We fought Vauthry in FFXIV... It RUINED me after | Shadowbringers

Published 2023-12-13

All Comments (21)
  • "upon speaking with X, several cutscenes will play in sequence" Every single freaking player: oh no... IM NOT READY 😢 I just love the collective PTSD we all have from that one single sentence.
  • I was one of the few who had no idea it was Graha, and his hood blowing off brought me to tears
  • @serisothikos
    There were a lot of really good and emotional story beats leading up to this, but I feel this was the first absolute haymaker Ishikawa landed on us. Flat on my back wondering what hit me.
  • @Rangar1997
    Emet Selch is the most perfect antagonist ever written. No matter how many times he offered advice, how many times help offered aid that we had no ability to duplicate, he was always true to his cause even if they only temporarily aligned with our's. He was always going to betray us, we all knew it, we just held out on that hope we might have avoided it, but it WAS ALWAYS going to happen.
  • @TarundiMC
    Alisae's VA can be such an incredible powerhouse of emotion when the situation demands it.
  • @25xxfrostxx
    When Vauthry flew away with those wings all I could think about was the caterpillar in A Bug's Life.
  • @nekoenzeru
    G'raha is the boyfriend we all need but not the one we deserve.
  • @okay_sunshine
    Graha loves our WoL so much and it shows. The best boy. We love him.
  • 12:17 - Oh, no! He's hot! 🤣 18:30 - Oh, and you would know all abou t vaguely defined acts of teleportation and their risks, right Y'shtola
  • @Frostheim
    "My husband shot my other husband!"
  • @NozdormusRage
    Shadowbringers: Emotional Damage "R" Us. That Alisae scene to end the video was one I don't remember... damn did it hit hard.
  • I do love when people get to the “Oh no! He’s HOT!!” part of the game.
  • @IKIGAIofficial
    Graha held the line for 300 years for you just to get shot by a pistol
  • @MrGanon360
    So here is an interesting Final Fantasy fact, Mt. Gulg was a dungeon from the first final fantasy game, and players have left the source and are in the first 😊
  • @Karloss00
    22:59 - When you've visited the Balmung Quicksand one too many times.
  • @natebroadus8474
    Learning Vauthry's origins made me feel sorry for him, honestly. He was indoctrinated by his parents, and manipulated by the Ascians from birth. He never even had the chance to be normal...
  • @Scarabswarm
    The game builds us up, tears us down, and then has the best cheerleaders a hero could ever ask for, pick them back up again. Having Ardbert talk about looking at the sky and realizing "it's all your fault," is a brilliant bit of writing that has us understand his emotions as the character is empathizing with ours. This expansion was such an emotional journey.
  • @PetarBladeStrok
    It's been a joy to watch your playthrough of this lifechanging story! All FFXIV fans are emotional leeches, who feed on other people's tears and share in them. lol
  • @missfuneralsong
    ardbert watching the talos come to life and feeling hope for the first time in a hundred years is just (breaks down crying on the floor)