FF7 Rebirth makes its biggest mistake before you start playing

Published 2024-03-15
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a very good game with one element that completely falls flat. With this much attention to detail in every aspect, it somehow manages to drop the ball before you even start the game.

Note: A section of this video was cut out after publishing because of a factual error on my part. It was unrelated to the main point of the video, so you aren’t missing anything critical.

All Comments (14)
  • @lemonlid
    Literally had to find something to complain about on a near perfect game. Just to be "different"
  • @PrimalPulsar
    The box art is clearly Nibelheim. Pretty iconic.
  • @devronius
    GoW Ragnarok also has an install disc and a play disc tho so it must be doing something
  • @AzarathMetreon
    You don’t need a perfectly lit shot to recognize the iconic demigod himself. You’re lying if you say you didn’t think that was Sephiroth at first, seventh, or eighty-sixth glance.
  • @toddolsen4604
    This has to be a joke. As the box art is reversible. And the install disc only installed the first 40 gb needed for "ready to play status" Switch discs start game while it installs the other 100 gb in the background from the play disc. Check your storage, game is 140gb installed. Not 40gb.
  • Not like the rock formations are Mt. Nibel or anything, yeah just regular rocks, and no they don’t choose from their iconic cast nonono they only chose their 3 most popular characters, the MC, the Prequel MC, and the big bad guy. Such a disappointment. And then to have the meteor FF7 logo in front of the part of the sky behind Sephiroth, that’s actually has Meteor behind it, such crap, 0-10 box art for sure. If you couldn’t tell that was sarcasm
  • @rezaandrean8188
    but by having 2 disc i only need 40gb of space only. compared to digital 140 gb.
  • @joekooy3821
    Ya agreed I was going to buy this but passed due to the pathetic box art.
  • @Interkomkomind
    W take. This box art blows. Even the composition is lame. They even did the blue orange color contrast like all the copy paste super hero movies. Remember the tasteful and confident logos on white background with abstract art that eludes to the story? Ah man - square used to be so good