Jehovahs Witness - secret recording

Publicado 2014-11-07
They pulled me in the back room before field service to ensure i was going to attend my judicial meeting. i had cancelled the first meeting as i was unwell. They decided to come and bang on my door and pushed a letter through stating if i do not meet with them they will proceed with my disfellowshipping without me being present. What lovely guys these are!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @RobertMittens30
    good for you! standing up to those bullies! I can't stand this cult. I'm so glad I was awoken.
  • @GEC416
    just thought of something as i listen again to this....the one says "it's not threatening at all" but it most certainly is bc if he doesn't go to the next judicial meeting they threaten that he will be df'd, which is a THREAT...
  • The problem I have with these decisions is that everything is held in secret, you are not allowed to confront your accusers, and you are not allowed a defense lawyer to defend yourself. Some people get disfellowshiped because they may be mentally ill or suffering from an emotional distress, or, are too upset to present a good defense. If you break God's law and get disfellowshiped, I have no problem with, but at least hear the accused out, let him confront his accusers, and give him time to present his own defense.
  • @cardboardbox9977
    The typical 3 against 1 were you're judged from a book, "Shepherd the flock", that you have no access to.
  • @ANDREA-kk2gx
    I grew up in this cult religion and it destroyed my family.. I'm out now thank God
  • @essy111
    Who do these Elders think they are? They are acting like the police! well done for catching them on camera!
  • @hagblay
    Why in hell would anyone give them the privilege of going to their judicial hearing. you are giving in to them if you go.You don't believe this watchtower crap anyway so why go? Tell them to just get the hell outta your life.
  • @lovelyjvjoan
    I am from Lapulapu City, Cebu, Philippines. I was born in a family that are Jehovah's Witnesses. I am also a Witness. My husband retired early from military service in 2013 to join me in my faith. My two sons and my husband got baptized in 2014. It is our goal to serve the One True God as Jehovah's Witnesses. I took up PSS last October 19-24, 2015. Last December, i came out into open about some of my queries. I am too afraid to ask because i know it is risky. My questions are as follows: 1.) Why can't we follow closely the examples set by our Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles in addressing to our Heavenly Father? In fact, Jeremiah 3:19 NWT says: "I also thought that you would call me, ‘My Father!’ ". They never address the Almighty God in such a way that we, Jehovah's Witnesses, frequently do. One of my Bible Studies who attended the meeting for the first time commented: "I like the prayer but i just wonder why in your publications, casual conversations, and here in the Kingdom Hall, you often used to address our Heavenly Father simply as "Jehovah" alone." He was stumbled and refused to continue his study. 2.) Are we not responsible for others who showed interest in the Bible but got stumbled because of our tradition in addressing the Almighty? Yes, i was convinced that being Jehovah God's friends, we are authorized to call Him that way as the prophets did, who existed before Christ, BUT I am afraid of what the Bible said at 1 Cor. 8:9, 11, 12 NWT: "But keep watching that your right to choose (authority) does not somehow become a stumbling block to those who are weak.11 So by your knowledge the man who is weak is being ruined, your brother for whose sake Christ died. 12 When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you are sinning against Christ. 3.)How does the organization apply the words of our Lord at Acts 1:7 when our Lord instructed to his apostles: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction" and yet there were time prophesies made by our organization like for example about 1914, 1925, and 1975? When those time prophesies failed, who, then, were accountable to the Almighty, or should we say to the Christ, for those who got stumbled and left this organization? I am afraid to say that they were those whom we know and called as "faithful and discreet slaves" who fed them and who are now feeding us "new light". I was shocked upon realizing these things that i cannot control my tears in my supplications for forgiveness for all my negative thoughts about them because we deeply respect and commend them for everything they’ve done for us. 4.) In our book entitled God's Kingdom Rules (kr-CV) pp:102 i saw the pictures of the last Christmas celebration in 1926 and the Cross and Crown which was used until 1931. So, my question is: What was the basis of claiming in 1919, that this organization became the God's Spirit-directed organization? 5.) If the light is getting brighter and brighter, a.) can you explain what does our 2012 calendar mean when it said "the gathering of the humans with earthly hope began after Christ came into Kingdom power in 1914"? b.) can you explain what the Watchtower Study Edition, March 15, 2015, foretold? Learn From the Illustration of the Talents Par 11.) Jesus said: “After a long time, the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them.” (Matthew 25:19) The Master, Jesus, will do this toward the end of the great tribulation. Par. 13.) Just before the great tribulation, God will give his final approval to the hardworking anointed ones who are still on earth at that time. This is their final sealing. (Revelation 7:1-3) Question: If final sealing has been done before the great tribulation, how come that there’s still ‘settling of accounts’ toward the end of the great tribulation? I do believe that the True God is not of confusion. According to Insights of the Holy Scriptures, ANTICHRIST means "denial of any or all of the Scriptural teachings concerning Christ". When i asked some of the elders in our congregation about these things, they told me that if i wont stop questioning the organization which means questioning our God, which is bad, then i will be disfellowshipped. I can see now that the structure is just the same as those of the Pharisees cited at John 16:2,3 NWT Men will expel you from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God. But they will do these things because they have not come to know either the Father or me. I cannot anymore see God's love in this organization nor the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ guiding this organization. Me and my family are so sad because we are now afraid that we will lose all our friends and relatives who are Jehovah's Witnesses (my uncle is an Assembly Overseer but cannot also answer our questions). We do not have outsider friends aside from our Bible Studies because we kept ourselves busy in group witnessing, cart witnessing, handling Bible Studies, family worship, attending midweek and week-end meetings, and personal Bible study. I feel pity for my family and feel responsible for the situation. I feel like i am spiritually hungry while the organization keep on claiming that we are in a spiritual paradise. I seek for more spiritual food but then they would like to disfellowship me (for apostacy?) and perhaps all of us in the family which includes my husband and two sons. We are supplicating that the Holy Spirit of our Heavenly Father thru our Lord Jesus Christ will guide us towards His true congregation.
  • @Lemons19902010
    I can barely hear the video. I need some subtitles or something :(
  • @essy111
    Just by the tone of this elders voice he sounds hostile!
  • @jollyrancher73
    Thats harrassment at the least. My guess is they have embarrassing low wage jobs. This venue gives them percieved power. So sad. Im sorry you had to deal with that.
  • 30 Years a Faithful Witness for je-ho-vah and this is how you are treated. You would expect more consider even if your Fuel bill was overdue. Such a Loving Elder Arrangement. Expediency seems to be the name of the Game. You'd expect better treatment in of the Four Dragons in the Dragons Den tv show.
  • @celestialruby888
    It's just a ploy technique. They can't dissfellowship anyone who doesn't actually show up to the meeting. Only if you show up when they tell you and listen to their judgements they then make a determination and fill out a record report that gets filed so if you want to avoid getting judged and DF then just avoid that back room all together and there is nothing they can do .
  • @1951kvk
    Of course they are angry. They are defending a sinking ship and they can see hundreds fleeing for their lives.
  • @broimnothere4053
    There is clearly a history flaring up here, but regardless, i would expect more from the elders than that. Management basics, are not to loose your temper in a meeting with staff, and the same methods would apply here. present the facts...the guy has a meeting. its about slander. There is no agenda. "you dont even know theocratic procedure" is a horrid response. this guy is screwed before even entering.