⭐ Super Mario 64 PC Port - Odyssey Mario's Moveset: Rebirth - Longplay

Published 2024-07-21
''A faithful recreation of sm64ex-omm for sm64coopdx!

Unique moves and gameplay from Odyssey, including Cappy.
Custom animations, star dances and death sequences!
True Non-Stop mode, designed to be able to collect all stars in one go.
Improved Power-ups:
Wing Cap: Inspired by Galaxy's Red Star, Mario can move freely in the air without height limitation.
Vanish Cap: Mario can walk through almost all thin walls and grids with ease.
Metal Cap: Mario becomes truly invincible. You won't sink in quicksand, you cannot die (unless you're already dead) and objects that try to squash Mario are destroyed.
A redesigned HUD to resemble Odyssey!
Display of each star in the current level, and which ones have and haven't been collected.
Radar that can point to the closest red coin/secret.
Fully custom camera!
Hold R while standing still to enter a new first person that lets you look in all directions.
You can toggle between 8 directional mode and 16 directions by tapping R.
Custom settings for different play styles. Type /omm in the game chat box to open the menu.
OMM Stars display that shows all levels and which stars have been collected per level, as well as unlocked caps and Bowser keys. Type /stars in the game chat box or by hold L when the game is paused to display.
Inbuilt support for various popular gamemodes.

Author: PeachyPeach
Contributors: Isaac, Prince Frizzy, djoslin0, Altiami, Sharen (SMO animations)''


- PeachyPeach

OMM - mods.sm64coopdx.com/mods/odys...

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