FIXING Mummy & Percy's BEDROOM PROBLEMS! | Our 2 day TOUR of the UK + Chelsea Flower Show!

Publicado 2023-05-28
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The Chateau Diaries Episode 391 ✨🏰✨

Escape to the chateau with 'The Chateau Diaries' 🏰
This channel follows the adventures of chatelaine Stephanie in her French 16th century home, the Chateau de Lalande, in the heart of rural France ❤️
We share our life in this ancient chateau in the heart of the French countryside, and show you the diy, renovations, crafts, cooking and gardening that are needed to bring a home like this to life!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I'm overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @scooman
    I am now a retired Flight Attendant. I was learning German. I thought I was doing quite well until I saw horrified looks on the passenger faces. I stopped and ran back to a German speaking Attendant. She asked me to repeat what I had said. “Would you like the beef or dog.” Her eyes got big and I begged her to apologize to the passengers for me. She explained to them that I was still learning German and what I wanted to say, “Would you like the beef or the chicken”. Fortunately, the passengers were kind and understanding and burst out laughing. I was bright red. They all thanked me for learning their language and a good story and laugh. Thank you again to the German people for treating so kindly that day.😊
  • Philip lights up whenever he is around cat, he gets to actually act his age and have fun when he is with cat
  • @ronwhite2237
    I live in middle Tennessee. My daughter-in-love is from Swindon England. The first time I met her, at our home, she happily commented that our home was so homely. In North America, homely is what you call someone who is ugly. We still laugh at that. 😂🥰
  • This 1 is specially for Philip - I was an au-pair for a Dutch family in Eindhoven, Netherlands and 1 evening at the dinner table, the parents were discussing taking the kids for their first swimming lessons. So I happily shared with them I can't swim. They look so shocked by this, so I quickly put their minds at ease and said "Ik kan wel plas in de water" intended to let them know I can splash around in the water... only to realize a few days later what I actually said was that I can wee in the water... 😂😂 needless to say, the kids did not learn to swim that year - for more than 1 reason 😂
  • @MamaVee50
    We have lived like paupers for so long! 😂😂😂
  • @TheColleendoll
    I started using Babble. Back in December, I almost lost my Mum. During a patch of delirium she thought she was visiting the chateau. When she came home from the hospital we decided to try to learn French and plan a trip to see you. We are not experts yet so Mum says next year.
  • @oliwiarak263
    When I was about 5 I visited my Granny in Germany (I come from Poland), and Granny told me how to say "I don't speak German" in German. We went to a playground and I used the phrase. Next thing my Granny heard was a little boy talking to his Grandma: "I think this girl is strange, she says in German she does not speak German" :D. Now I do speak German though ;) Also at work one day my colleague started to laugh histerically while writing an email. We came over to her desk and saw the reason. She wrote to a client "We have tried to kill you several times, but without success" LOL.
  • That’s a hilarious Dutch language story 😂 When I was very young and just started learning Dutch for my love, we had dinner with his bachelor friend. Greeting him I said: wat zie jij er prachtig uit, meaning how nice it was to see him. Well I said how good, beautiful, looking he was. As I was making a pass at him. You live and you learn 😂
  • @christineh5790
    What a joyous video Stephanie! Aunt and Uncle, Mummy Isabelle and Percy, GLORIOUS flowers, Davy, Cat and wonderful Ardmore beauty - who could ask for more?💐❤️💐❤️ Oh - and not forgetting the very talented Wendy!🥰
  • @teepeeX
    Oh i love mummy , but i have to say i have a vit of an eye for Percy, what a lively gentleman 😊
  • @cynaduq
    This is a language mistake we experienced, not one we made, but it was quite funny. My husband and I have just returned from a European river cruise - our wonderful program director was a lovely German gentleman named Hannes, who spoke excellent English. Hannes (a very jovial and energetic guy) was from Nürnberg and was delighted to share his city with us when we arrived. Lunch of Nürnberger bratwurst had been arranged in a restaurant in-town and on the bus ride from the boat to the city center Hannes explained the difference between Nürnberger bratwurst and Regensburger bratwurst, two very popular versions of bratwurst. He told us that both were made of pork but were seasoned/spiced differently, and the Nürnberger wursts were skinnier, so it's normal to be served about six for a meal. Also, the makers of Nürnberger bratwurst decided that pig testicles were not strong enough, so they started using sheep testicles (what?). Over time they somehow discovered that German sheep testicles still weren't strong enough for the bratwurst, but the testicles from Iranian sheep were just perfect, so that's what they use now. Really!?! The bus was really quiet while he gave us this explanation - I know I personally was wondering about the testing process, and exactly how this all worked - finally someone at the front of the bus asked a question and Hannes suddenly realized he had used the wrong word - he meant to say INTESTINES (for the bratwurst casing), not testicles. Needless to say, we all dissolved in laughter, to include Hannes.
  • Mummy’s hair looks so nice I love the colour. She’s so youthful.
  • Your story about learning Dutch resonates well with me !!! Many (many) years ago I was working as a hotel receptionist and studying spoken Japanese. Those days, guests had to manually request a 'price-required' international call at reception and have the call transferred to their room. One dear elderly Japanese gentleman made a call request but didn't speak any English. I felt confident enough with my spoken Japanese to give him instructions to return to his room and await the call.... only to be confused by his rather bemused reaction as he tottled off. I learnt later that I had in fact told him to go to his room and hang. Suffice to say, I was mortified and so embarrassed. Wish I had Babbel 40 years ago :)
  • @peterwhite9261
    I absolutely enjoyed this trip to the UK. It is always fabulous to see the Chelsea Gardens. Loved seeing Kat, Isabelle, Percy, Davey, and Scotman. Also, it's good to see Wendy. I am still in a lot of pain, but now on antibiotics and more pain meds. So far, I am still home with a nurse coming daily to do my dressings. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind thoughts. It is greatly appreciated. ❤❤❤
  • @franceshnni7380
    it still amazes me how you bring artists together Stephanie..❤
  • Mummy,Percy, and Gerry look as though they have been drinking from the fountain of youth!
  • @ottarsdatter
    Burglar Bill! Yes! Back in the late 70s I worked for a children's book publisher in NYC and we had access to all the best imports from England. The books by Janet and Allan Ahlberg were the best! Burglar Bill was one of my favorites and later on I read it ceaselessly to my daughter, who is now in her late 30s. Burglar Bill accidentally steals a baby in a basket and teaches it all the rules: "When night comes, he takes the baby for a walk in the park. 'Say Run for it if you see anybody,' says Burglar Bill. 'Runfrit,' the baby says."