These Cards Are RUINING YUGIOH!!!

Published 2024-03-24

All Comments (21)
  • @TeamAPS
    This is my new favorite Yu-Gi-Oh binge channel.
  • @Keynomaru
    Generic extra deck monsters should not feature negates. A meaningful interruption should be on an archtype's boss. More xenophobic restrictions.
  • @scorpioncox8978
    I’ll just summarize the rant I’ve had with generic extra deck boss monsters with this: No generic boss monster should be better than those you have to work to get. The more generic they are, the weaker their effects should be. That’s how you begin to control the power creep and get more creative archetype boss monsters
  • @ggwp638BC
    The problem is that the extra deck went from being a boss monster gallery into a second hand full of the strongest extenders. Extra deck monsters should be the end of a play, not win more cards on demand.
  • @GrmDark
    90% of extra decks today all look the same 💀
  • @Viarus46
    Nah bro fuck Baronne that card easily outshines all but a handful of synchros in the game. 1 tuner + 1 non-tuner and no further requirements or setup required to make an omni that also DESTROYS is just apalling. Card is so insane that even something like snake eyes will slot it in as the only synchro besides formula to climb into her.
  • @KaiserShield
    I don’t think it’s just to sell cards but also an excuse for Konami to not have to bother creating unique ED support for every archetype. Why bother creating individually big bosses, negaters and disruptors when you can just give them all easy access to Barrone, savage and access code? Or why bother creating unique individual extenders for certain types like fire when they can all just utilize promethean princess?
  • @justinle6715
    I think what’s annoying is that most generic boss monsters negate. It feels hopeless when your opponent has 4 say “No” set up on their first turn. That’s why Zeus doesn’t feel annoying.
  • @ConnMann1999
    Baronne had no business being a generic synchro
  • @Voltra_
    We can fix everything wrong with Yu-gi-oh with just one thing: bring back the concept of drawback. Most cards don't have drawbacks, or minor ones, or ones that actually become perks. If we want to go further, not making everything require generic materials would be nice.
  • @AnotherWindaSimp
    'In mannadium,you crush your balls' seems totally accurate but not in the right way
  • @maunabesanika
    Generic boss monster not only bad mechanically, but also aesthetically weird, imagine playing rock mining deck who its gameplay are digging your main deck (excavating cards) and your boss monster is a flower-knight lady, gun themed dragon, and a fairy with a bow. And then your next turn you summon big robot with a lance
  • @wingedbluj1674
    The most fun games I've ever played recently are when both me and my opponent don't use those generic extra deck monsters. I can only imagine the relief they feel when I Special Summon Trumpeter or Big Waraji with their own effects and lock myself into pure Superheavy Samurai.
  • @PKSparkxxDH
    Making a whole video to argue banning Apollousa is wild LOL I agree with the bulk of the video though. Less generic ED boss monsters, please.
  • @haidersyed5213
    The Prize card formats were unreal. How did that even happen?
  • @blackmark2899
    Archetypal boss monsters should ALWAYS be tribal locked. Having them be generic negates any point in playing their home archetype. Do I think generic boss monsters shouldn't exist? No but they shouldn't be the most powerful options and feature some of the most powerful negates. That should be the trade off for mixing engines and decks, you don't have the level of power a pure or mostly pure deck could have.
  • @huyhoang6875
    As a HERO player, I'm kinda frustrating to see people adding the DPE engine in their "generic negate/pop board". It's just when you see your favorite boss monster being played in such a deranged deck full of generic negates and pops when it should've been your exclusive boss hurts me. And it's also kinda funny how DPE is also a good counter to its own deck and seeing you lose to your own boss monster is just kinda sucks Also BAN BARONNE I'M TIRED OF SEEING THIS CRAP IN EVERY SINGLE DECK, SYNCHRO OR NOT. PEOPLE ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO MAKE IT JUST BAN IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • @goddessbraxia
    This is not coming from a yugioh "boomer" mentality. but this is how I view the creep of yugioh: Synchros were the Harbinger of the end. XYZs were the beginning of the end Pendulums is where Yugioh died Links were beating a dead horse. Hand traps were the icing on the festering carcass. This is because Synchros are where the game spiked in power creep due to their inherent speed compared to the game up until that point. XYZs it got even faster. Thats where the true fundamentals started to break down in order to keep up, hand traps replaced traps, turn counts continued to plummet, extra zones, Pendulums convoluted mechanics. Until Yugioh today, competetive 1 turn Solitaire where every card had A thesis paper on it just in hopes of it competing. If I had to point out a specific moment where Yugioh as a game died for me, it was the replacement of "graveyard" with "GY" you could no longer fit the name of one of the core foundational zones in the game on a card anymore. We lost the game of play and counter play, adapting to each opponent in a game that evolved turn by turn. it devolved into reading the instructions to a new archetype and if you couldnt follow the instructions, then you scoop.
  • Honestly they also need to stop making cards that will obviously be used in a ftk and also just ban ftk cards in general. The new gimmick puppet support is a consistent ftk that can do it in more than one way while also being unaffected by monster effects which is stupid.
  • @Sigma13Angel
    Back and forth absolutely has been (mostly) power crept out of the game. That's why past formats are so popular because they let people have interactive matches more consistently than current Snake-Eye format.