Why do Furiosa's VFX look so fake?

Published 2024-06-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Wake-Less
    nice video, I agree. I believe another major reason for shooting in Australia is because George is Australian and that is what he always intended. Even with Fury Road Australia was the first choice but due to environmental factors (an apparently heavy storm that made the dunes very vibrant) they eventually had to shoot in Namibia. From my understanding.
  • The problem of furiosa movie is Fury Road, if Fury Road didn’t existed Furiosa will be on the top but… Fury Road was so impressive in so many ways
  • @NotLaSimia
    CGI or not this film was epic, especially in the cinema with Atmos. Let's say that the atmosphere and the action scenes reigned supreme. I didn't find the CGI truly obscene on the levels of The Flash for example.
  • @Doofwarrior88
    I'm gonna point something out. These brand new ultra high definition cameras. Take images that are way too clean. There is a method that is used by the cinema photographer, greg frazier. The guy that had done dune, Dawn of the planet, the apes and war for the planet of the apes. And the batman. He does a technique that's called dirtying up the image. Purposely, capturing images that aren't perfect is the whole point. We're able to suspend more disbelief when things are a little bit more out of focus or smudged. Some of the CGI was a bit too clean. Now another perspective that we should be taking into consideration. Is the visual effects in the trailers are often not complete. Our idea of what we are seeing my actually be.The memory of the trailer and not the film itself. When I actually was in the movie, seeing furiosa.And I watched it twice. Spokennoise I wasn't as distracted by the same visual effects that I saw in the trailer.
  • @Dilligff
    I loved this movie, but the CGI did stand out. And the reason it stood out is it was too 'clean' which made it all look filmed indoors under artificial lighting. I'd like to see them take it and run some color grading and post processing to wash out some of the color and up the exposure to dirty it up a bit so it is more in line with the 'look' of the previous films.
  • Went in with zero expectations and it was a good experience and really compliments fury road
  • @VirginaAV
    The war rig looks weird because it has so much chrome lighting.
  • It looks fake because it had far less practical effects.
  • @Hololive3njoyer
    I think the reasons are 1. Bikes cant have roll cages/ any safety measures for the rider, which is the main type of vehicle in this movie, the whole gang is a motorcycle gang. Also actions involving more bikes compared to fury road 2. World is too large, green place, gas town, bullet farm, mountains. Budget went into building them cgi instead of transporting the vehicles to other places for filming. 3. The director and behind the scenes of fury road mentioned the amount of stress in the whole crew filming fury road was too much bcus of the safety 4. Its more of a revenge story for furiosa compared to one long chase, therefore actions were not the main focus, which everyone can tell from how the movie represented. If they ship all the crew and assets to Africa just for a few small action scenes, it wont worth the money and effort
  • @jaminnooh
    300 film looks fake as fuck but still a great movie. Having Vfx does not make a movie bad necessarily
  • @arminwane9793
    I actually loved the look; it gives the movie its own visual identity! Keeping the practical vehicle and stunts intact while giving the environment a visual personality... In my opinion, movies should never look too real; there should be a thin line that separates movies from real life, and this movie did that for me!
  • Its the lighting that really lets the VFX down. They are in a desert with a bright sun overhead and yet, in certain scenes, no strong shadows are cast.. The war pup in the first war rig is a prime example. He's bald and has white face paint. The top of his head should be gleaming. Brows, nose and chin should be casting strong shadows. And there is none of that. The lid he opens should be casting strong shadows on him as well But there's lots of ambient lighting as if filmed in a studio, making the actors look so flat.
  • @TheMetacritic
    I had no problems with the VFX. Sure they could have been better but they didn't distract me from the viewing experience. BTW. aren't VFX by definition not always "fake"?
  • @derworfnet
    The change in cinematographer might have something to do with it, too. Not that Simon Duggan is incompetent or anything, love his work on Live free or die hard. But John Seale's camerawork on Fury Road is in a class of its own, I think.
  • @skyfall9549
    Mad max furry road the whole movie was pretty much flim in the desert, so it had a more realistic feel
  • @yesdadbut960
    No one is complaining stop making things up for no reason
  • @MrTriplemozg
    I'm not even against cgi. It was noticeable, but it was mostly ok or even good (and there are still tons of practical stuff, which looks great). But a lot of shots with greenscreen (especially during the heist in the middle of the movie) for some reason look really BAD. Despite all that i still think, that the movie is great, and in most aspects on the level with Fury Road.
  • @iain2080
    I think the only bad effect was the guy in the back of the war rig, not sure if he couldn't film on the rig for safety reasons but the effect of his face in the hatch is awful every time we see it. Rest of the effects were great imo.
  • @AvB.83
    Even Fury Road had it's bad moments. What I found so jarring about Furiosa was that the VFX quality is SO inconsistent. There are some scenes that are absolutely perfect. Some wide shots were the background looks like they went for old school matte paintings, and then you have green screen work that looks like you accidentially ended up in someones Skype meeting. I initially thought they were intentionally going for an old school vibe with the VFX, but some of it was SO bad, I can only assume they ran out of time/money 🤷‍♂ (and there were a few bits where the fire/flame throwers looked so bad they could have been straight from a 2010 video game)