The Most Wicked and Vile Fallout Lore

Published 2023-02-25
When I think of a cyborg, I think of a human augmented with some robotic components. When General Atomics International thinks of a cyborg, they think of a robot augmented with a single human component.

Today, we dive into the lore surrounding what I believe to be one of the most messed up pre-War projects in the Fallout universe: The Robobrain Project. A Frankenstein-esque mad science experiment that, despite never reaching completion, would have a lasting impact on the wasteland.

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All Comments (21)
  • To be fair, anything that would cause General Atomics and RobCo to collaborate would be devoid of morality by default.
  • Just like in the Big MT, where you can fuse a lobotamite and a robot together and the robobrain starts talking about how he can feel and see, and when he gets deactivated, it starts to cry out in pain, that's always stuck with me as it's pretty horrible that it has full feelings.
  • I feel like RoboBrains wouldn't be as creepy if the brain part was covered up. No shit, I know.
  • Imagine being turned into a robobrain just to be stuck in the basement of Vault 11 for eternity.
  • @VonArgylle
    "They turned to the brain of the species that had started the most wars on Earth. The human." Ants: "Are we a joke to you?"
  • Robobrains are the scaryest thing from fo3. the calm way the things chase you down whilst calmly gentely telling you exsactly how you will die was one of the scayeist things ever in a game some of my fav lines include "Why..Why do you run? Please stop. If you run..then i may miss. then you will suffer. "please stop. running. You can't escape. Just give up." "Your chanchs of survivel are less then 1% please don't torture yourself let it end"
  • @nekipeh7373
    Brain operation anywhere else: its a really delicate procedure, we must be careful Brain operation in New Vegas: yo bro, we lost your brain. No hard feelings, right? We will just stuff it back and you are good to go
  • Was thinking about "the most vile thing" and then I started wondering how many Geneva Convention laws are being broken on Fallout lore. Like, an actual list would be interesting because it contains things as minimum as improper use of the red cross, and war crimes too
  • @mcpossum
    Robobrains have always creeped me out. After Fallout 4's 'Mechanist' DLC? SHIVER
  • @TKsMantis
    Robobrains be wild. Great video as always!
  • @ijneb1248
    A video on the Big MT would be amazing. I would love to know how the group is connected to Vault-Tec and the enclave
  • Also in Fallout Tactics, there was Vault 0, which had the Calculator, which used the brains of the US's greatest minds, though corners were cut, and the brains ended up degrading in their pods, causing them to go insane.
  • @The_Obsessed
    I know they're made by horrific means, but I love the Robobrains. Favorite robots in the series.
  • Sundowner from revengeance already had this all planned out, you scoop out the brain, then do training, then you put them in the robot. Boom, perfect war machine.
  • I mean where trying to make mammoths come back with genes super mutants don't seem so wild
  • @Gaster15
    Fun fact: Some of the brains used for the robobrain project can from the little Yangtze concentration camp where ordinary Chinese Americans where taken from their homes and went through some of the worst experiences that some could even surpassed the abusive mistreatment the Jews suffered from at the hands of the nazis. Also the chinese Americans in the camp can’t leave as they have bomb collars the would detonate if they leave the camp’s gate and the will die, so they were forced to live in the camp for over 200 years after the war, this was perhaps one of the most evil crimes the American government and to an extension the enclave throughout the fallout series.
  • You can find named Robobrains wandering the Big MT, I found one named Super Ego.
  • Does make me wonder where we'd be if the institute was around in some earlier form, what involvement they would of had.
  • Fallout lore: "the robo brain is a top secret government experience to combine the human mind with a machine. Stealing brains from prisoners. If the public found out they'd riot. We have to make sure this stays completely secret." Fallout 76: "random college student with relative at general atomics gets his hands on a robo brain to test drinks for his friends."
  • @Tom-cp1zy
    RobCo research center is also a notable location too. The staff there were required to become a robobrain.