy, corrupt and incompetent at governance than the tories…