Why Wolf Armour doesn't fix Anything

Publicado 2024-03-16

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @dhakman8765
    It’s so stupid that Wolves aren’t programmed first to avoid lava before teleporting. Almost every wolf death I ever had was because they burned
  • @dreyfus7938
    tbh all ai absolutley sucks. mobs, animals, villagers are completley dumb and their ai crumbles apart when they have to navigate terrain that's not flat or intact
  • @cactuscian
    I think the idea of wolves having more personality is great, but I definitely wouldn't remove the teleporting ability. No matter how good the AI gets, it likely will never be able to completely avoid dangerous situations, so having that safeguard is nice, for both casual and more hardcore players
  • @eyetorus
    This really is a big problem with all mc pets (cats parrots & dogs). Dogs are used as military soldiers, cats are left to sit in the depths of a creeper farm, and parrots simply exist. And if none of those are done then most often the "pets" are left to sit in a room for all eternity.
  • Part of the reason I don't like getting a wolf to follow me is because I don't want it to die while it's following me. I'd like a dog bed that a pet can assign itself to like villagers do with beds, so that when the pet dies it can respawn at the dog bed.
  • @brandonchase1533
    This video made me realise: We need sleeping dogs. Like foxes, they have a sleeping pose/animation for night time when sitting.
  • @Luka__1
    The wolf armor is literally just a totem of undying for wolves.
  • @vertexvortex
    I love that the dog armor neutralizes the new mace onehit KO
  • @iPengusYT
    5:12 The wolf variants aren't actually for 1.21, but will instead be added alongside armadillos in 1.20.5
  • @Nightcaat
    1:04 Wolf armor doesn’t have a unique system, it acts much like the player’s shield
  • @drewswoods
    I started getting dogs to protect my chickens from random fox spawns. They've just been quiet sentinels, sitting there, rain or shine, never moving, never doing anything.
  • @stebex5052
    One mod that does the "Mob AI" a lot more interesting is the between lands, almost every mob has survival instincts and interactions that makes watching them feel like a nature documentary and are more natural to encounter to find than the base game
  • @robotjosh2239
    I would genuinely carry a parrot around on my shoulder if they would actually stay
  • I think all Minecraft mods need a serious improvement to their AI. Especially now that the game is over 10 years old.
  • @PanoptesDreams
    This is exactly what I was afraid of when I heard the armadillo winning. I knew that in order for the additions to make sense they would need to either entirely rework dogs, fix creepers, or give the dogs plot armor. And knowing Mojang they went predictably for Plot Armor, instead of fixing their game.
  • @jochem420
    really cool concept, maybe they can make a dog house you can connect your dog too so he will stay in its vicinity
  • @Yackalips
    If wolves become stronger when wearing armadillo skin, shouldn’t that mean that armadillos should be just as strong?
  • @RaysWorks
    So cool that you blasted it with my breeze cannon! 😄 thanks for mention
  • @Wobstiger
    This guy just wanted an excuse to kill wolves for ten minutes
  • @Inspirator_AG112
    Thinking about it, here are other examples of major weaknesses with mobs that involve A.I... • Villager-based farms in general. • Ranged mobs ignoring entities blocking the target, even if it is an End Crystal or cross-fire mob that will retaliate. • Being able to bait slimes(and sometimes skeletons) into hazards. • Skeleton infighting. • Being able to cluster mobs around a creeper, then blocking, one-shotting an entire group of mobs. • Mobs fighting other mobs outnumbered. • The Wither hovering above a player; this makes cheesing the Wither with End Crystals way easier. • Nullifying mobs as hazards using boats. • Bats.