Sumerian Mysteries DOCUMENTARY Noah and Gilgamesh Reveal Anunnaki Mythology

I have always been interested in ancient civilizations and have studied extensively from Egypt to Hebrew. One of the great mysteries is why all of our ancestors seem to be so concerned with powerful gods from other realms. Do such other realms exist? Did the ancients experience physical or spiritual phenomena? It remains a great mystery. However, as I read the ancient stories it became clear that perhaps our normal ways of interpreting their own experiences may not be entirely accurate. Perhaps they deserve another reading with a fresh set of eyes.

コメント (21)
  • This has been the best in depth compilation of our ancient history that I've ever seen. Thank you
  • Again with calling it a myth. For it to be written in stone means it was worth recording. One might argue that we write stories all the time but how many writers believe so much in what they're saying that they'll chisel it in stone?
  • @ss4650
    Thank You for uploading, this is a GEM . And No music drowning out the commentary .
  • The Book of Enoch connected all of the dots for me. After reading it, I got the full picture
  • As time passes, HP Lovecraft becomes more of a historian and less of a sci-fi writer.
  • The problem I have with the annunakki is why not make machines to work, they had spaceships, harp like weather control but couldn't make mining equipment?
  • Real good. The whole story. The way he told it. It really makes one think about everything they've been taught
  • People in the comments all saying they don't believe yet are still here watching, it baffles me that people are so small minded to think that nothing like this ever existed
  • @WCtrainer1
    Enlil was the older brother of Enki and their father was Anu. Enki is the Annunaki God that help Noha to save humanity and his off spring.
  • A 'breadcrumb-like eaaster-egg hunt' perfectly describes how Western culture was 'drip fed' a hitherto forgotten period. A miraculous series of 'discoveries' in Arabia, the backyard of the enemy, sounds suspiciously akin to an elaborate 'honey-trap' laid plan. Emerging from the Dark Ages dazed and devoid of all memories certainly sounds like preparation for the above to unfold.
  • I must say I totally appreciate this text and have been studying for a better understanding. So thank you this is dears on accurate. So far so Great
  • I swear on everything I love, it feels like I lived this. I've been telling my wife, we did this before, I told her, this is our seventh time around. On top of that I often find myself looking at up the sky, saying I wanna go home. I know for a fact, we are living in a dome, space is as busy as nyc in rush hour...
  • This is by far the best, most thorough explanation of the Sumerian stories online, and it gives legitimate sources. It's just so well done and so interesting. Thank you for the video
  • I'm so glad you put this together because I used to think that these were just elaborate stories too crazy to believe. In the last couple of years I have been converted to a believer of our Sumerian ancestors stories and how civilization does go back around 500,000 years. I have to accept that the translations or interpretations of those cuneiforms are correct. Thanks again for putting it together and hopefully it gets shared a lot.
  • This would make one hell of a movie or tv show franchise, awesome, keep up the gd work
  • Thank you very much for the video. Very well constructed. Your time is appreciated.
  • @ckotty
    Great job 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Many thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. It's fascinating 👍🏽😘
  • really appreciate the in depth narration and great visual edits of the artifacts.