The Accident We Never Saw Coming | Disturbing Footage || Mikey The Macaw

Mikey the macaw had an accident that knocked him unconscious, gave him a short memory loss and was the worst experiences we have had with him. What happened on this day is something we would have never ever expected. Some of the footage in this can be very hard to watch as it’s horrible seeing such a beautiful happy bird in such pain and distress.

This was not something we wanted to share but as the majority of our content is happy fly day vlogs, it’s good to show the bad as well. Mikey will make a 100% full recovery.

Sorry for the long video, we figured it would be best to cover everything and answer any questions you guys had before you asked them.

   • Mikey Has RECOVERED! & Cute Cockatiel...  

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コメント (21)
  • Hey guys. Really appreciate all the support and love. Mikey has now made a full recovery! To answer the most common question here “Why didn’t you take him straight to the vet” - The moment we had him in the car we called every vet in all of london as our local avian vet was closed. Every vet we called weren’t avian specialists and didn’t have a clue what to do with birds or have the equipment to deal with him or had very little to no experience with birds. We went home to keep looking as it seemed better than sitting in the car. It wasn’t until we got home that we were recommended by a free flight friend of ours about the 24/7 emergency avian vet in Swindon and went straight there. The only reason we put him on the floor was because it would’ve been stupid to put him on a perch and we had to take him out of the carrier to get him in the house as the carrier has to be folded down to be removed from the car. We are so grateful on the amazing recovery he made so stay tuned for more happy fly vlogs. Watch him back in the skies here - Love xx
  • The poor bird was in shock, pain and scared. Couldn't imagine the huge headache he had. He just had a terrible blow to the head.
  • @BMarie774
    My grandmother actually just suffered a traumatic brain injury recently. When ambulance was called, she became incredibly combative, screaming, thrashing about, semi violent. It was quite troubling. It seems birds experience a similar thing.
  • The poor thing.. he sounded so scared and distressed, I’ve never owned birds but I own two cats and so I can understand the fear and anxiety of watching what is basically your child get hurt or end up disoriented and freak out due the sheer fear and their natural defence. But I am so glad he’s recovered well! You truly are amazing owners
  • @sunnowo
    “It went QUITE deep” Dude, he ripped a bloody tenderloin out of your pinkie
  • Theres a disturbing amount of pet owners who try to disguise and hide any unfortunate events to try and keep up a perfect and beautiful facade of exotic animal keeping for cloat. You're incredible in my opinion for sharing this. These things happen unfortunately, thank you for not hiding it.
  • Please stop apologizing for loving your beautiful birds confusion & yours as well. I'm sure you will never know how many of us are crying with you & Mikey. I'm so glad he's better. There's no way to prevent all accidents & obviously wind was a great confusing factor. All the best to all of you.
  • My bird,who was sitting on his perch,heard mikey screaming and began to look around thinking there was another bird in the house in danger. (He's a sweetheart so he's always wanting to protect something or someone.) I'm glad mikey is feeling better.
  • In aviation this is called a whiteout. It happens a lot. He'll remember this bad experience forever, don't worry. Learn from it. No i think he totally knew who you were...he either was blind sided or got distracted...he was just really pissed off in the aftermath. Poor boyo. “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.” Bless you Mikey. Love ya.
  • His cries were so... eerily human. The only other time I’ve heard such pain from a living thing was a teacher coming out of a tornado shelter and reacting to the building being destroyed. Absolutely devastating. I’m so glad he’s doing better.
  • @yuko6378
    With Mia, this shows how smart and caring Macaw's are tords each other. Mia knew Mikey was hurting and not him self, and she did her best to make him comfortable.
  • @1hawaii21
    So sorry this happened to you. My cat who is a house cat did something similar. She got excited and ran head first into our sliding glass door. She knocked herself out. When she came around, she was very quiet. I took her to my vet who told me she had given herself a concussion. She did recover. My take from this is, stuff happens. No matter how cautious we are things can happen. Don’t beat yourself up. You are fantastic owners.❤️
  • Sounds like he had a massive concussion and was trying to deal with the vertigo and migraine but was to confused from the concussion
  • Classic signs of traumatic brain injury. Glad he recovered
  • I am glad he's ok and the fact that he had no broken bones or anything was amazing, I'd just say there was definitely a higher Power watching over your bird that day and I really pray nothing like that ever happens again!
  • @Balrog-tf3bg
    Just finding your channel, but I’m so glad Mikey recovered from this. You take amazing care of your birds, the fact they come back to you after free flight proves that
  • I’ve never seen a bird cry and act like that. I genuinely teared up. It was heartbreaking. I can’t imagine how much pain he was in. I’m so glad he has recovered.
  • I'm glad Mikey is going to recover, that sounds like a scary thing to go through
  • This made me cry. I’d wager he had a major concussion. They are NOT fun. All sorts of scary feelings sensations and pain. In the beginning, it looks like seizure activity. Him just sitting still for days after tells me concussion too. I thank you for showing us the difficult moments. It’s important.