Sleep Hypnosis to Connect with Your Higher Self | Guided Meditation for Healing

In this sleep hypnosis and sleep meditation experience you will be guided to connect with your higher self, in order to receive powerful healing answers from your most loving, most insightful, and wisest, inner guide.

Discover the profound benefits of your deepest calm and most relaxing, self reflection, as you allow this deep sleep hypnosis to meet your higher self to bring you the important life's answers you need. Learn to develop and grow your best health in mind, body and spirit, as you empower your life to: clear away obstacles; let go of negativity; and discover your positive, inner purpose -- as you connect to the clarity, intuition, and guidance of your most pure source of authentic self.

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Enjoy and explore more of my sleep hypnosis and meditation experiences:

Sleep Hypnosis Fall Asleep Fast 4 HOURS Collection:    • Sleep Hypnosis Fall Asleep Fast 4 HOU...  

Sleep Hypnosis for Regaining Confidence:    • Sleep Hypnosis for Regaining Confiden...  

Sleep Meditation for Detachment from Over-Thinking:    • Sleep Meditation for Detachment from ...  

Sleep Hypnosis to Fall Asleep Fast | Deep Healing:    • Sleep Hypnosis to Fall Asleep Fast | ...  

Guided Meditation for Calm:    • Guided Meditation for Calm (Anxiety /...  

Sleep Hypnosis for Clearing Subconscious Anxiety:    • Sleep Hypnosis for Clearing Subconsci...  

Hypnosis for Deep Sleep Mind & Body Cleanse:    • Hypnosis for Deep Sleep Mind & Body C...  

Hypnosis to Let Go of Negative Attachments:    • Hypnosis to Let Go of Negative Attach...  


This sleep hypnosis is a form of guided relaxation and enhanced sleep meditation to connect to your higher self as you unwind and calm down before sleep; with spoken suggestions for deep relaxation, accompanied with a soothing soundscape of gentle background sleeping music to encourage your lasting, inner peace.

This hypnosis for sleep recording may be repeated as often as you choose, to strengthen and reinforce all of your positive intentions and connections to your deeply healing self.

This bedtime session is suitable for repeated listening. Regular listening to this sleep hypnosis and sleep meditation will help compound all positive suggestions for your own mind, body and spirit's higher self healing results.

The ending of this session will offer suggestions for relaxing completely, by drifting and dreaming into peaceful, refreshing and rejuvenating rest, for your ultimate in self healing, deep sleep.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

Peace & Enjoy!

P.S. Please LIKE & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from this positive sleep hypnosis and guided sleep meditation for healing, thank you.

Original vocals and video by Michael Sealey © 2021

Images via Shutterstock.

Sleep Music credit:
"Cosmic Harmony" by Chris Collins,

コメント (21)
  • I'm a recovering alcoholic and I'm coming up on 1 year of sobriety and I cant describe to you how much these guided meditation videos of yours here on YouTube have helped me through this major change in my life. Thank you. Going after 2!👍 One day at a time!
  • Your channel has really helped me heal from the inside out. I told my therapist about your channel and how it helped me. She went home and listened to your work and now recommends it to her other patients. Thank you!
  • Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: it doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful day and a happy, peaceful life where all your dreams come true. You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! 💝
  • When you're on your phone for the first time of the day, and new Michael Sealey session pops up, you listen.
  • 🎉had a dream right after playing this for my mom and falling asleep to it too! The dream said there is a difference between selfish, selfless, and self aware. I’ve been taught that self awareness and loving myself were wrong but that’s not true… selfish and selfless are complete opposites self awareness is the balance! The rest of the dream was all for me and not for sharing. This was my second-ish listening.
  • I used this last night, and just before I woke up I remember in my dream an aunt who lives kinda far away was in my house and gave me a box of mint chocolate cookies and told me "listen I am so proud of you and I would really like to buy you a car" and ive been shopping for a car recently and it's my first big purchase as a semi adult and it's been stressful so thank you michael bc I needed that
  • I suffer from Ptsd, Anxiety & Depression, since I listen to you referred by my therapist because I can't afford going to her, I could say I feel much better not laying down in fetal position having Panic attacks! THANK YOU SO MUCH WITH OUT YOUR VIDEOS I WOULD NOT BE HERE FOR MY FAMILY! GRACIAS FROM THE HEART!
  • Since starting with this meditation, I have had messages come through from the MOST RANDOM of things and people, I had a rough few days in the first 3 days, what felt like a purge of emotions, I cried and cried and cried some more, emotions came up that I thought I had already dealt with, but now I feel so much better and I’m becoming more secure in myself everyday, more disciplined, my memory has improved incredibly, there is something about this meditation that beats the rest for me. Thank you once again Michael ❤️
  • Thank you so much Michael,this hypnosis couldn’t arrive at the most precise time of my life. I’ve been disconnected from meditation and mindfulness practice for a while and I think, I’ve reached the point to feel myself lost but,I know also,never it’s too late to start much gratitude and appreciation for your wonderful job. ❤️🙏🏻
  • I was guided by the universe for this meditation. I was looking for something else and this was incredibly powerful for me. It spoke to me directly as though it knew exactly what I needed today. I’m so full of calm and peace and I was filled with creative ideas and openness to change. I really can’t believe it. I’ve been meditating for 25 years now and yesterday I was brought to moving to my higher level, and I did and today this meditation not only solidified it but took me to a higher level. I had all these people who came to me who helped me since I was a child come to me in that meditation and I had tears of gratitude coming down my face through closed eyes as I thanked them. Life is a miracle.
  • I have adhd and have trouble with a million things popping into my head but within the first few minutes I was in one continuous thought for what felt like hours. I barely moved an inch and felt a level of peace I haven't felt in forever. Thank you so much
  • Mike: "Hi, my name is Michael Sealey, and -" Me: "ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz" Excellent video! What was it about again?
  • No babe can’t go out tonight Michael Sealey posted a new meditation video
  • If you’re reading this you are in the perfect place and what you know is no mistake, you haven’t forgot where you came from and what you are and they are always near to you - much love and light friends
  • The comments on these videos are beyond heartwarming and I think as healing as the videos, so nice
  • I don’t go one night without listening to one of your Sleep Hypnosis guided meditations … I just wanted to thank you , blessings 🙌🏼
  • Wow I’ve never had this kind of timing! Sweet, just got in bed and I’m here for this!
  • Been struggling so hard with mental health and life stuff lately. Thank you so much for your videos, much appreciated 🫂
  • Michael Sealey I hope you know how much your videos help me like so many others! And to anyone reading this, it will be okay and it will get better, but for now, stop reading and get some much needed rest - much love for all ❤️