Electric Saturn Road test Daylight.wmv

Ok, I got completely chewed out for that last driving video (and I deserved it). I hope this one goes over a little better LOL.

Same basic drill, Speeds of no higher than 60 KPH, but a brief hill climb in there too.

コメント (4)
  • @grndiesel
    No back seat drivng from across the atlantic please LOL! Force of habit I guess. Usually I only drive with one hand even with auto transmissions. One hand at 12 O clock and the other on the shifter (or arm rest). You should check out my later video showing some faster driving (and both hands on the wheel haha)
  • @ivaniclixx
    OK, you know you can put both your hands on the steering wheel, right? LOL Other than that, I've been reading AAALL of the thread on DIE EC and your work "fighting against" chinese hardware was praiseworthy. congrats!! I'm planning in doing the same with an MX5, but here in Spain It's kinda hard to do a street-legal modification to an existing ICE car.
  • Yeah resting your hand on the shifter will tear the fuck out of your gears