Are You Called to Preach?

Published 2014-07-28
How do you know if you're being called to the ministry? Thabiti Anyabwile, Louis Love, and Tony Carter come up on the porch to discuss what a "calling" to ministry is and is not. Do you like that language of a "call"? How does a church know when to affirm a brother who feels called? What other factors should be considered? C'mon up on the porch and join this conversation.

All Comments (21)
  • @corbin7195
    It is so great to hear them talk about the character of a person as opposed to one's qualification. It is character that qualifies not skill, because God is the one who qualifies the un-qualifiable through sovereign choice and through His Holy Spirit building their character. He gives them the desire and then builds them through ongoing sanctification. To many people want to be preachers/pastors because they seek the lime light and what they see. Whether on tv or in their own local assembly where the pastor is on a pedestal and is the one who is being served instead of serving. The Holy Spirit really used their intelligence to teach what is calling and what it looks like biblically through the eyes and heart of God's Holy Spirit. Amen Pastors. Amen!!!
  • @thecreativexpro
    So great to see black, intelligent, spirit filled male figures to look up to.
  • @BiornBear
    I can not tell you how much I needed to hear this. I know you recorded this 7years ago but you recorded this for me. I’m a middle aged grandpa but I’ve been in an internal struggle and you men just help me tremendously. You are men of The lord my God. Thank you 🙏.
  • If God called you to be in any ministry, ALWAYS listen to him! never let a person discourage you because of whatever reasoning they may have..God has put it on your heart because he know that you can do it and he has given you the anointing to do it! If you need confirmation ask God to send a person to confirm this calling and pay attention to your dreams and interpret its meaning because God confirms destiny’s within our dreams..Be encouraged brothers and sisters ❤️💕
  • @emmagoodwin3198
    I can’t believe I just found this amazing video. Your guys’ wisdom and the beautiful background. This is awesomeeee
  • “It’s not on you ... it’s in you.” The expectations of others can lead us into the pleasing of people, more than walking within the Will of God... Be that as it May, that individuals fruit will speak volumes necessary to discern.
  • I really like these guys, they have a wealth of experience. I like how they put servitude first. I also think it’s important not to put people off the call to God. We have to pursue what God has put in our hands now. Discipleship first, very good. We need preachers who herald the truth more than ever in these dark days as the final hour is approaching. I feel compelled to tell the world, and I can do that just on the street wherever I can find a crowd. I have to say that pastors need to be willing to allow a man’s gift to be honed and perfected under his auspices. A good pastor should have apprentices. God bless these good brothers and if the Lord has called you then stop resisting and pursue that destiny. Remember most of life is established not in the mountains but in the valleys. God forth my friends and be diligent in your calling as I will too.
  • I was definitely "called" by God to preach. Not sure why this is uncomfortable terminology. I was walking dow my hall, thinking about something random, certianly not thinking about standing in front of ANYONE preaching. Completely introverted and perfectly ok with my life and RUNNING out of church service as soon as it was over...and on this day, a inner voice came outta no where, very clear and completely opposite of what i was thinking or doing. The voice said "you are called to preach my word"... HUH!! Wait just a sec here!!.. Yall, i wrestled with this thing... for YEARS! I prayed, asked God to choose someone else.. i mean, surely he had mistaken.. but the "calling" never left. Then, i begin praying for healing. I asked God for a voice to speak.. not on stages.. just to people everyday. He healed my soul.. gave me my voice back. It had been stolen when i was just a kid. Somehow weirdly..i became extroverted! I begin to love to hang out with people.. its all kinda unexplainable honestly. But my point here is this, there is a such thing as God "calling" one to preach.. I didnt have the burning desire, or even the want.. i was too broken. But he healed me and now the desire to preach his word has sprung up like never before. Blessings.
  • I Love What I hear. You Guy's are correct. I remember back in the 80's & 90's and people would say "Brother So & So Is Called" Some Of This is People in the Church Like a Given Young Man's Charterer. I don't see this as GOD told an individual that so & so needs to Preach. If a Young Man has a Good Character or The Character of Jesus. And Doesn't Gossip etc etc. As well as Has a Burning Desire to Consume the WORD. It is a Natural Outflow that all that a Man is Consuming will Bubble Out and they will Naturally Minister To People in their Neighborhood .It Naturally Shows within someone's Life in every Aspect. They consider the LORD in Everything they do and are Hungry for more.As the last thing a or the Church needs is to put a men on a Pulpit who has not been Tried or their Faith Has not been Tried. As when they or if they fall in Life be it Drugs or Adultery.It can Reflect on the Church or Community .
  • @questube45
    Good to see this. I've had this in my spirit for quite some time. People have been coming to me or calling on me to help them find peace. I prayed about this knowing another's life is a huge responsibility to even attempt to help. Mainly for fear of leading them wrong. So The time it took up until now to try and grasp this has been several years. and the main reason is my choosing to not accept the responsibility using my own life and living as an excuse. I'm interested in seeing where it goes now that I'm open and feeling peace with it. (responsibility)
  • @CincinnatiPiper
    I had to listen to this real slow. I have never heard this put forward so well. Structured, calm, balanced, and most importantly, Scriptural in its delivery. Has me thinking alot. Thank you, fellas. God bless ya'll and I'll be praying for you and your ministries.
  • @genpro65
    I really enjoy this one. But I’m thankful especially that my feed pulled this one while sitting on my front porch because I was feeling a bit “superior” today. I needed to hear this discussion again. There just aren’t enough of these around. Thanks again...
  • @user-of6nn9fl7k
  • There won't no one will be better on what GOD Called you do, the why God Called you!😊
  • @jimb6847
    I love listening to you all, thank you for your conversations, thank you for your walk, and thank you for being real on the front porch. God bless you Thabiti, Louis, and Tony. i could hang out on your porch for a few weeks haha.
  • I always feel the desire to preach to thousands and it always boils up into my heart. However, the devils given me the spirit of fear because HE is SCARED of my future!? And I always look at things in a different way. E.g. I see the drum as the heart and centre of music; it is the very thing that sets the tempo of the music it can control how quickly something happens or how slowly something happens! I also feel that it is the heart because the drum is always at the back; deep drown in the body keeping it moving! Is the immediate calling music and game design? I'm 15 doing exams in GCSE.
  • @questube45
    I gotta say after listening to this whole thing these Pastor finally got to where they were encouraging at least some of the men both young and old saying they were called. I'm torn because they was more sustaining the supposed called than encouraging and letting the process weed out the actual potential speakers of the word. But I'm thankful for the enlightenment of these three men. Continued blessings for the work.