Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Revenge - Part 3

Published 2021-10-16
Tune in for some AWESOMELY passive-aggressive ways people got revenge!
Part 1:    • Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Re...  
Part 2:    • Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Re...  
Part 4:    • Passive Aggressive Ways People Got Re...  
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All Comments (21)
  • @BeAmazed
    If you have any stories you'd like to submit for future episodes please email me: revenge[at]beamazed[dot]com
  • When I was in grade 9, I didn't have friends. However, this girl always felt the need to sit next to me during tests. I thought she liked me but she only wanted to copy answers off me. One day I decided to write wrong answers on my script. She quickly copied and submitted. After she switched seats, I wrote correct answers and submitted. When results came, I got the highest marks and she got the lowest. She never spoke to me again🤣🤣🤣
  • @DWalk42171
    When I caught my fiance cheating on me, I emptied the entire house of all belongings, that were mine and what I had bought, left a note saying, "You can have the house, I got my things and am gone". The house echoed it was so empty. I took, literally, everything, literally!. I was sad, yes, but thinking about her expression when she got home from, "visiting her sister" in Orlando, it made me feel just a little bit better.
  • @stacythomas9916
    One time my dad and I went to a grocery store that had a small and annoyingly busy parking lot. Some woman had decided to park in the driving lane right in front of the store entrance and just sit in her car waiting on whoever was inside shopping. Dad went up to her and asked her nicely to move, seeing that there were a lot of really unhappy people driving past and honking, or flipping her the bird. She refused so he told her "I am now not asking you to move, I am TELLING you to move, you are illegally obstructing the flow of traffic". She responded by throwing a half finished soda can at him through the window and telling him to F off. Dad just calmly walked back to his unmarked police car where I was waiting, and got on the radio. Not long after a tow truck and some backup that weren't wearing plain clothes arrived and she was arrested for Obstructing traffic and assaulting a police officer, and her car got impounded. FYI assaulting an officer is automatically a minor felony at minimum and you can't get probation, you're going to jail.
  • @cesartorres3637
    I had a classmate in my class that i still hate, she used to always distract me in class, steal my stuff and then LITERALLY copy my exam answers. The dumbest thing she did, that she always confessed to copying me after the exam, so i had 100% proof of her copying me. I went to the principal and reported her, she got her parents called and got in detention. Never did the same ever again.
  • In my elementary years (3rd grade, 1997-98), I moved into a new school where I would ride the bus to and from school. During these bus trips, I was assigned to sit next to this one guy who's five grades above me I'll refer to as Homer (because his looks reminds me of a young Homer Simpson). Homer had a habit of making fun of me all in the name of playful banter. At first, it was just simple namecalling and teasing, but after a while, he started to jab at my stomach. It was annoying me. I should mention that at the time, I would bruise easily (I'm thankful that's over with), so every time he jabbed at me, there would be a mark that would appear on my belly. Over time, the bruise on my belly just kept getting bigger. I told the bus driver about it, nothing happened. I told my principal about it, nothing happened. No one was taking me seriously because they saw this guy's actions as playful banter. It continued on for eight months. One day, I was feeling green. Why I went to school that day, I don't know, but I strongly believe that it had something to do with perfect attendance. Anyways, I got onto the bus and waited to get to school. Then, the bus picks Homer up. On this day, he was dressed very nicely, but it didn't deter him from his 'playful banter' and he was up to his usual crap. At one point, I looked at him and said, "I'm begging you, please leave me alone." He didn't. He decided to take another jab at my belly. At that moment, my stomach decided to evacuate and I proceeded to puke all over Homer's nice shirt. I know it lasted a few seconds, but to me, it was an eternity. All of the students who saw it were understandably disgusted. Homer had on what is now known as the surprised Pikachu face. Soon afterward, the bus comes to a stop and the bus driver comes over, yanks Homer out of the seat and takes him closer to the front. They were having a chat that I didn't pay much attention to until I hear Homer yell out, "Why are you punishing me? He's the one who puked on me," to which the bus driver responds, "I saw you punch him. That's why he puked on you." I didn't have it in my heart to correct him. Once we got to school, I was sent to the nurse's office where she checked up on my belly and found that bruise. After that, the bus driver and the principal took my complaints seriously. Homer wasn't on the bus for a few days, but when he returned, he left me well enough alone. He finally took the hint. Of course, every once in a while, someone would remind him not to punch me because I'd puke on him. The cherry on top? The reason he was dressed so nicely was because it was picture day for him. Upon hearing about that, I couldn't help but to wonder how that picture turned out knowing that everyone one else who had their pictures that day look nice, then there's this guy who looked like a mess. Before you comment about it, no, it wasn't picture day for me that day.
  • @Chosenone711
    I'm honestly impressed by the wrapping paper guy's achivement with the curtains. That's some seriously impressive skills.
  • I like the story about the construction worker. Although I am not a construction worker, I do understand their demands, as they literally build communities from the ground up. As such, I find it a very entertaining and educational story.
  • @TakumiLucius
    The dude who took the door actually made me cackle. That man knew how to make the best of it!
  • @MrBoneBro
    When I was 9 yrs old, there was a kid that wouldn't stop annoying me, so I invited him to a Mexican restaurant and replaced his salsa with hot sauce. It was hilarious even though I got grounded for 2 months. Definitely worth it.
  • @prankratlol
    My sister was bullied in the 3rd Grade for being autistic (Mainly just for having to wear autism diapers.) I was 2 grades ahead of her, so I couldn’t really do anything until I found out that the bully lived a block down from me. He also liked to ride his bike and throw rocks at random houses. Me and my sister were playing in our backyard and the kid (Who was also apparently rich) Jumped our fence and ran at my sister. I jumped in front of her and got a clean kick right in the chest. He jumped back over the fence and ran back to his house. I didn’t see him again until about a year later when he visited the middle school. He swore at me as the other middle schoolers (specifically kids in my class) just kinda looked at him before all screaming more swears at him. The verbal beatdown only lasted a minute or two until a teacher broke up the fight before the kid got the shit beat out of him.
  • @AlphaNanite
    I've got a story for you. When I was 18 I had to share a room with my two younger brothers (16 and 15) and my youngest brother would keep me up all night playing Destiny and Mincraft while screaming into the mic. Not only that, I never got to play on the game system and had to sleep on an air mattress. One day I had enough and since I owned the TV monitor that the game systems were hooked up to, I basically got to ground my brother while telling him "If I can't you shut up, I can at least shut you down."
  • @toniecat1028
    One of my favorite stories that my husband tell is this - he knew a man in the military who was a PIG! When eating at a dinner party where there was one plate of say, chicken wings - he would take 3/4's of them, leaving very few for the rest of the people there. This was true of every other comparable situation. When my husband had a party one evening, he made little bite sized pizzas and filled a platter with them. The thing was, every 4th one had a pepperoni in the center hiding a pile of cayenne pepper. He told every other guest about this little trap he'd laid for this guy. Well, the man-pig walked in the door, looked around the room, pulled up a chair at the buffet table and proceeded to wolf down the pizzas. CHOMP, Chomp, CHOMP, and then the top come off the guys head . . . The rest of the evening, the guy ate much more slowly and carefully. I absolutely LOVE this story!!!!!
  • @Crow_Smith
    When I was in college I used to always set a timer based on what the machines said so I didn't take too long to go get my clothes from the laundry room to be as polite as possible. Well someone once stole my dryer, and when I came down my clothes were so wet they clearly stole it very early on. They at least were nice enough to put my clothes on the table. I put mine in another dryer, said whatever and went back upstairs. When I came down to collect my now dry laundry, I saw their laundry was still in the dryer. I originally was going to toss it outside because it was raining. I decided instead to be "nice". I actually put their clothes on the table where they tossed all mine, but I folded their clothes. Then left them a note that said "Next time you're in need, just ask in the group for the building, I'd have been more than happy to share my laundry card. Not everyone is so nice, I've heard of other girls [all girl dorm] tossing clothes out in the mud for stealing their washer/dryer." Never learned who it was, but that only happened 2 more times in our building and I was correct, other people are way meaner than me. One time I came to see a note on a dryer that said "You took my clothes out when they were only 10 minutes in, I know because I came back to add to my dryer since my washers had slightly different timers. YOUR clothes are in the f**king lake. Hope they didn't wash away <3". Dunno if they ever actually did that, but oof.
  • That one dude took the phrase "you know where the door is" to the next dang level
  • @lafeelabriel
    Not going to lie, him taking the door with him was absolutely epic.
  • @qwashere7836
    22:00 I’m Chinese and I can verify those coaches are mobile blood-donation vehicles as written on their roofs. Makes it all the more F-ed up to take their spots and the revenge that much sweeter.
  • I worked for a company for 10 years. That first year and a half, I was a model employee and even earned myself a temporary promotion. At the time I was taking the company provided shuttle service to get to work, but couldn’t use it when I got the promotion. The kicker is that once you stop using the service you can NEVER get back on it. When the time came for someone to have the promotion again, they picked someone else. I had had to buy my own car to get to work! So, over the next 8 1/2 years, I stopped being a model employee, slammed on the breaks and became an unholy terror who constantly skirted the line of insubordination. I even got one of my supervisors to tell me to shut up.
  • The wrapping-the-furniture story reminds me of when a prankster friend of mine in college decorated my computer with the contents of my coin jar while I was using the bathroom. Just with less frustration, and more bemused laughter.