Amtrak Coast Starlight, in a Sleeper Car Bedroom

The overnight 14 Coast Starlight (Amtrak) from Los Angeles to Seattle.
--3 states
--1,377 miles
--36 hours
--29 stops (a few afford a chance for some fresh air, for a few minutes)
--incalculable jaw drops at the beauty seen from along the ocean coastline to the snowy mountain ranges and backdoor views of towns and cities.

I can't recommend this enough! What an experience! What a way to see the country! The whole ride was smooth, quiet, and tranquil. Whether you enjoy a book in the glass-domed car while sipping on some coffee, or nurse a beer through the passing majesty outside your window, you are rocked gently into a relaxation that is unlike any other. The staff was ever ready to accommodate needs and/or wants. Guest speakers rode along, regaling passengers with tales of the flora, fauna, and history of the areas. Fellow passengers were in equal states of awe and wonder, evidenced by the acknowledging head tilts complete with twinkling eyes and hearty grins. Childhood fancy was stirred together with an aged appreciation and I found that though we were moving northward, time had stood still.

Note: Yes...I have since learned to refrain from filming in portrait mode, when using a phone. 🤣

Note: Thank you, all, who have clarified that it's a "Lounge Car" featured in this video, not an actual "Parlour Car." I did not intend to mislead anyone; during our ride, the staff and fellow passengers were calling it the "Parlour Car," and I was at fault for "following the flock" in my understanding. Our train's Parlour Car must have been undergoing maintenance, at the time. I did find, however, the Lounge Car to be quite enjoyable. Nevertheless, I imagine riding with an official Parlour Car would enhance the experience, greatly. Thank you all, for clarifying this, for me and for others.

Note: for mobile device viewers, annotations don't appear on-screen. At the 2:28 mark, it should be noted that "There is a traditional door on this bathroom; it's just not visible, here."


The Coast Starlight Route Guide:…
Link showing the room specifics, including dimensions:…
Music used, from the YouTube library:
"Cry," by Vibe Track

コメント (21)
  • One of the best videos I have seen of this sort. I love travel by train.
  • Fantastic video. I’ve done the ride from LA to Seattle. 34 some hours with a 3.5 yr old.
  • @ep081598
    Way to go if you don't want to fly. We live in a beautiful country. Most people don't realize you should see your country first, to appreciate others.
  • @jewel1953
    The dinners are fantastic on Amtrak. My son and I always get the sleeper car for 4 for extra room and get our own bathroom. Showering while moving is an art that takes a lot of work. We have traveled around the US and Canada twice.
  • These are the old Southern Pacific Daylights, they're a shell of what we used to have. I'm glad we still have this.
  • I have taken the Coast Starlight to Portland, it is a wonderful trip, the views are amazing. The people who take the train are very nice and the crew is top notched. Everyone should take the train somewhere at least once.
  • I have been on this train and l LOVED it !!!!!!!! Well worth the money and time....
  • Rode the Starlight from LA to Portland, OR., several years ago and booked a bedroom. Interesting experience and very scenic views but am glad that I decided beforehand to fly back to L.A. Riding the train one way was sufficient.
  • This was nicely presented, thank you. For others, there are some downsides too, look into it thoroughly, but overall, it is quite a deal, in my opinion. The big deal, to me, is that the person who normally drives the automobile, can actually sit back and enjoy the view, also that you can get up and walk around anytime you like, big bay windows, sipping your coffee and talking with people, and no matter the weather, you are secure and comfortable and tons of rooms.
  • omagosh! I SO want to do this! Thank you for making the video and letting us get a taste of this kind of travel.
  • Amazing video. Im going on this train in July 2017 from Seattle to San Francisco, and from the sights im seeing i am now more and more excited!
  • @Gator805
    At 3:45 mark: California Men's Colony prison, San Luis Obispo. My wife worked there 22 years. Many "famous" inmates.
  • Thank you SO much for this video. I'd been hunting for videos that really depict what the train experience is like, as i am debating taking a trip to a national park by train. I learned more from this 7 minutes than the last 7 videos I watched before it. Awesome job!
  • That was amazing. The scenery was spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing this.
  • Looks like a really nice train - thanks for sharing.
  • Came across you randomly.  Rode Amtrak between Portland and Salem a few times this last year.  Realized I LOVED riding on trains!  This video was bliss, over too soon.  Thank you for sharing.
  • Love the video! The best time to take the Coast Starlight is in summer when there is more daylight. The route is one of the most beautiful in the country, but it doesn't help if it's dark outside!