How hard is it to make a 3D Printed Miniature in Blender?

Published 2022-05-05

All Comments (13)
  • Join / remesh / decimate have become absolutely integral parts of my workflow in my own minis... but if you can't fix it this way, Meshmixer is a great tool for "making solid" some minis.
  • @CraftyRic
    Awesome! I will learn from your mistake for sure haha. I've been doing more traditional sculpting but intend to move into 3d sculpting in the future. Thanks for such an informative video!
  • @Fredster9984
    You could have probably exported the STL and run it through the free 3d Builder in windows to make it manifold for you in a click.
  • @RobJackJones
    Good Day, i got a Question, what Printer did you use for the Print? Kinda Curious, because i Purchase recualary Printed Minis from Only-Games, and the Details are Astonishing, so i wonder what the Resolution was on your Print? Thanks in Advance and the Time to give a Answer, best Regards!
  • I think boolean sum is not necessary. Two manifold intersected cubes will print good. But there will, may be, some mistake in addition auto support to interior parts.
  • @BurbleBenis
    how'd you emboss the armour panels with the indented rim so uniformly? i'm trying to do artificial details like that and I was wondering how you achieved such a high quality? surely it isnt just using a boolean modifier right?
  • what are the design details specific to 3d printing? aside from usual modeling/sculpting in blender
  • @maciejs.5094
    Hi, I know this vid is old, but can you PLEASE answer this simple question: what polycount did you end up with? If you would just open the model in blender and hit statistics, it would be very helpful for me; can't get the answear anywhere as to what number to aim at when working in this scale.
  • Hello, I need help. If I model something about the size of the base cube and export it in STL, then load it up in my 3d printer it's tiny. I have to 2500% up the scale to get something that's print size. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? If I import an old model it's massive in Blender, the camera/light object are extremely small compared.
  • @Nash_Idaho
    only a couple hours of your life... and a couple years off your life because of stress lol! I've been using microsoft 3d builder as its a bit more consistent in its ability to make things manifold...