The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Tanks in Squad 44


コメント (13)
  • Great!! Someone had to make one. I hope this video reaches out to as many new players as possible.
  • Thank you so much for these guides! I thought I'd jump back in the game after a few months, and suddenly there's a whole bunch of new vehicles that i don't know what to do about haha.
  • Very good video. It is refreshing to see someone create a guide that is thought out and planned. I do want to point out that you misspelled the word hull. In the video @5:57 you have it spelled "hall". It is a mistake that spell check would miss just like to/too/two.
  • Great overview video for tanking. There are so many tanks in this game, this is a great starting point. Thank you for taking the time, and glad you enjoyed your trip!
  • are you sure about the HEAT shell being the worst shell? from a realism stand point it should basically be the best AT shell you have against heavy armor at med-long ranges. APCR should be better at closer ranges and APCBC-HE-T is a good all rounder but not really the best
  • Thanks for the video! We need more like this. Could I suggest you point out how to enter a vehicle, how to leave it. How to swap positions when in the tank. How to repair the vehicle from the outside, how to put fires out from the outside, the use of repair stations. I love this game and the recent update has given us lots more tanks to dive into!
  • AP does the most hull damage and is the most reliable shell, after that APDS/APCR and last is APHE. APHE does not function "historically" accurate. It feels more like a HE with some AP capability and gets blocked by pretty much everything. According to the devs, APHE does the most component damage. HEAT is completly useless and does absolutly nothing to armor. Don't know why.
  • @TheJimyyy
    armored car are not a tank and cant be compared whit other vehicule they are recon armored car . and in the game right now there is not a lot of light tank beside m24 and the stuarts all variant and for some light like the m24 they have good gun
  • can you make a in depth tutorial in driving different tanks? really want to know what the sweet spot for changing gears and rpm Good video keep up the good work