Ireland, vitamin D report

Publicado 2021-04-08
Report on addressing Vitamin D deficiency as a public health measure in Ireland.……
Vitamin D levels and deficiency with different occupations: a systematic review. Sowah et al. BMC Public Health (2017) 17:519 doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4436-z
Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With an Increased Likelihood of Incident Depression in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Briggs et al. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2018.10.006
Vitamin D supplementation for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19: a position statement from the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. Tarazona-Santabalbin et al.
The Environment and Disease: Association or Causation? Bradford Hill. Proc R Soc Med 1965 May; 58(5): 295–300.
Scientific Opinion on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of vitamin D. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) (2012) EFSA Journal;10(7):2813. [45 pp.] doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2813.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) Vitamin D and Health. Crown copyright 2016. Report available online at: committee-on-nutrition
Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D. Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2011) Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
The Safety of Vitamins and Minerals in Food Supplements – Establishing Tolerable Upper Intake Levels and a Risk Assessment Approach for Products Marketed in Ireland (Revision 2). FSAI Scientific Committee on Nutrition (2018) Dublin: FSAI.
Tithe na Oireachtais; Joint Committee on Health debate. Tuesday, 23 Feb 2021…
Perspective: Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 severity plausibly linked by latitude, ethnicity, impacts on cytokines, ACE2 and thrombosis. Rhodes, J.M.; Subramanian, S.; Laird, E.; Griffin, G.; Kenny, R.A.. J. Intern. Med. 2020.
Autumn COVID-19 surge dates in Europe correlated to latitudes, not to temperature-humidity, pointing to vitamin D as contributing factor. Walrand, S., Sci. Rep. 2021
COVID-19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel: Final Report. Department of Health, 19 August 2020
Population and Labour Force Projections 2017-2051. Central Statistics Office.
Healthy Ireland Survey 2015, Summary of Findings.
Obesity in an Ageing Society Implications for health, physical function and health service utilisation. Siobhan Leahy, Anne Nolan, Jean O’Connell, Rose Anne Kenny (The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, TCD and St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin) 2014.
A High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency Observed in an Irish South East Asian Population: A Cross-Sectional Observation Study. Laird et al, November 2020. doi:10.3390/nu12123674
Successful nutrition policy: improvement of vitamin D intake and status in Finnish adults over the last decade. Raulio et al., 2017. doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckw154
Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study. Castillo et al; 2020 doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105751
Vitamin D and clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) guidance. UK Government Publications, February 2021.
The Joint Committee on Health

The Committee heard evidence that Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent across the population and the report recommends that public health measures are established to address that deficiency. These public health measures are preventative in nature and are recommended to reduce the risk of respiratory and other illnesses such as osteoporosis.

1 That daily Vitamin D supplementation of 20-25µg/day should be recommended to the entire adult population as a public health measure,

higher doses recommended for vulnerable groups under medical supervision.

2 That a public health policy, which promotes better knowledge of the benefits of Vitamin D, and which encourages Vitamin D supplementation, should be developed in time for consideration in Budget 2022.

3 That reducing the cost of Vitamin D supplementation, in order to promote its uptake, should be considered.

4 That specific measures need to be put in place for vulnerable groups, and for frontline and healthcare workers,

so that Vitamin D supplementation is administered on an opt-out basis,

and for the duration of this pandemic, people should be offered Vitamin D supplements when presenting at Covid-19 test centres.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @gerryfarrell6401
    Thank you Dr Campbell for your wise words over the last year. I was recently made subscriber of the week in the New Statesman and nominated you as my choice for the inspiring person I would like to see on the cover ! You deserve every honour going . Thanks again
  • Thank you for everything you do for us all in bringing us your daily reports for well over a year now - without a day off! You are a star! Xxxxx
  • @RON-nw9si
    Well done Dr Campbell for reporting this. Really important report. I live in Ireland and, my former GP from South Africa, had a large sign on his surgery door stating that all Irish people should take vitamin D supplements every day between October and May. Dr Campbell has been on the ball on this issue right from the beginning.
  • @memofromessex
    My depression has disappeared since taking Vit D, thanks to your advice for fighting COVID-19 🥰
  • @myopenmind527
    As a healthcare worker here in Ireland I’ve been taking Vitamin D for over a year now. Great to see this report published and the empirical data to support its recommendations. I sincerely hope that they follow through on the recommendations made in the report.
  • @sandywhite1550
    Growing up in Canada, my mother gave us vitamin D supplements all winter long and I continued to take vitamins and eat a healthy diet my whole life. I’m now a senior and survived the Covid virus last year. That might have saved my life.
  • @OrganisedPauper
    It's about time a country took this step. Well done Ireland. 👏
  • @MegaMusicMuse
    Sir you not only are a good doctor, scientist but you are a GOOD human being. Thank you for speaking truth.
  • I researched vitamin D3 a decade ago and educated myself on its benefits and my need to supplement with it due to the long winters where I live and lack of sunshine and the fact with the exception of my face all other skin was covered. In 2013 began supplementing with 5000 iu daily. Then in 2015 increased dosage to 10000 iu November thru April and 5000 iu May thru October. Since 2018 have taken 10000 iu year around. Have had 0 respiratory issues since I began taking D3 in 2013. Starting in 2014 made a lifestyle change with regard to my health and personal well-being in which I lost 80 lbs going from 250 down to 170lbs. Completely changed what, how much and when I eat. Strength train and run on a regular basis. My health from that point has been my number 1 priority and will be for the rest of my life. I control what I have control over and don't worry about what I have no control over. I don't worry about what might happen but I deal with things when they do happen. Personal Responsibility is key to one's life.
  • "let's hope no one today is putting commercial interests above people's lives"...knowing look into the camera.... thank you for that
  • "... and I hope this was helpful." - It MOST CERTAINLY IS HELPFUL! Thank you Dr.Campbell! What you said about accountability and governance, cannot be said enough - absolutely right. Well done Ireland. Why is England always the last to realise good ideas? That is so disappointing. Several years ago, working about 45 hours per week and commuting (underground) another 16 hours per week for literally decades, I rarely saw sunshine. I also have caring responsibilities, and any spare time I had over the weekend I was catching up on my sleep. By that time, my VitD levels were very low indeed, classed as "defficient", I was constantly catching colds and feeling down. My GP put me on VitD, only for it to be taken away after a year. I checked with my GP again, he tested my VitD levels - I was no longer defficient, but was still "insufficient", however, the GP said that according to NHS, I no longer needed Vitamin D supplements. Like a fool, I believed that NHS knew what they were doing and did not invest in Vitamin D supplements. What a mistake! Anyway, about 8 or 9 months ago, I realised that Vitamin D could help improve my chances and started supplementing with Vitamin D (also C, Zinc, Magnesium and occasionally a tablet of Selenium). I always take them with food. Should I consider multivitamins? I really don't know. I always assumed that if I ate healthy home cooked food, that I'd be getting adequate levels of all vitamins and minerals. But we really don't know how much mineral and vitamin content is actually present in our food, because of industrialised food production methods. I'm now making kefir at home - a wonderful discovery, similar to yoghurt, but tastes much nicer. Also, my Bokashi composting bin arrived this morning, and I'm planning to dedicate a part of my garden to drowing a few choice herbs and vegetables. When I say "choice", I actually mean "easy to grow". Parsley, mint, coriander, radishes and maybe onions and leeks... Hopefully, they'll have some good vitamin and mineral content. Public Health England really need to get their finger out.
  • @Desi_Des
    From Kansas USA - Dr Campbell, you’re an absolute inspiration by teaching the public about the positive effects of Vitamin-D. You are clear and your thoughts on the positive effects of Vitamin-D are so encouraging. I’m a 67 year old female with Lupus, Hashimoto, Osteopenia and depression (yes that’s a number of medical conditions) and take 4,000 IU of Vitamin-D daily which has done incredible miracles for me. I’m an avid mountain biker as well and still biking with energy and I’m the oldest female member in my local Mountain biking group. I truly believe that Vitamin-D has assisted in giving me the strength and has put a wrench in the debilitation of Systemic Lupus, as well as the other medical conditions noted. I wish that the Institute of Medicine (IOS) (US) would be transparent by encouraging through advertisements to the public, to take 4,000 IU of Vitamin-D. I depend on International medical sources like the EFSA and the SACN to obtain information as they’re more “transparent.” Maybe the U.S. Pharmaceutical companies do not encourage this type of information as it would hurt their wallets. I just started listening to your Clips and was fascinated by the latest clip regarding the Indian Variant (Covid-19). Thank you for taking your personal dedicated time to spread the news to the public. The Irish government is truly transparent and I admire them very much. May the Force be with You…Des
  • @freakyfriday8483
    Another brilliant video delighted to see ireland taking vitamin d into account( they must of been watching your videos 😁) i started taking vitamin d since the very first video u put on u tube and I must admit I have been far better health wise so thanks again and big hello from me here in dublin ireland .
  • I'm so pleased to see this report, John. I take 4000iu a day since my neurologist told me to, and I eat as much vitamin d rich food as I can and catch a few rays when I can, since coming across your advice last year. Consider getting good quality supplements/oils. There are vegan alternatives out there, too, guys. Have a good day. Sending best wishes from London.x
  • I started taking Vitamin D last March 3,000 units a day after following your advice on this channel and i'm convinced it stopped me getting more severe illness when i had Covid in October, as i have Type 2 Diabetes and mild COPD.....i cant understand the negligence of this government in not promoting the benefits of Vitamin D supplementation to the public
  • @WillNewcomb
    Thank you Doc. Encouraging to see a report to the Irish parliament making such universal recommendations. wrt your dialogue with Prof Spector, one point he made was that there was no satisfactory definition of what a low level of vitamin D is in the blood. Obviously the Irish report does not accept that! As a 71 year old I'm on 3,600 iU/day and my 59 year old wife is on 1,600 IU/day and I'm not considering lowering that. For the first time in my memory I've not had a cold for over 12 months. I normally have 3/year. Perhaps my memory is fading haha!!!
  • @scaldon2
    Good morning everyone. Please remember to take your Vitamin D. Have a good day 😀.
  • @rhontopo
    it is encouraging to see this by the governments but...its about TIME. This has been known for over a YEAR. Thanks for your updates.
  • @sue1528
    Dr Campbell works sooooooo hard, every day: such energy and commitment. The work behind these videos is immense. What a man! Thank you
  • @fatbelly27
    I like the recommendation that people should be offered Vitamin D supplements when presenting at Covid-19 test centres