Lockheed TF 104G:M Routine training flight

2017 Routine Training at Shuttle Landing Facility, FL, USA.

コメント (21)
  • F-104 pov cockpit flight recorded in recent tech; an absolute gem for 104 fans, we could appreciate more of these.
  • Showed this to my dad-he's a 90 yr. young retired 104 IP. You should've seen his eyes take in every detail. He pointed out the altimeter winding up. Still has amazingly good eyesight.
  • @mikefm4
    Showed this to a family member who flew a 104G. You should have seen the smile on his face watching this. He was pointing out all the gauges on taxiing and clearly loving the flying. There’s something magical about these birds. They look like they’re going Mach 1 parked on the tarmac. Impossibly small razor thin wings. Just an amazing aircraft. That’s for taking us for a flight with you. And thanks for keeping the starfighter airborne
  • My Dad has over 4,000 hours in the 104 (various USAF and Canadian models) over 18 years of active duty in the Starfighter (4 years in the F100). I wish he was here to watch this video like Bill Gund's dad. Great video that really showcases what that amazing bird could do. Cheers.
  • Sadly, I just found out that my dad, Lt. Col. Ed Gund, USAF (Ret'd) passed away on 01 Jan 2021. Dad was in the initial cadre of F-104 IP's at Luke AFB, AZ in the mid 60's. He spent 5 years instructing German pilots. He said he didn't know which was more dangerous-the students or the planes. Dad loved flying the 104. Along with the F-86, the 104 was his favorites. I imagine the "Pearly Gates" got a rude awakening when an ephemeral Starfighter blew past them at mach 2.2. Clear skies and a nice tailwind dad.
  • How impressive it is ! This remind me the fantastic airshows back in the 70/80's where the "104" was at the top 5 of the most incredible machines. Thanks for sharing !
  • @pugrime
    On my honeymoon in italy I loved watching the F-104's flying around the country....
  • Mi ricordo di lei quando volava alla PAN, pony 3 5 8 9! Sempre nei cuori Friulani! Spero che lei abbia sempre il Friuli nel suo cuore!
  • Great memories with my F_104.One of the best aircraft ever 💞🕊
  • Salve Com.te non pensavo che lo spillone volava ancora negli USA. Che spettacolo
  • You could use the altimeter as a back-up cockpit fan at the rate it was spinning!
  • What a bird! So glad we’ve got on of these airworthy in Norway too. The amazing 637 project. 👍💪
  • How cool an uprated 'glasscockpit' 104! Never knew they did such a thing
  • Excellent. Cockpit noise level is pretty high. i guess i have always loved "dangerous" aircraft. The F-104 and the B-58 are two of my all time favourites. The sound of those engines and that wonderful and unique mid range Howl of that engine when throttling up or back. i'm former Air Force and i have always had a love affair with aircraft. Thanks for posting this.
  • I don’t think I’ve ever been more jealous of another human being in my life👍
  • Ciao, da Friulano e da ex Armiere del 22° Gruppo Caccia Intercettori di Istrana, un caro saluto a Te e a tutti gli specialisti del tuo bellissimo gruppo "Starfighters" in America.
  • Such an iconic airplane I was lucky enough to see it fly along with the blackbird when I took my son then around thirteen years old to a air display at Greenham Common in the early eighties sadly we lost our son to cancer nine years ago but we do have wonderful memories
  • @hiha2108
    ciao piercarlo. That reminds me, when we were in vacation in golfo di piombino, tuscany in the eighties. F104-pilots from grosseto made a little airshow for the people on the beach. First you could see a small static point just above the horizon close above the sea. Suddenly the point gets a small black cloud around and it becomes bigger. Seconds later the F104 reaches the beach in about 300ft, climbs up on the flames of the afterburner, and the noise is like hell on earth :-)
  • @TLTeo
    That zoom climb was incredible. What an aircraft.
  • @gigispe25
    Ero con il Gen. Mainini e con tanti altri, il 13 aprile a Cape Canaveral . . . Grazie Piercarlo Ciacchi per averci fatto sognare con un tuo volo sullo "spillone" !