VP Kamala Harris would be wise to come out with a couple of differentiating issues: Sarah Bianchi

Published 2024-07-22
Sarah Bianchi, Evercore ISI chief strategist of international political affairs and public policy, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the state of the 2024 race, key policy and economic issues on the campaign trail, and more.

All Comments (14)
  • @amatuer2
    Its the prosecutor vrs the felon !
  • @mikenorris2736
    If democrats realy want votes.raise social securty to mach inflation
  • @lanceweeda1147
    They need to go farther left on economic issues. The DNC and RNC are both playing the same game.
  • @navi2102
    Moving to the center-left worked for the Labour Party in the U.K.
  • @jodibonet8618
    She will have to change more than a couple of small topics.. she will have to grow a spine and really create her own visions for the country.. don’t think she is strong enough to stand up on her own
  • @haltoupee6135
    Joe to Jill, honey what's for lunch? " a big bowl of rejection with a word salad on the side". Oh honey, you're the best.
  • @ChristopherEdiw
    I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated
  • She prosecuted around 1500 people for smoking weed VS Trump prosecuted Zero.
  • @royprovins7037
    So a guy that drops out of the race because he can't think straight for 30 seconds picks Harris and everybody buys it. Welcome to the new America
  • @Claudette68
    This lady is right. She should get as VP a person who cares about immigration and protect the border to prevent millions of people coming into the country ilegally creating chaos since the cities cannot afford the expenses the legal immigration cause. Kamala needs a person who bring back from China the industries to create new jobs . We need someone who cut the taxes of all middle class people. Social Security taxes should not be charged because we already paid when we were working A retired person needs to get additional income to survive then the government charge income taxes that is better not to find another source of income. A candidate that do not let men in the womans bathroom because that day that man felt he was a woman. A candidate who does not enforce the cuotas por employment and hire only the person who is the most qualified for the job regardles of skin color, genre, race, religion. Look the woman body guards employed as security guard to to protect a 6.2 tall men when they are 5.6 leaving his head free of cover for any one around ready to shot. This is just an emaple. She need to find a candidate who is not a fanatic and have common sense and do not give away to foreign nations our hard earning money.