| Most Overrated Cards | Star wars unlimited | Shadow of the galaxy |

Published 2024-07-19
Sip and Beton agree on Overrated cards.

All Comments (10)
  • @Thorrk_THT
    Great video with some interesting hot takes. Kylo - Agree that he is overrated but putting on the same level as IG is a huge exaggeration, kylo is definitely competitive in a sense that it can steal games against the most powerful decks. Bossk - he is weak in the way most people have been building him but I think he is stronger than you think. The ramp version that is just "vader ramp with a few bounty" is quite possiby a replacement for vader ramp, it's a strong deck. first light - Never seen any good player ever saying that it was good Dark Saber - Agree again but qualifying it "beyond useless" is once again exaggerated, the card is definitely playable and can win you games even though it is situational. Pillage - If you argument is to say that it is not an auto include in every red deck, then I agree, but who says that? The most you will ear is people say it's auto include in force throw decks, in those deck I think it should make the cut main deck but even there it's not an auto include. The card is very strong in those decks, but it's a very skill intensive card to play so many people play it wrong. Evazan - he is an extremely hard card to rate because they are times when he is amazing and others when he is terrible, from my experience he has been more often good that bad mostly thanks to the Ma Klounkee synergy. I can see argument for including him or not depending on the meta but he is definitely not "garbage"
  • I would say the analysis on dark saber is just wrong. Just has to be played in the correct spot vs the right decks other then that its a resource, which is something everyone who plays it knows.
  • I appreciate the hot takes for once. Stand your ground, die on those hills. Most reviews on cards I've seen have been "they'll be good, if they're good".
  • @MeepleonFire
    Hello, interesting video! - Kylo - I dont find him IG bad, he has a correct yellow version but yeah agree that he's very underwhelming - Bossk - like Thorrk said, the green ramp version is solid, but I dont think it's gonna be meta. I tried to play it more in a Boba green mid temp aggro deck and it's good but not exceptionnal. But mark my word, I switched to Bossk blue and it's really gonna be a thing (at least like Boba blue was set 1) - Dark saber is great if you play it against the right deck and the right situation. If you dont have anti upgrade or a way to defeat Sabine right away, the game is over. After that you take a Poe and a Wrecker ECL to finish. It's another menace for Sabine, and the green one need a bit of surprise, so for me it's good for now in x1 or x2. Let's see how the meta evolve after that. - Timely intervention is good in Bossk green ramp. - First light, I've played against a Qira playing it and it was really not that bad, I was surprised. The smuggle is great and right now I'm playing it in one off to push it from smuggle in occasion. Smuggle is insane in control decks, thats why Lom Pyke is awesome. And it's smuggle cost is the same as the cost of the card (and best illustration of the set haha) - Pillage is great in Rey red. For it's one of her best card when you combine it with force throw and K2. For now it's working great let's see how the meta evolves arround it but I love it, I'm 100% agree with Thorrk on that card after playing it. At first I was ok I dont care about this card. Some cards have to be tried to get the sense out of it. And you have to play it at the right tempo too. It's not an automatic play. - Evazan, I hated it when I saw it cause against blue control it's trash and we have a big blue control meta in my city. But now I try it in Boba green playing ma klounkee too, the card is hard to use but I don't know what to think yet.
  • The only one I disagree is Pillage, that card wins games against control, pure and simple.
  • @lcgmaniac5270
    Can't wait to see the underrated cards. Always love to play with these ^^ For me the most overrated card is Boba Fett's Armor!
  • @DarkBlack099
    I think maybe Cobb Vanth most overrated for me, I thought he would be much stronger based off how set 1 control played, but it turns out the action penalty for him makes to easy to kill him after the owner claims initiative.
  • @michqsh1912
    A New Adventure in a worse case scenario as Filip said is a "tap enemy unit", which is worse version of No good to me dead which also costs 2, however the peak power level of this card is very high, as it basically deals as much damage as the unit you chose plus heals it plus enables you to regenarate its shields and "When played effects" which is huge on Bodhi, Cantina Bouncer and ofc can be a win condition on Firespray.
  • Doctor evanzan is way too hard to play around to justify playing. I think Wrecker is the most overrated, destroying your own resource to kill something with 5 health isnt a big enough swing imo plus it delays their own krayt dragon, if you can survive the turn wrecker is played you should win the game. Only with ECL or timely intervention to kill 2 things wrecker is good but even then im still not sold its that great