What Is the Quantum Theory of Matter? | The Theory of Everything: The Quest to Explain All Reality

Published 2023-04-23
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Einstein postulated that light was a particle that retained some of the nature of a wave, and he wasn't far off. He and other legendary scientists like Schrodinger and Bohr led to our understanding of light today. Enjoy their findings in this second part of a two-part video. For the first part, which explains the original wave/particle debate, follow this link:    • Is Light a Particle or a Wave? | The ...  

This video is from the series The Theory of Everything: The Quest to Explain All Reality, presented by Don Lincoln
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00:00 Einstein on the Photoelectric Effect
03:40 Updated Double-Slit Experiment Introduces Conundrum
06:33 The Rutherford Atomic Model
10:42 Bohr Updates Rutherford's Model
14:31 The Schrodinger Equation
16:58 Wave Function and the Copenhagen Interpretation

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#light #schrodinger #quantumtheory

All Comments (21)
  • @TheZimberto
    This is one of the best videos I've watched on this topic. Thanks!
  • @ThePaulTM
    Excellent Video Thank You! The rings separating and passing through the slots would work perfect using Quad Step 288 Harmonic Rings.
  • @dansantos3027
    Recently, during the first week of this month of April, I happened to see few YouTube channels showing how to apply few scientific equations invented by Newton and Einstein in relation to space and time. In the same week I also happened to discover new science of mathematics called Tensor. A tensor is a description of multidimensional geometric configuration of the space structure occupied by a body or wave. It took me less than 30 minutes to learn the basics of tensor. Having this new mathematical knowledge, I immediately see the epistemologies behind the equations being popularized by the inventors of the same. I also realize that Albert Einstein owed us all an apology. Why? Because when Einstein learned the concept of tensor from his friend who was a mathematician, he was able to rectify some scientific equations that were developed before him. The concept of tensor was introduced in the scientific community in 1892 by Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro, Italian mathematician, and Einstein was just 12 y/o then. So, this is to say that Newton knew nothing about tensor. During Einstein's era, only very, very few people around the world understood tensor. So, Einstein took this opportunity to win the Nobel Prize, because he believed that none of his peers clearly understood what tensor really was. So, kept this knowledge about tensor as his trade secret. So, eventually he rectified Newton's equation for predicting the degree of light bending around the sun, and he won a Nobel Prize for this without crediting Newton. All he did was adding up a missing important component of a tensor. Basically, a tensor = no. of dimensions times the no. of directions. So, a planet tensor = 3x2 = 6; and a light tensor = 2x2 = 4. So, when Einstein learned about Newton's equation for light bending: sigma = 2GM/rc^2, he multiplied the coefficient 2 by 2 to complete the equation. And Einstein renamed the modified equation as a constituent of GR. Einstein also visualized that he could also use the same Newton's equation for developing a new equation for predicting the planet precession. Historically, Newton speculated that light might also behave like particle since he got extensive experience experimenting with light. So, to determine whether the speed of light could be reduced by gravity, he initially formulated the equation sigma = v^2/c^2 just to verify if light direction was bendable. If sigma is equal to unity, then the light direction is not bent; and if sigma < 1, then light is bendable. When Newton realized that light was bendable, all he had to do was to modify his initial equation to make an accurate prediction. Since the reduced velocity of light was not observable, he replaced it by saying that v^2 = GM/r, because the radius of the sun was observable; thus, sigma = GM/rc^2. When Newton realized his prediction was not accurate, he then multiplied his equation by 2, but still not accurate enough, because he knew nothing about tensor. And Einstein took this opportunity to win a Nobel Prize again by developing an equation for predicting the planet precession. So, to avoid being accused of plagiarizing Newton's works as well as to impress the scientific community, Einstein applied the average angular velocity of the planet instead of applying GM by saying that v = 2(pi)L/T. Where, L = semi-major axis; T = orbital period. Since Einstein knew about the tensor of the planet, he then included the tensor in his equation by saying that t = 3x2 = 6 as well as the circular sector by saying that S = pi/(1 - e^2), where e is the eccentricity. So, then we can say that sigma = Stv^2/c^2 = [pi/(1 - e^2)](6)[2(pi)L/T]^2/c^2 = 24(pi^3)(L^2)/(T^2)(c^2)(1 - e^2).
  • I've always wondered if a photon propagates space in 2-dimensional form and then returns to a 3-dimensional form upon encountering interference. When you reduce a 3-dimensional object down to 2-dimensions, it must compensate for the missing dimension by spreading itself out. This is why the photon "appears" to be in all possible positions when in actuality we're only observing a single reference point of a photon's 2-dimensional propagation. This would also explain why you don't see the "brightness" of light until a photon encounters some type of interference. The question would then be: "How wide does a 3-dimensional photon become when it's reduced to only two dimensions?"
  • @nobunaga240
    Don Lincoln is absolutely top man in explaining very very tricky stuff!
  • @sene8675
    Good lecture. One side note: It is important not to supplant perplexing with confusing, as the lecturer did at the end of the video. These two words describe qualitatively different situations.
  • @JungleJargon
    Things with mass exist in limited distance and slowed down time. Things without mass aren’t limited by distance or time.
  • The simplest explanation is that light is a wave with particle characteristics as a probabilistic future unfolds photon by photon. This idea is supported by the fact that light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’.
  • @helicalactual
    A wave acting particlelike resolves your problem in the way you resolve. This problem is think of minimum surface tension necessary to create drop of water. There’s a quantized amount. A drop falls from the faucet like a particle.
  • @kostuek
    "motion" is a macroscopic concept on its own, if one is to abandon it too, then the wave function is not governing the motion, but the causal connection between two events "emit" and "detect". in the macroscopic world we make this connection through motion of a particle or a wave, but it seems its not how it works at the bottom of things
  • Most of those who saw this video missed out on one account, mentioned only once, that wave collapse to particles when 'observed'. The reason why physicists don't want to mention OBSERVERS is automatic implication of an observer from outside, like cosmic consciousness, who maybe thought of as divine designer. Maldacena is outspoken on this and admit the 'unprovable' reality. This enabled him to conjecture that the whole universe is a QC function, with no known algorithm.
  • 👍thanks a lot sir. I'm here learning and please don't erase my time-marks, like, 2:34 ... 3:05 each photon could knock out an electron and initiated spark. ... so we are left with a truly mind-bending conundrum. .... Young's double slit experiment had proved without a doubt that light acted like a wave, and yet the photoelectric effect showed without a bdoubt that the photon was a particle and since a wave is nothing like a particle and a particle is nothing like a wave that's a huge problem. it's as if the photons were both a wave and a particle. 3:33 6:08 the best regarded explanation is truly hard to get your head around the idea is the motion of photons is governed by waves in fact the waves are thought to describe probabilities and when we detect the particle the wave collapses instantaneously. 6:22 6:40 J. J. Thomson Plum Pudding model 7:13 i911 Ernest Rutherford. 8:13 here's the reason: classical electromagnetism explains in very specific detail what happens when an electric charge is acclerated and if an electron is orbiting a nucleus it's constantly being accelerated towards the nucleus, classical electromagnetism predicts that an acclerated charge will emit electromagnetic radiation basically it gives off electromagnetic energy like radio waves and if the electron is giving off energy then that means it's losing energy and if it loses energy it will spiral down into the nucleus of atom and the whole process will take place in about 16 trillions of a second (1/1.6x10^-13 second). 10:08 Hydrogen absorption spectrum & Hydrogen emission spectrum. 10:46 in 1913 Danish physicist Niels Bohr made an utterly revolutionary suggestion. 12:40 Louis de Broglie (1892 - 1987) ... so while the wave nature of the electron was pretty mind-blowing it did have one very positive aspect it explained the Bohr atom. Bohr's model of the atom had a series of energy levels that were discrete but Bohr's model didn't explain while de Broglie's idea made everything clear. 13:58 the idea is the following if an electron is a wave and it has to fit in an orbit surrounding an atom the wave must then fit in the orbit that means the orbit must be a fixed number of wavelengths. 14:12 14:50 Erwin Schrodinger (1887 - 1961) invent in 1925 what is now called the Schrodinger equation. The sider term describes the particle and its kinematic properties. The H with a hat over it is a way of extracting the energy of the particle and of course the term on the right is the partial derivative with respect to time of the PSI function which if the situation is static is also the energy. This compact equation is the explanation for all of atomic physics and all of chemistry. 15:27 it's worth spending a moment talking about how this equation has such a huge impact on chemistry. draw your attention to this particular symbol the Greek letter PSI, it embodies all of our understanding of the electron in the atomic realm. PSI is what we call a wave function the wave function describes the electron both its location and its energy. If you solve the Schrodinger equation for a free particle which just means a particle in an empty space with no nearby electric fields, the wave eqation is just that a wave wiggling up and down. However in the vicinity of an atomic nucleus the wave function talkes on different shapes, stealing some language from the Bohr atom the two lowest energy orbitals are spherical while the third is shaped like a dumbell. A dumbbel higher energy orbital take on an increasingly complicated shapes. But the shapes aren't as important as the physical significance of the wave function. so let's just pick the dumbbell shaped one for purposes of illustration we see the shape here. 18:01 what does it mean? a very good question and one that's still puzzles scientists. it could be that it describes where an electron is, but that doesn't seem to be quite right. 18:13
  • @nycest14u2nv
    It's because it's quantum mechanics, basically the building blocks of reality. A lot of people struggle with it. Simply put, the photons behave like a wave (probability actualized) where all "potential" paths the light can take occur simultaneously. Almost like seeing all potential timelines happening at once. When a detector measures this behavior, it goes back to behaving like a single particle and takes a single path. Basically what scientists have been trying to figure out is why the simple act of observing and collecting data on the path of the photon collapses the probability wave and behaves like a singular photon, taking a singular path.