Pokémon Generation 2 Hates Itself and Why You Should Love It

Published 2024-05-27

All Comments (21)
  • @ProfessorBopper
    This comment section is how I learned Angel Hernandez retired
  • This video would be perfect, if not for the unwarranted Totodile SLANDER
  • @fossfox
    The entire first argument is courtroom lawyer speech-tier BS, I love it
  • @resyrum5301
    This video is amazing, but you made the fatal error of assuming I care for the opinions of a Totodile hater
  • @Dracokey54
    Nothing could have possibly been more unhinged and funny than going "Are the adolescent bird from these two different beloved children's cockfighting games the same? For answers, we turn to ancient philosophers."
  • @Ricekrispy10
    This guy referenced Greek philosophers and a publicly disliked MLB umpire in his video about Gen 2 Pokémon. Incredible.
  • @LilyLinko
    Might be yelling out into the void a bit with this one - but I've always felt that gen 2 had the best sound design of the entire franchise. G/S/C specifically, not the remakes. The sound effects, and especially the music, just make SUCH effective use of the GBC's limited sound hardware, and are just such masterpieces of composition... I cannot think of a single other thing that so perfectly evokes a spirit of adventure as the gen 2 games do. The highs, the lows, the excitement, the melancholy, everything... the sound alone highlights gen 2 as one of the peaks of the franchise for me.
  • @Ocarinist_Drew
    I think it's important for people to realize that when these games came out, nobody saw them as "Gen 2". These were seen as "Pokemon but better". These were the sequals to RBY, and they only came out a few years later. Nobody was sick of Gen 1 Pokemon yet. Nobody was sick of Kanto yet. We were just happy to have more Pokemon games. There wasn't this huge distinction between Gen 1 and Gen 2 mons.
  • @NanoSwarm
    Gen 2 is perfect if you were a dumbass 5 year old like me who barely understood reading and beat the entire game with a weepinbell using slam. So many weird random events and things and secrets, it really felt like anything was possible in those games.
  • @BlitzWhat
    It wouldn't be any fun to run six of the same Pokemon. But three Donphan, one of whom is a robot? Now that's entertainment.
  • @cyrusrule3164
    "Some pokemon, like sunkern and hoppip, wouldn't fit as boss pokemon for the same reason you wouldn't use pidgey or metapod or kakuna as boss pokemon" pidgey and metapod and kakuna on screen as boss pokemon
  • @rcrude8866
    Its time, lets go youtube Algorithm, make it two in a row. Edit: Don't you think I didn't hear that Yakuza 0 ost regarding steelix.
  • @discobites
    23:51 Unown is so obscure that even the pro doesn’t know what it’s movepool is
  • @gkdunch
    using advanced baseball stats to compare pokemon is why I'm here
  • Excellent video. Unless you were there, it would be hard to explain how there weren’t “generations” when G/S came out. It wasn’t an ongoing series, it was closer to an expansion pass than anything else. People loved seeing the original 150 Pokemon again. It is only after the following half dozen generations when “Gen 2” became (mis)understood as its own standalone “generation”. BW and BW2 had more time between their releases than RBY and GS, and it’s only really because of their naming conventions that we don’t see GS as sequels, and this judge their Pokemon distribution the same way.
  • You know it's a bopper video when the prisoners in the cave become relevant. come on guys, these are two totally different pidgeottos. GOSH I love the egg versus onix comparison, it's so funny. I love these over-the-top deep dives and I love your justification of a game that most pokemon players just tend to overlook without preamble. Speak your mind king <3
  • Angel Hernandez must have heard your joke about him and announced his retirement lmao. You have done a service for not just the game of baseball, but for the entire world, and we thank you profusely.
  • @rockeater64
    the touhou project jumpscare was crazy i was about to fall asleep and suddenly i see clownpiece on my screen
  • I’ve always thought that the apparent lack of gen 2 pokemon in johto is because gen 2 wasn’t a new gen in the same vain that later games were new gens, but rather it was an expansion of the original games. The familiar 151 was the fundamental pokemon experience, and so the 100 johto pokemon were only meant to enhance the existing roster, not replace them as the primary set of pokemon to find. It’s like a movie sequel that adds a new character: the main character and his or her friends are still the focus, but the new character just adds a new dynamic to the group.