6 Problems with our School System

Published 2016-12-15
The traditional system of education was designed in the industrial age and is now outdated and ineffective. Learn about the 6 major problems with the system. At NEXT School, we are bringing a much needed upgrade to the education system to address these problems. We are India's 1st Big Picture School. The highly innovative Big Picture Learning framework allows us to personalise each child's educational journey making learning more engaging and relevant. Visit www.nextschool.org to know more.

All Comments (21)
  • @what7597
    dont you guys hate when someone gets bullied, the person defends himself but they both end up going to detention?
  • Anyone remember when the whole class got held back because of one noisy kid
  • @huza3734
    Crazy how this was 6 years ago and nothing has changed.
  • @GoofyGoober_45
    I love the part of school where I said “It’s learning time!” And I instead got Useless information I won’t use in the real world Heavily sleep deprived Bullied Not getting enough time to actually enjoy myself Stressing constantly Getting judged based off of letters Happy to be sick Mental health decline Somehow learning better from games/movies “Tests” just being based of from memory School shootings Actually feeling anxious to go to school Hard expectations for me Just feeling demotivated/stupid Introverted Anxiety and other major health problems But honestly even after all of this I still keep a smile on my
  • @funnatopia704
    School-life in a nutshell: I don't care about learning, I just want to pass my classes and keep my worth as a member of society.
  • @lazoreffect
    School is all about passing and not actually learning things you will need in life
  • @Astro-vt3bx
    I still want to know how 7 YEARS has gone by and its still the same thing and no one has been able to change the way school functions 😔
  • @trp
    It's crazy how this video is 7 years old now yet we still are in the same dilemma
  • @Videobot9000
    Anyone else remember when the teacher would punish everyone because that one hyperactive child wouldn't shut up and do their work?
  • You forgot that school makes children hate learning, so when children are out of school they don’t bother to go to a museum or a historical landmark because that is considered as learning.
  • @happysloth4441
    School has always felt like a box to me. Always doing the same things over and over, and it has really never ever changed. The school system is not taking notice that each student has a different way of learning and thinking, has different needs, and just needsssss to pay attention more to students mental health. Like in my own experience, math has really never been my strong suit. I have had some teachers who have really helped me with math. Helping find what things help me, well, learn math. And it actually felt more like learning, then just the pressure of having to remember. While on the other hand, other teachers I have had have for math have not even really cared. And even if I ask for help, yes they may help me, but not recognize that I have a different way of thinking and learning when it comes to math. So I just hope one day there will be change.
  • @wisteriaxx
    Honestly, I can agree with the lack of autonomy and room for passion so much. I have a passion for writing, specifically storytelling. Last year at my school, I feel like the writing curriculum was more free and creative. (it was a social studies/writing hybrid). We got to write stories based off of what we studied from that unit (ex. native tribes, colonial days, etc), and we learned crucial writing skills too. The only downside is that we had to take a lot of notes, but I remembered most of it. This year, the curriculum is more restricted. We have to follow a set of instructions on what to write about and how to write it, compared to last year where it was free and creative. The only thing we do is write short essays, but we learn writing skills as well. I really want to improve my story writing skills, so I feel like this system isn’t that flexible to every student. We all learn about the same thing even if we’re not that passionate about it. If you even made it this far, thanks for reading my ted-talk, lol!
  • @pulsar.
    See the most annoying thing is you forget mostly EVERYTHING when growing up. And you think "what a waste of time."
  • @lukefox718
    Modern education isn't about learning anymore, just passing.
  • @APQ17
    This is all so true. Especially the part about the differences in the way people learn. School feeds everybody the same meal, and doesn't think about how some kids have allergies, or are vegetarian, or gluten-free. Personally, I have ADHD, so in classes like science were it's mostly lectures and memorization, I have trouble focusing, and especially staying committed to a class I couldn't care less about. My teacher didn't care to address these differences, and thought that if you were struggling, it meant you were a failure or on your phone all the time and not listening, not that you simply learned different (and I wasn't on my phone all the time!). Meanwhile, in classes like Drama, I love that class to death because it's interactive, it can engage me, and the teacher sincerely cares and tries to support all his students. What I'm saying is, that even in a class like Science, where I'm not really interested, if they had taught it differently, I totally sure I could've excelled. If it wasn't dependent on lectures and stressful burnouts over studying, every single kid in that class would've done well, instead majority of the class forgetting everything almost instantly, struggling to learn, and being constantly guilt-tripped by their teacher for not doing well. I love watching science videos on youtube (which taught me more than science class ever did), but I hate science class. Half the time I watch videos on the same subjects I was taught. And yet, I'll remember more from videos, and I'll be more likely to seriously think about if after, instead of just to pass a test. But in science class? I nearly fail. The school system needs to stop teaching and everyone the exact same thing, and making it even more stressful for the kids who need something else to catch up. They need to stop feeding everybody the same meal.
  • @TheCouchP0tat0
    For my school we had something called passion projects, where students would make a project out of their passion, and the student with the best project would get award that would have your name on it, but you don’t actually get to keep the award. It just sits in its case in a room where no one can go. I knew this from experience 💀💀💀
  • "If school isn't for sleeping, then home isn't for working" -Someone somewhere probably
  • @ihatelife5464
    The funny things about these schools is that they don’t do anything when the kids get bullied but when a student is wearing a hoodie and is not wearing a uniform. Teachers take it personal.
  • @triccks6184
    This video was made 6 years ago, and basically nothing has changed. Soon, these kids will be the next working class
  • @coldwarveteran
    school is the main reason why I've got really bad anger issues and addictions... It's unreal how much stress im under all the time, and school being one of the main problems.