How Pro DMs Actually Use Their DM Screens

Published 2024-06-25

All Comments (21)
  • @samseaton7682
    Damn, this was perfectly timed - I am trying to DM for the first time soon and just stumbled on your channel. And now bam, this is exactly what I wanted, uploaded 18 minutes ago. This rocks, thank you
  • @kelpiekit4002
    For a handy extension of the full cover screen you can just store your DM in a packaging box from something big, like a fridge. When it's game time just knock on the outside so they know to start. And when the campaign ends you get to open up the box and enjoy a display of all the campaign notes scrawled across it as you feed and water them and transfer them to a fresh box for the next campaign.
  • @dafrgama
    Having players do the recap is an absolute gamechanger - my second ever DM offered players an inspiration for delivering a good recap that captures everything, and if we couldn't, then they (the DM) got inspiration. Massively increased note-taking, and meant that if we knew a session that was gonna focus more on one character was coming up, we'd pool our notes to ensure that the player who had the focus for that session went into it with an inspiration. Such a simple thing, but meant we all focused more, worked together as players out of session, and all were on the same page going into the next session. I've carried this rule over into my DMing, and I've noticed that players also listen a lot more when it's a fellow party member doing the recap. Cannot recommend this enough.
  • I tend towards using a DM screen as kind of a safety net as a new DM. I only really started like a month ago after a couple years of playing, and am kinda anxious in social situations, but when the screen is up and in front of me, it's like a mental thing that switches on and I'm ok with being in the spotlight and fumble my words less often. Fumbles still happens, but I'm only human
  • @Potatooie
    That ending is perfect. Makes me wish I still did physical sessions.
  • "I've been here the whole time" Triggers my fight (watch) or flight (save to watch later) mechanism
  • @ion_eyes
    Great advice. Playing on computer does help because you can just do Ctrl+F to find a specific table or number. But that also means you need to have access to it digitally...and some systems which require you to pay for that info make that more annoying.
  • @undine120
    I tend towards no-screen, but the big thing I do is have index cards folded in half to be little tents, with the character's name on one side, and the name, ac, save, passives and any notes (ex: has alert feat, ignores lightning resist, etc) that are relevant. Then when we roll initiative, I just re-order the index cards based on initiative so everyone knows where we are in the order and once the enemy acts, I move the cards slightly to leave a gap for when they act.
  • I had a wild magic sorcerer in my party, so i photocopied the wild magic surge table, cut it in half so it was shorter than the screen, taped it together to double the width bc idk, and used one of those binder clip things to attach it to my screen. Didn't want to tape it on in case i damaged the screen taking it off. Eventually i added the ACs of all the pcs.
  • I don't use DM screens as intended. They're more like a group reference card. The 'secret' stuff, like encounter notes, are kept in a folder or are part of the module and referenced as needed. Like you mentioned, 'connection is the reason to gather for games'. No phones or lap tops at our table either. If we're playing music, it's coming from the stereo. Maps are sketched on paper and battle is theater of the mind. It's as analog as possible at our table.
  • @miscelaunius
    I LOVE the loading screen idea! I love this in video games when they give tips or lore while screens load. Brilliant! Thank you!
  • @Dlnqntt
    Playing online, without cameras, feels like a full body screen...
  • @adriannaoshea
    I've been meaning to make a half-height DM screen. I want a little space to have reference, hide notes, and make secret rolls, but I do not like having a big screen separating me from the rest of the table. Its so cumbersome to reach over a screen to draw a map or move a mini.
  • When you use a name, write down who it was. They're a recurring NPC now.
  • @VaennMiten
    Okay but honestly the loading screen is genius, I need to prepare some for my players.
  • @BautzCat
    Actually going to my first session zero (as a dm) today, so great!
  • @TheLogicMouse
    Good video! I liked your exploration of the "full body" GM screen, and agree with your assessment, but I had an odd thought while you were demonstrating it: If you're really nervous/shy as a GM and wanted to hide your face from your players, you could make a costume (or just a fancy hat) with a veil to cover your face, but let you see your players through it. Wouldn't provide space for secret-keeping, but could be fun to cosplay as "the voice of Fate" or some such
  • @jackiecooke1851
    I borrowed a taller dm screen which was great for it gave me more privacy and less likely to look at my players and think they judge me. Along with more space to put my npc/pc list and a possible monster along with what I have in mind for the session. I also had a mini as a backup monster, my notepad for things as they happen. Phone for quick info, cards for treasure and of course dice. I hope to get one for myself to keep information on hand.
  • Fantastic video with a ton of useful advice. One request/suggestion though for making your content more accessible--if the background music could be tweaked just a hair lower in future videos? Your voice and the music are just close enough in volume that it's hard to understand at points. Not impossible, just takes a loooot of focus to differentiate here and there with an audio processing disorder. Like I said though, really useful info--especially liked the tables for npc names!
  • @xexus101
    I personally have been using a laptop with 5etools DM screen and have been loving it. My favourite feature is the initial tracker, paired with creature viewer that's linked to their bestiary. This video helped me realize what I've been missing and how I could improve it, greatly appreciated!