Adam Posen on Europe's future from a US perspective

Publicado 2017-04-10
Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington D.C., presented his views on the current state of the EU, pressing and upcoming economic and political challenges, and a list of eight priorities for EU policymakers in his keynote speech at this year’s wiiw Spring Seminar.

Todos los comentarios (17)
  • @jacobwhite9006
    I can listen to Adam Posen all day long... he just makes sense...
  • @KrlKngMrtssn
    I am a millennial. I was raised in a Europe with no borders and I speak fluently seven European languages. There's no alternative for me but to love Europe more than anything in the world.
  • @lucius1976
    That guy really knows stuff. Really like how he rips apart Brexiteers and Trumpists
  • @marisastefani985
    He is not a dreamer, he knows the reality and the consequences.
  • @anarcho-braut522
    This speech could have been mine. Clearly, somebody who has done his homework (which requires a lot of READING). Clearly, well-meaning activists should stop promoting referrendums as "the better way to rule". On the long run, many countries in Western Europe has managed to bring intelligent experts into key positions whose sense of community led to an improvement of living conditions for their citizens (I am talking about the Netherlands, Denmark, Luxemburg, France and Germany). I am not so sure about Austria. The reason why some of European states are still close to crisis is also to be seen in the way they select and educate their civil servants.
  • @ronantonio3631
    I liked what Posen had to say. The only thing objective was the audio. There were times when not only it was difficult to hear and I couldn't make it louder. Doesn't anyone check this stuff out before putting it on UTUBE?
  • @ioanasingureanu
    The idea that 'if you have the power, you should exercise it" should be heard by all the politicians who managed to win against dangerous right-wing forces. Cameron caved instead of standing up to those forces... Britain will suffer for a generation...
  • @timperry6948
    2 milkion years of evolution made us hunter-gatherers who lived in small bands. A few thousand years of partial civilization is not going to change our tribal nature.
  • He is an example of why Economics has been called the "Dismal Science". Let's remember Economics is ultimately best guesses .....
  • @paulrosa6173
    Posner effectively said he disbelieves the role of the popular vote (@ about 12:30) in his view of the primacy of economics over all other concerns. That's a very Chinese attitude. He said something I can't hear very well - "time to discount the working Joe?" I don't think Trump does more than pander to the working joe. Posner criticizes Trump economic policies on other videos but essentially holds the voters of this country in contempt. Anyone who had doubts about the sincerity of the wars of the past 18 years has only to watch this man to see proof of their suspicions.
  • There has no such thig as a "pan european culture", There is 50 countries in "europe" and half as many languages.
  • @64HomeMade
    The vast Brexit majority of 52% imposing it's will on the 48%. Thanks.
  • @paulrosa6173
    excuse me.Posen. But who does he define as working people? I'm usually a liberal democrat but this guy turns my stomach.
  • @leonardniamh
    Yes absolutely an American point of view Arrogance