Trying Some Crazy Hawaiian Snacks!?! (Whole Crispy Crabs!?!)

Today we try some JOLLY Hawaiian Snacks which our Jollybeans have kindly sent us!

오늘은 고마운 졸리빈들이 보내주신 하와이 간식을 졸리하게 먹어봤습니대!

Buy Josh’s autobiography (written by Ollie) here:

Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Series Producer: Hyemin Lim & Sepi Zolfaghari
Production Assistant: Jordan Carrott
Editor: Grace Park & Sepi Zolfaghari
Editor/Translator: Sejun Lee
Translator: Miso Kang

コメント (21)
  • Wow so much to say! Loved reading everyone's comments, basically summarizes what my husband KALEO (not KALIO haha, its an o sound, my handwriting must have been hard to read) and I (Tracy) are thinking. If we would have known we would have sent things with longer expiration dates haha, so happy you risked trying it. We were kind of losing hope that the box was lost in the mail. We have never stopped watching we are Jollybeans forever and have actually turned a few people into jollybeans by sharing the videos. The milk challenge is our favorite to share we die laughing each time. We are behind in time, we are on Hawaiian time, and we both work and go to niece called me while I was driving and told me YOU ARE ON JOLLY! Kinda screamed a little and said AHHH but I am driving I can't watch it! JOSH! OLLIE! Please come to Hawaii again we can so give you a food tour that you would love, oh yes and there are the beaches too! haha! We will show you good food and Hawaiian hospitality. By the way poke bowls are ahi tuna (pronounced ahee). Taro pudding is Kulolo and it's amazing fresh come taste it! Hugs for Juno! My husband says hugs for Brie too! haha
  • Lessons learnt: if u r gonna send Josh and Ollie snacks, better make sure the expire date is at least 2 years left
  • "How is this making you sick, when you ate a whole bloody tarantula!" "Because it was fresh, Josh." duhh josh
  • @xilencist
    2:46 Rare moment that Ollie knows about languages more than Josh does
  • "SeEdS aReN't SuPpOsEd tO bE eAtEn" Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, would like to have a word with you.
  • "seeds are not supposed to be eaten"?? you haven't tried sunflower seeds? they're awesome!!
  • Dried fish doesn't go off, guys. That's kind of the whole point.
  • @turikas
    I'm trying to find Tracy and Kalio in the comments. So far, it's not going that great...
  • @erjinson
    josh eating insects: [screeches] iT'S GOT LEGS josh eating crabs: i want with claws, mate-
  • @erjinson
    when they say merry christmas but it's almost relevant since it's been basically a year-
  • Ollie: Jerky, it’s basically mummified food 😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂
  • @merz1637
    I love how expiration dates are never an obstacle for josh and ollie
  • @erjinson
    "they're really salty" "yeah, that's probably why they're so good" - me with all foods -
  • 졸리에서 영국식, 미국식 개그? 아재개그 같은걸 다뤄봐도 좋을것 같아요
  • I'm so glad someone from Oahu sent you snacks! For anyone who doesn't know, a "crack seed store" is like a little snack shop that sells mainly Hawaii-type snacks. Also, our culture here started as a big melting pot of Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, and Korean ethnicities dating back to our old historical plantation days. So some of the snacks you'll find here, probably originated from a snack in one of those Asian countries! ^^ I also wanted to add that Ollie did a pretty good job at reading all the Hawaiian words LOL. (Except for Ahi, but we'll let that slide since the rest were pretty good) Hope you come back for a visit with your families! <3
  • @choob9609
    Who’s going to tell josh and Ollie that pudding in America isn’t cakey?
  • Well wouldn’t that be a dream- never having to buy snacks again and just eating a very wide range of international snacks sent by viewers. Amazing.
  • @weiolas
    There was something sooo sweet and innocent about the way Ollli said "there are ones with claws" and how he looked into the bag at 7:32 😊
  • luv them to pieces but when Ollie says ahi as “a-hai”... it took me a while to get over it (it’s pronounced “a-hee”, like it rhymes with coffee) aha