If Arthur keeps helping People during Free Roam, Micah will get angry and say this

Published 2023-03-17

All Comments (21)
  • @everyone5150
    Micah is just mad because he doesn't get to finish off high honor Arthur.
  • "YOU WANNA SEE HOW SOFT IVE GONE!?" LMAO Thats more threatening than all of the antagonize lines combined.
  • @prozac5314
    "that heart will be the death of you", while arthur catches the deathly disease BY being a horrible person
  • I think a lot of Micah’s antagonism over a player who chooses the high honour play style is coming from the fact that he’s bitter about his brother Amos who cut all ties with him and decided to give up the outlaw life. He wants to believe that he’s right about life being a dog eat dog world and that his brother was just being weak, so he can’t stand it when a high honour player proves that idea wrong
  • @imalexrocha
    If Micah hates you you know you’re in the right path
  • @ma14.27
    In my current play through I'm still in chapter 2 and haven't helped Micah out of strawberry yet. The vibe in camp is just so chill and friendly, I love it, and I'll do his mission as late as possible!
  • Arthur didn’t go soft. He just saves his anger for those that deserve it.
  • “That heart will be the death of you.” Actually it was his lungs but I don’t expect Micah to know much about anatomy
  • @moribell1083
    Ironically enough it was the lack of empathy that got him TB
  • Love how he's all like "ooo you gone soft!" But the second Arthur implies that he's ready to brawl, he just slinks away. Real tough guy here....
  • Arthur: "You're just pissed no one ever bought you a new gun."
  • Here in the wild west, if Micah doesn't hate you enough, you ain't doin' it right.
  • Micah is the biggest coward, saying stuff then leaving before arthur does something
  • This is why I believe high honor Arthur is canon cause Micah is low honor Arthur and it creates an extremely great dynamic between the two. It also works with Dutch who starts with high honor then ends with low honor as he progressively loses his mind.
  • @n543576
    I've met people like this in real life that actually demonizes the idea of helping people being a bad thing. The way he frames it as "going soft" when the methods Arthur uses to actually saves people is ironically violent makes me wonder what the hell Micah considers a "strong hard man" then....
  • Micah:NoOoOooO you can't just be a good person! Arthur: haha honor go brrrr
  • 0:43 - 1:18 “Some survive,others must perish. That’s the world,you can’t save nobody.” “Well,maybe that’s no longer my world.” “Sickness must’ve got to the brain.” I see that Micah believes that the good people are supposed to die because they’re weak and too compassionate. To survive you must close your heart to adapt and do whatever is necessary for your owns survival,basically having very low honor and to be strong by being bad and heartless whereas Arthur is taking an advice from sister Calderón: “take a gamble that love exists and do a love in that.”
  • He's like people who say "welcome to the internet" when you call them out for being jerks online. They think being decent is a weakness but they are just looking to justify their own actions.