What Happens When the Two Best Players in the World Face off on Total War Warhammer 2?

In this Total War Warhammer 2 multiplayer gameplay, the two best players in the world face off as Felkon, the High Elves and Alarielle the Everqueen battle against Tlaxtlan Soothsayer, Lord Skrolk and the Skaven.

コメント (21)
  • In typical Skaven fashion, the rat ogre can be seen, pummeling the shit out of a fellow skaven warrior.
  • The council guard fighting down to the last rat to protect their lord is so badass. Who’d have thought that the skaven of all factions would have the most loyal unit in the game
  • @lucid.254
    Seeing the two forces of magic directly oppose one another was really cool to see scrolks decay vs alarielles healing haha
  • @CEOofNano
    It's the way Indy Pride announces that really gets me pumped for these kinds of battles
  • amazed how the skaven, at every point where it looks like it should be game over, manage to survive and threaten their opponent. like it seemed to me they were 'losing' the entire match and yet they win
  • @omologo95
    I have absolutely no idea what is going on. There's no Yari Ashigaru here. Why is there a massive beast trampling around. Where did that lady get the bird from, and how can the Takeda abuse them. Fun stuff tho.
  • Your intro, and story telling ability, are what keep me coming here. I don’t have WiFi, the money for the laptop, or the time to play. So I love vicariously through your videos to ease my need for 40k battles.
  • FYI, Star of Avelorn no longer decreases the cost of Earthblood in multiplayer.
  • As much as I was cheering for Felkon and the HE, Sooth was really smart here in knowing the type of builds that Felkon typically brings. This build would've been in trouble against a bunch of shadow warriors, but Felkon rarely goes with super missile heavy builds.
  • I was just waiting for Master Chief to come flying over the hill in a Warthog..
  • @Manno221
    Was half expecting the chief to turn up on a warthog 🤣
  • This was the first multiplayer match I've watched. Great commentary and interesting to see just how different the multiplayer battles are compared to campaign. I rarely if ever use rangers in campaign
  • You tried to hide that halo music by turning it right down... but I caught it ... will recognize my childhood theme anywhere .
  • Jesus, never actually zoomed in far enough to see Skrolk's skipping/gliding animation that's terrifying.
  • @Sanguinon
    I was hoping Indypride was referring to himself as one of the two best players in the world lol